Star Wars Fanon
New Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

The Crees'tuf was the elected leader of the P'w'eck Confederation. The word meant "first servant" in Ssi-ruuvi and was intended to reflect the ideal of the newly liberated P'w'ecks that the leader of their government would lead and serve rather than ruling, as the Shreeftut had done. The Crees'tuf was elected by and from among the legislators in the Crees'yith'p'w'eck, the Confederation legislature, and was essentially a Prime Minister.

Powers and duties[]

The Crees'yith'p'w'eck handled most internal affairs of the Confederation, delegating to the Crees'tuf the responsibilities of foreign and military affairs. The Crees'tuf's first and primary duty was to defend the Confederation against the remnants Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Though the Crees'yith'p'w'eck exercised little formal jurisdiction over the Crees'tuf's areas of responsibility, they could impeach and remove him with a seventy percent supermajority, and so exercised the power of passing "advisory resolutions" to express their will to the Crees'tuf.


Kweerikirr was Crees'tuf from at least 142 ABY to 149 ABY, and negotiated the formal alliance between the P'w'eck Confederation and the Golden Empire. By 154 ABY he had been replaced by Shfithi.
