Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

Archo laev ael chal haa. (Without peace, we are lost.)
—Daalsar Aan

Daalsar Aan was a male Selkath who served as a Jedi Guardian in the Jedi Order. Daalsar was one of the most prominent duelist's in the order and during the Clone Wars would train many more. He would spend most of his time before the Clone War experimenting with scientific projects involving water to make a better healing liquid. Although, once the Clone Wars began, he participated as a High Jedi General with the 734th Battalion that usually fought in water. After the Battle of Mon Cala, Jedi Master Yoda requested to see Daalsar who would train him many new abilities that could help benefit him during battle in the oceans. Soon after, Daalsar successfully completed a new type of bacta mixed with rare kolto water that could heal a major wound in an hour.

Unfortunately, his new healing liquid was stolen by Separatist Operatives and was taken to Mustafar to be examined by Confederate Scientists. Daalsar and his men flew to the lava planet only to find the only sample smashed into pieces on the floor. Grievous had destroyed it earlier as he found it useless because most of their armies were based off droids. The war continued and his battalion was beginning to lose a large amount of casualties ever since the death of Daalsar's clone commander on Mon Cala. In 19 BBY when Order 66 was put into commission, Daalsar was able to escape by force lifting the remainder of his battalion's breathers. After minutes of struggling to find their helmets, the clone troopers were to only see their General's ship escape in a quick matter of time.
