Star Wars Fanon

The Jedi Temple on Coruscant long served as the headquarters of the Jedi Order; from the conclusion of the Great Sith War until the end of the Clone Wars and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic, and dormitory facilities. Located in a district of Coruscant under the sovereign control of the Order, the Temple and its surrounding facilities were sealed to all but the Jedi and their allies, with very few public areas despite being funded by taxpayer-dollars. Undergoing several periods of expansion throughout the millennia, the Temple was abandoned and destroyed on several occasions during the Old and New Sith wars, undergoing occupation by different factions and Orders throughout its history. After each occupation, the Jedi Order would return and reclaim the Temple with the assistance of the Galactic Republic. It was not until 16 GrS that the Order would permanently relocate its headquarters and main academy from the Coruscant Temple, moving instead to their old fortress world of Ossus and rebuild their ancient stronghold while cutting many of their ties with all galactic governments. The Temple of Coruscant would remain a sacred place for the Order, and was converted into a bustling political academy; focusing on educating Jedi Knights interested in becoming ambassadors, diplomats, and political theorists to either the Republic or the Confederacy of Independent Systems. While the other governing Councils relocated to Ossus, the Council of Reconciliation maintained their headquarters on the galactic capital world and served alongside the Temple's administrative body.


Commissioning a fortress; building a retreat[]

This Temple shall serve to shine light into the halls of democracy, to bring our flame close to the Core once more, and to establish a stronghold for justice among the Order's staunchest supporters. May the Force resonate outward from this most sacred spire, and the inhabitants feel secure as the Jedi keep the watch from this Temple Mount
—Grand Master Otta Cinn at the dedication ceremony of the Temple in 4,960 BrS.

The origins of Coruscant's Temple date back many centuries before the Great Hyperspace War when, at the end of the conflict the Galactic Republic granted the Jedi permanent control over a sacred mountain which contained a powerful Force nexus. A holy place for the local Coruscanti, the Sacred Spire was home to several temples and monasteries in use since time immemorial. The Republic hoped that granting the Order permanent use of the land would encourage them to build a massive fortress like those they had established on Ossus, Falang Minor, and Haashimut. However, the Order did not wish to entangle themselves with the politics of the capital or become a symbol of war and opted to build only a small meditative enclave among the other structures. During a small ceremony, Grand Master Otta Cinn traveled from Ossus to dedicate the enclave, while subtly warning the Supreme Chancellor that further dark deeds like the slaughter on Korriban would not be looked upon kindly by the Order.

During its earliest years, the enclave on Coruscant was maintained by Jedi Master Anavus Svag, a Jedi Guardian whose tactical skills and combat experience did not diminish his architectural engineering genius. Erecting stone terraces and retreats along the slopes of the Sacred Spire, Svag's crews of Jedi builders dug out caverns in which the Force pulsated deep within the heart of the mysterious nexus held within the natural rock. Long after Svag became one with the Force, construction continued in the same style as Svag had laid down, and over the millennium four wings of towering stone structures stemmed from the Sacred Spire; each marking a cardinal direction. Connected by labyrinthine corridors and halls, the towering stone spires and obelisks were impenetrable by outsiders as only the Force could guide one through the Temple. By 3,965 BBY, the Temple complex was equipped with a small reading library and storehouse where certain materials not kept on Ossus were stored and protected; the rest of the facility was devoted to meditation chambers, lecture halls, dining facilities, and sleeping quarters. The Temple's minimally-adorned stone facade would serve as a symbol to Republic citizens that the Order maintained a simple life devoid of gaudy temples and accommodations.

