Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

You kidding? It'll take more then a few platoons to take down Dacks.
Dirk Byrant talking about Dacks Anorr

Dacks Anorr was a Jedi throughout the duration of the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. He commanded his Clone troopers alongside that of Dirk Byrant and his padawan Lux Avo. He served in numerous battles against the C.I.S, most notable Battle of Coruscant near the end of the war where he single handedly took out a Separatist dreadnought and saved captured senators. When Great Jedi Purge and Order 66 came into play, it was uncertain on whether he survived his duel with Barid Sal but he re-ermeged with Lux and Dirk in 2 BBY.


Early life[]




Personality and traits[]

Powers and abilities[]

Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
