The Force works in mysterious ways."
"Great. Why can't things ever be simple?
—Marrik Quee and Daertha Ollan
Daertha Ollan was a Jedi Knight of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. A female Twi'lek from the planet Commenor, Daertha and her family struggled under the rule of the Galactic Empire. As a result, Daertha was unaware of her Force-sensitivity until her teenaged years. Running away from home, she sought refuge at the Jedi Praxeum, where she was accepted into the New Jedi Order. She eventually attained the rank of Jedi Knight by fighting alongside the Order against admiral Daala and the Empire Reborn.
After earning her Knighthood, Daertha was one of those chosen to serve the new Order as a Jedi Watchman and search the galaxy for Force-sensitive individuals. Daertha discovered Marrik Quee in his exile on Tatooine and was the one to introduce him to the New Jedi Order. The two formed a close mentor-student bond and accompanied each other on missins across the galaxy; despite having the rank of Jedi Knight, Daertha took Marrik as her second Jedi Master.
Alongside her master and fellow Jedi, Daertha fought against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders during the Yuuzhan Vong War, after which she again took to the stars in search of Force-sensitive recruits. As a result, she was absent during the entirety of the Swarm War and the majority of the Second Galactic Civil War; she joined the fighting during the latter stages of the civil war, joining the Jedi Coalition.
Early life[]
Growing up, I thought Commenor was great. All that activity, all that life. I used to hang out with other kids in the spaceports, alleys, anywhere. We weren't wealthy. Mom... mom tried her hardest. I wasn't a good kid. And dad? Dad was... somewhere, I guess. I never knew him.
—Daertha speaking about her childhood.
Daertha was born to a single mother in 7 BBY on the Colonies planet Commenor. While not poor, Daertha and her mother were not wealthy, and struggled to survive as a member of the lower class. She never knew her father: he abandoned the family shortly before Daertha was born, taking a shuttle off-world and was never seen again. While her mother worked to provide for her daughter, Daertha took to the streets after school and hung out with other urchins.
Personality and traits[]
Daertha was a confident woman and was quick to act.
Daertha was an adherent of the Living Force philosophy, at least in the sense that she relied mostly on her instincts and "lived in the present."
Physical description[]

Daertha Ollan, Jedi Knight.
Daertha was a Rutian, possessing a dark blue skin tone. Being a Twi'lek, Daertha possessed the standard humanoid bodyplan but differed greatly due to her lekku and ear "cones". She had no hair but possessed a pair of fine eyebrows. Her eyes were green in color and there were darker blue striped markings on her lekku. She frequently wore a decorative headband.
Notably, Daertha's chosen attire differed greatly from the norm for a Jedi, resembling a suit of flexible armor moreso than traditional Jedi apparel. However, when she took part in ceremonies, she wore standard Jedi robes.
Powers and abilities[]
Lightsaber training[]
Daertha was a practitioner of Form V; while proficient in the classical Shien variant, the Djem So discipline was her preferred lightsaber combat style.
In combat, Daertha relied on a single-bladed dual-phase lightsaber. With the press of a button, Daertha could alter the blade's length from a standard blade to a shorter shoto. The blades were orange and purple in color, respectively. The
Behind the scenes[]
The visual inspiration for Daertha's lightsaber can be found here.