Star Wars Fanon

The Council of Reassignment was the Jedi Order's administrative body tasked with oversight of the Jedi Service Corps. While each branch of the Service Corps had its own Council overseeing internal matters, the Reassignment Council organized membership, leadership and long-term goals for each lesser council. Organized just before the end of the New Sith Wars, the Council of Reassignment was the youngest of the Order's four primary Councils. Originally stationed on Coruscant, the Council relocated to Ossus following the Clone Wars and expanded the Service Corps by adding an additional three branches. Convening within the Service Corps Tower in the heart of the city of Knossa, the Council consisted of seven members representing each of the Service Corps branches.


Organized just a few years before the Ruusan Reformations passed through the Galactic Senate, the Council of Reassignment was a five-member body designed to serve as an internal regulatory system. Tasked with the direct oversight of the Jedi Service Corps, the Council met within the northeast tower of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where they deliberated over the problems of the galaxy and where to next deploy their Service Corps workers. Taking advantage of a massive holomap of the galaxy located directly below their meeting chamber, red hazard points highlighted worlds which were considered by members of Jedi Command as needing the Council's immediate attention. Since their founding, the Council consisted of two permanent members and three temporary members who served on a rotating basis, switching out after serving a five year term. All members were also members of the High Council unless another Master volunteered to fill a vacant seat.

Leading the Service Corps meant monitoring Jedi Initiates and their progress through the academy system. If an Initiate failed to pass their Initiate Trials or the Force proved weak within them, it was the Council's duty to divert them from the path of a Jedi Knight an reassign them to a Service Corps academy. For this reason many Initiates viewed joining the Service Corps as a sign of failure, a view the Council rejected. The Service Corps' work provided much needed care across the galaxy and touched far more lives directly and more visibly then did the Order of Jedi Knights. In addition to the Initiates who failed out of the academy, those who were not selected as Padawans, or those Padawans who failed to pass their Trials of Knighthood were assigned spots within the Service Corps by the Council. Aside reassigning failed students, the Council filled out the Service Corps' ranks by assigning Jedi Knights and Masters to serve in leadership capacities.

Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Council of Reconciliation underwent a massive overhaul in composition. Instead of serving as simply an advisory board made up of members of the High Council and other volunteering members, the Council was reconstituted to be a more specialized body that could pull the resources of each of the Service Corps' branches to address widespread issues plaguing individual worlds. With the addition of three additional branches, the Council expanded to include seven members, each of whom served a five-year term, excluding one serving for life, and each was a members of a corresponding department.

The Council of Reassignment had seven subsidiary Councils which answered to it: the Council of AgriCorps Masters oversaw the Agricultural Corps; the Circle of Healers organized the Medical Corps; the Librarians' Assembly maintained the Educational Corps; a group of Masters and Knights guided the Exploration Corps; the Council of Site Preservation and Construction supervised the Builder Corps; the Council of Judgment presided over the Security Corps. With each of these groups actively enrolling failed Jedi, active Jedi Knights and Masters, and now open to non-Forceful individuals allied to the Order, the Service Corps' membership grew exponentially with the rest of the Order.


