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The Cytebb was a Hardcell-class intersteller transport present that escaped the Galactic Republic attack on Geonosis and fought served the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was commanded by a Geonosian named Stovix the Third during the Clone Wars but was captured by the Galactic Empire after the war. Merill Talxom eventually obtained it for service in COMPNOR's Coalition for Progress and had it modified as a military research and observation vessel. After she was killed when Rebels briefly captured it, Lowiss Palladium became its captain. It was eventually destroyed by the New Republic.
Built on Foerost shortly before the Clone Wars, the Cytebb was sent to Geonosis and put under the command of Stovix the Thrid. When the Republic invaded in the same year Stovix was able to with the ship to Saleucami. They participated in the war effort by landing Confederate droids and troops in several battles such as the Battle of Duro and Second Battle of Ord Zathuun. When Darth Vader shut down all of the Separatist droids in 19 BBY, the Cytebb hid in the Datar system but after a month a crew member named Quoya Zeerdin mutinied and sold out their location to the Empire.
The ship was placed in a field on Veezigin, among millions of tons of other CIS hardware the Empire was not using. As many of the ships and peices of equipment around it were scrapped, the Cytebb was left alone. Finally, in 17 BBY a young female captain in the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order named Merill Talxon was given use of the ship for the Coalition for Progress. It was heavily modified to be used as a military research and observation ship. She used primarily in the Trilon sector and the nearby areas of the Unknown Regions. The ship was typically understaffed while Talxon was in command. While observing in the Gunter Wade system in 0 ABY they encountered a Judas Corporation scoutship called the Thirty Pieces and hailed it but received no reply. A week later, Rebel Group MT50 captured the ship. Talxon and most of the CompForce soldiers with her were killed in the fight.
The Rebels gave the ship to a Judas Corporation officer, Lowiss Palladium, shortly after the attack and she took it to the Vasha system. Ruth Sundoraid of the ISB discovered the location of the ship and launched a mission to recover it. She succeeded and Lowiss Palladium defected to the Empire, receiving command of the vessel. After the death of Palpatine in 4 ABY she took the ship to her homeworld of Elceev to where she became baroness of the planet, because her brother, the previous baron of Elceev, had died on the second Death Star. She made the Cytebb a part of her family's small, Empire-loyal starfleet and made a Klorrean named Otto Kirusk captain of the ship. It was destroyed when they battled with sector forces over Elceev in 7 ABY.