It wasn't until the Old Sith Wars saw the devastation of Ossus and the Great Jedi Library that the Order decided to re-establish its academy at the Sacred Spire. At the behest of the Order's wisest thinkers and Grand Master Nomi Da'Boda, Master Redorik Seyley began the painstaking task of building the Order a more permanent headquarters. Deciding to focus the Temple at the top of the Sacred Spire, Master Seyley foresaw Coruscant's ever-upward soaring skyline and desired to see the Temple remain a prominent structure for centuries to come. To this end Seyley ordered massive black pylons be installed around the existing structure, bringing "ground level" up to Level 5,125 leaving the Temple to encompass the top one kilometer of the Sacred Spire's summit. The main level of the Temple would henceforth consist of columns and supports to bear the weight of the upper structure. Now, with the peak of the Spire emerging from the top of the Temple's rooftop, Seyley laid the framework for the Temple Precinct to grow from the base of the Temple at artificial ground level outward. To accommodate the new Level 1 of the Temple, Seyley order the construction of the Main Hall at the base of the western wing of buildings which would then empty into a Great Hall where the Order could gather and access the enclosed slopes of the Sacred Spire.

While work progressed relatively quickly, it became imperative that the Order have some sort of base while the Temple was under construction. Deciding to construct a single tower in a broad plaza adjacent to the Sacred Spire, the tower would house the offices and meeting chamber of the Jedi High Council as well as a small storehouse to keep some of the oldest texts not kept on Exis Station or within the Temple proper's small archives. As the construction continued, Grand Master Vrook Lamar requested that the Temple proper receive some attention as work had only largely been done on its "sub-levels" within the Temple Precinct's framework which were designed to be largely empty save for storage space and room to grow into later. Observing from the Council spire a block away, Lamar observed Master Seyley's progress with reservations that the project would never be completed. When the Mandalorian Wars erupted on the Outer Rim, the Order's attention was turned to keeping Revanchist Jedi from separating from the Order. During the seventeen year conflict, Master Seyley oversaw the designing and construction of the Room of a Thousand Fountains; a massive greenhouse which cemented the Temple's northwestern corner and decorated with a stained-glass mosaic commemorating those lost during the war. On top of the greenhouse, Seyley placed an expansive detention facility in which the Order could house the Sith warriors they captured during times of conflict. In 3,963 BBY, as the Temple's lower levels were being finalized the Jedi Council Tower nearby was attacked and many Jedi were killed in the Archives and the comm center while the High Council led an attack on the Draay Estate; a Jedi-owned complex which had served as the headquarters of the clandestine Draay Covenant. During the raid, Master Seyley was killed when the Republic Navy bombarded the estate from orbit. Halting work on the Temple, the Jedi concentrated their efforts on resolving the Mandalorian conflict and preventing the Revanchist movement which was threatening to tear the Order asunder.

Progress and destruction[]

Our time has come. For over 300 years, we prepared. We grew stronger. While you rested in your cradle of power, believing your people were safe…protected. You were trusted to lead the Republic but you were deceived, as our powers over the dark side had blinded you. You assumed no force could challenge you and now…finally…we have returned.
—Darth Malgus during the invasion of the Jedi Temple.

When the Mandalorian Wars ended, the Order was greatly weakened and unprepared for the next great conflict: the Jedi Civil War. As a massive schism racked the Order's ranks, the Temple on Coruscant was abandoned and the Jedi dispersed across the galaxy. Following the Civil War's conclusion, the Order High Council regrouped on Coruscant and brought several Revanchist Jedi to trial at the High Council Spire with the incomplete Temple lying largely vacant out their windows. Their brief return was not to last however; not two years after the end of war, a triumvirate of Sith appeared on the scene and initiated a Jedi purge which would further reduce the Order's numbers to no more than 200 members. It wasn't until after the end of the Dark Wars that the Temple saw any further expansion.