Name Species Date of joining Date of leaving Division Membership length Replacing Replaced by
Vokara Ché Twi'lek 10 BrS Year 16 Medical Corps Life-term Unidentified Unidentified
One of the most respected healers of her time, Chief Healer Vokara Ché presided over the Halls of Healing at the Coruscant Temple for several decades and thus worked closely with the Circle of Healers charged with guiding the Medical Corps.
Kazic Moonwood Mirialan 13 BBY 9 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Vokara Ché Irkaniel Kardal
Irkaniel Kardal Fraii Wys 9 BBY 5 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Kazic Moonwood Dari Sobusk
Dari Sobusk Trooshti 5 BBY 0 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Irkaniel Kardal Trin Turnell
Trin Turnell Quokran 0 BBY 4 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Dari Sobusk Towan Navarr
Towan Navarr Yahk-Tosh 4 BBY 9 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Trin Turnell Adorn Maru
Adorn Maru Whaladon 9 BBY 14 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Towan Navarr Rax Tolen
Rax Tolen Ipharin-Da'Lor 14 BBY 19 BBY Medical Corps Limited-term Adorn Maru Gunther Un-Haku
Tra's M'ins Aramandi 21 BBY 17 BBY Exploration Corps Short-term Saesee Tiin Luxum
A leading member of the Exploration Corps, M'ins sought to increase membership within this field and
Cin Drallig Human 27 BBY 22 BBY Security Corps Short-term Unidentified Tera Sunbé
The recently appointed battlemaster at the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Cin Drallig was the head of Temple security and protector of its students. During his time on the Council, Drallig strove to ensure that the Temple's security forces were more coordinated, determined to better protect the Temple in light of growing security threats from Separatist and anti-Jedi forces. Drallig requested a increased budget to inspect security doors throughout the underused ancient megastructure of the Temple complex, receiving a grant to replace any and all doors which no longer met modern security standards.
Tera Sunbé Cosian 22 BBY 18 BBY Security Corps Short-term Cin Drallig Ayadura Sork
Ayadura Sork Sauvax 18 BBY 13 BBY Security Corps Short-term Tera Sunbé Dond Fedio
Dond Fedio Iyra 13 BBY 9 BBY Security Corps Short-term Ayadura Sork Elvee Kjan
Elvee Kjan Neimoidian 9 BBY 6 BBY Security Corps Short-term Dond Fedio Coleman Kcaj
Coleman Kcaj Ongree 6 BBY 1 BBY Security Corps Short-term Elvee Kjan Tare Zem
Tare Zem Vor 1 BBY 3 ABY Security Corps Short-term Coleman Kcaj Saalia Zarmer
Saalia Zarmer Filar-Nitzan 3 ABY 7 ABY Security Corps Short-term Tare Zem Cuzao Thiddex
Cuzao Thiddex Gurlanin 7 ABY 12 ABY Security Corps Short-term Saalia Zarmer Ava Daggoth
Ava Daggoth Aganof 12 ABY 17 ABY Security Corps Short-term Cuzao Thiddex Stanza Sturm
Stanza Sturm Rishii 17 ABY 21 ABY Security Corps Short-term Ava Daggoth Dabri Auqom
Dabri Auqom Pulra 21 ABY 26 ABY Security Corps Short-term Stanza Sturm Anya Precore
Anya Precore Ixll 26 ABY 31 ABY Security Corps Short-term Dabri Auqom Elaiza Rholar
Elaiza Rholar Arhan 31 ABY 36 ABY Security Corps Short-term Anya Precore Eirta Oldin
Eirta Oldin Frecker 36 ABY 41 ABY Security Corps Short-term Elaiza Rholar Jeran Rool
Jeran Rool Moorjhoni 41 ABY 46 ABY Security Corps Short-term Eirta Oldin Broc Longstar
Broc Longstar Mere 46 ABY 51 ABY Security Corps Short-term Jeran Rool Unidentified
Mezera Heepia Purpilian 18 BBY 13 BBY Builder Corps Short-term N/A Desvendil
Desvendil Noldorian 13 BBY N/A Builder Corps Life-term Mezera Heepia N/A
Lubimira Sendis Woostoid 19 BBY 14 BBY Educational Corps Short-term Unidentified Kazdan Lblanda-Dol
Kazdan Lblanda-Dol Rodian 14 BBY 9 BBY Educational Corps Short-term Lubimira Sendis Unidentified
Parasam Hijnik Ho'Din 20 BBY 15 BBY Agricultural Corps Limited-term Unidentified Darkus Mia
Darkus Mia Fia 15 BBY 10 BBY Agricultural Corps Limited-term Parasam Hijnik Cebidan Hi'sa
Cebidan Hi'sa Drakkmaren 10 BBY 5 BBY Agricultural Corps Limited-term Darkus Mia Unidentified
Ylenic It'kla Caamasi 19 BBY 14 BBY Diplomatic Corps Short-term Unidentified Dymytyr Vass
Dymytyr Vass Human 14 BBY 9 BBY Diplomatic Corps Short-term Ylenic It'kla Pret Jordan
Pret Jordan Calibop 9 BBY 4 BBY Diplomatic Corps Short-term Dymytyr Vass Phiri Sarbanel
Phiri Sarbanel Hysalrian 9 BBY 4 BBY Diplomatic Corps Short-term Pret Jordan Unidentified