Star Wars Fanon

Mesa done with the Republic, mesa going to be a criminal, wether yousa guys like it or not!
—Dachir Ki'r to Jedi Masters Huong and Gliek[src]

Dachir Ki'r was a Gungan male criminal who formerly served within the Republic. He was born on Naboo. His parents were killed by the Two Stars Gang which later he joined the Republic. But since his fleet was destroyed by Incel Vor'hasden, he changed his mind about joining the Republic. He killed Jedi Masters Huong and Gilek.


Dachir Ki'r was born on Naboo several years before the Battle of Naboo. During the anniversary of his parents, a criminal broke in the house and killed his parents.

Joining the Republic[]

In 23 BBY, Ki'r decided to join the Republic. He befriended Jedi Masters Huong and Gilek. He commanded his own Venator-class Star Destroyer Obleta becoming the first alien Republic officer.

Killing his friends[]

Dachir what are you doing?
Huong to K'ir before he kills him and Gilek[src]

Around 22 BBY, Ki'r was offered a position in the Two Stars Gang. But he refused, so the leader Incel Vor'hasden attacked his fleet destroying 9 Venator-class destroyers, all of his fighters and 2 light cruisers causing him to be a criminal. Before his friends could stop him, Ki'r killed them.

Life as a criminal[]

Dachir Ki'r was happy with his new job. He felt like these people were his new family. Ironically his brother Motang was a member of the gang. All he said was "Well thatsa ironic".

Behind the scenes[]

Dachir Ki'r first appeared in the Two Stars Gang novel. Bruce Biren, who "wrote" the novel, pictured him as portrayed by Ahmed Best.


  • Two Stars Gang (First appearance)