Star Wars Fanon


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Rise of the Empire era

The Cult of Exposure was a secret society that existed during the Rise of the Empire era. It was eventually destroyed by 3X-AK2R.


Evallon Messine founded the society in 648 BBY to expose the real or imagined corruption of individuals she felt had goals contrary to her agenda. She recruited members from the ranks of celebrities, particularly holonet personalities, to assist her. The Gran billionaire Obon Koloth took over after Messine mysteriously vanished in 631 BBY. By 624 BBY the GenoHaradan was considering destroying the small order of individuals that had become deluded into genuinely believing they were dedicated to exposing the corruption of the Republic. However, after one of their members, Siord Sovv, learned that Petr Malex was the son of Aquaina Valorum, Elderous Valorum hired the assassin droid 3X-AK2R to destroy them.


So You’ve Crossed the Individual Who Happens to be My Current Employer (First appearance)
