The Crom Territory was a territory in Bajorcia on the western hemisphere of Aantooine which was fought for by many factions over a period of 50,000 standard years. It was covered with vast valleys and was bounded by mountains and water.
The most well known of these conflicts was the semi-historical Serpent's War, where Humans of the Army of Crom and Skeen fought each other. Because much mythology paralleled historical fact, it remains unclear whether this war even happened.
The territory changed with hands over time but was as small as 300 square kilometers and as large as 20,000 square kilometers. Its definite boundaries were created by the Pejat Ocean to the south and the Zysla Mountains to the north. The territory's last known expanse covered 8,600 square kilometers, mostly due to fractionalization of larger neighboring territories and others usurping land.