Keep your mouth shut if you've got nothing to say.
—Dagmar Dreeno
Dagmar Dreeno was born on Kamino. As a young boy, Dagmar's parents were killed on Felucia during Order 66. Fortunately, Dagmar was not killed, but he had severe burns all over his body. When he was taken back to Kamino, he had all of his skin replaced. After staying there for nine years, he found an old Porax-38 and fixed it up on his own. He escaped Kamino and landed on Utapau where he met a girl named Mayra and her older brother, Lane. He brought Mayra with him to Coruscant where they were captured by a former Jedi named Clay Kenney. Dagmar and Mayra joined Clay to help him in his personal fight against the Empire.
Personality and Characteristics[]
Did you just say you loved me?"
"I said I loved your, uh, well, uh, HAIR, yeah, hair. Let's go with that. Yeah. Hair. Well, see ya."
"Right. Sure. Bye. (Sighs) I wish he'd said it. He knows he thinks it, and I'm not clueless.
—Mayra and Dagmar onboard the Dha Verda.
After Dagmar's parents died, he didn't know what to do. In his adult years, he would have been described as "talkative" or "humorous". But as a young child on Kamino, he was always mad or unhappy. When he joined Mayra and Mandalorian Clan Verda, his attitude started becoming more positive. He was exceptionally caring about Mayra because of her feelings. These sparks developed into stronger feelings, and, very soon, love.
Dagmar wasn't very handy with mechanical tools, but he was taught how to fix the four droids that he and Clan Verda kept on the Dha Verda. He had a sense of humor that annoyed Clay while under fire,while he used the annoyance time to get more kills. His favorite weapon was the DC-17 commando blaster. He kept a suit of Katarn Republic Commando armor in his storage closet.
Dagmar only had one relationship, with Mayra. Mayra gave Dagmar a gift when she met him; an old lightsaber that she found back on Raxus Prime. Every once in a while he do the nicest things he could think of for Mayra, for example, a new pet, but he never told her he loved her until two years after they met each other. Due to Mandalorian law, he had to marry her when they were both 16, two years after they met. When they had a son, they were very surprised at how in-tune with the Force he was.
Behind the scenes[]
The authors of the MCV series gave Dagmar his name because, when translated, it literally means "the landfill is burning". When he traveled to Raxus Prime for the first time, he saw a group of Jawas cooking some premade food over a burning pile of flimsi and said "I hope they know they're eating food cooked over a burning landfill." His name was mostly a coincidence, for the authors did not know what the name meant until after they were well into writing the books.