Star Wars Fanon

The Council of Reconciliation was one of the four councils of the Jedi Order that existed during the time of the Galactic Republic, being responsible for managing the Order's relations with states, representing Jedi interests abroad, and serving as advisors to the Galactic Senate or other governments. Although it often worked closely with the Republic Diplomatic Office, the Reconciliation Council was independent of the Republic and functioned as the diplomatic arm of the Jedi Order. The Order's Jedi Consulars were trained as diplomats, ambassadors, and political theorists.

Jedi diplomats accredited to a government held the ecclesiastical and diplomatic title of Apostolic Consul instead of the usual Ambassador, as used by other governments and factions (i.e. the Apostolic Consul to the Galactic Republic). It was to signify the unique nature of a Jedi diplomatic mission and was legally considered the equivalent of an ambassador. A Jedi embassy was called an Apostolic Consulate.