With the reestablishment of the Jedi Order by Meetra Surik, she and her students set out to reclaim the Temple and reboot the teachings of their predecessors. Armed with the knowledge hidden by surviving Jedi spread across the galaxy, Surik's High Council began instructing the first class of new Padawans within the halls of the Temple using what she knew of the Force and drawing heavily from her experiences during the war with the Sith. When the Republic stabilized, Jedi Master Ishale Pahlee began planning for the Temple's growth. Overseeing the construction of several new levels to fill out the empty spaces between the western and southern wings which would come to house many of the Order's training facilities as well as early administrative structures. In addition to incorporating stone tiles and tapestries rescued from Ossus before its destruction, Pahlee designed new spaces such as an indoor lake which took up a four entire levels of the southeastern quadrant of the Temple. The massive stone ziggurat resembled a beacon fire, with glowing orange windows lining the distinct layers of the pyramid and a smoking altar at its apex. At each corner of the stone structure, a single spire was erected to contain the headquarters of a Jedi Council and its agents. Jedi Master Mical Herath and his student, Tionne, vigorously began rebuilding the Temple Archives, restoring and updating the lost database with information from the Civil Wars. While the Jedi remained vastly separate from the Republic Senate, the Jedi continued to serve the member states of the Republic and defend those who could not defend themselves.

By 3,646 BrS, the Temple's exterior had evolved greatly from its original stone facade. Covered in dark durasteel plating, the Temple was lit by orange lights by night; this era marked the facade's most militant appearance. Additional stone walls were erected around the Temple's base, with a large and imposing command tower erected at the center of the ziggurat. Heavily fortified and protected by armed guards as well as the Jedi, the Temple Precinct had grown up around the base of the structure and was dotted with the likenesses of dozens of famed heroes and scholars. For the next 300 years the Temple would stand as a beacon of the Jedi's light in the galaxy, aiding the ailing Republic during the trying Great Galactic War. It was at the climax of this conflict that a dormant Sith Empire returned to the known galaxy and struck at the Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant in 3,618 BrS. Marching up to the gates of the Temple, a raiding party of Sith led by Darth Malgus entered the Temple and slaughtered the complex's main line of defense in order to shut off Galactic City's security network. Bombarding the Temple, the Imperial Navy destroyed the central command tower and collapsed the Council Towers, sending their remains tumbling into the lower levels. The Temple was abandoned for over a decade as a Cold War erupted between the Republic, the Jedi, and the Sith; despite the heavy exterior damage much of the interior remained intact, symbolic of the Order's state of affairs following the attack. After the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant the Galactic Senate voted to hold off on rebuilding the Temple indefinitely due to the lack of funds. Interim Supreme Chancellor Paran Am-Ris informed Grand Master Graal Zym of the vote and promised that the Temple would eventually be rebuilt and the Sith routed. Soon after, Grand Master Zym was anonymously summoned to the Temple ruins where he was assassinated and left among the rubble. Forced to transport all the artifacts that could be recovered from the Temple to several hidden bases used throughout the war, the Order relocated to Tython where they would remain for decades.

Reconstruction and the New Sith Wars[]

When the Jedi finally returned to Coruscant in 3,590 BrS, it was an Order wholly changed. Made up of Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, and the Knights of Zakuul, these individuals had abandoned the Republic and Sith Empire and thrown their support behind the Eternal Alliance, a coalition of former Republic and Imperial servicebeings and politicians who fought and defeated the Eternal Imperium. Ousting a weakened and dysfunctional Galactic Senate from Coruscant, the Alliance Jedi/Sith forces reorganized as a new Jedi Order, serving the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Because of the Order's great leadership and the Jedi's sacrifices, Galactic Alliance Chief of State Marseli Parsh, a former Jedi himself, commissioned the Reconstruction Authority to rebuild the Temple and gift it to the Order in thanks for their service. Establishing themselves in the rebuilt Temple to assert their legitimacy, the new Jedi Order focused on a Force philosophy of Balance punctuated by moral relativism. Cleaning out the Temple and rebuilding what was there took a lengthy amount of time, but the Senate and High Council were determined to find the resources to create a symbol of Alliance-Jedi unity. By 3,465 BrS the Temple finally resembled the structure that had dominated the surrounding skyline for centuries, with its smoking beacon tower and four council spires. While the Jedi were grateful for the new Temple, many within the Order wished to remain separate from the politics of the Senate. With the academy fully occupied and in use, the Order grew steadily and expanded beyond the capital. While many Jedi were already set up in their own private residences around the galaxy, the Order began to centralize once more; despite this, many Jedi of this new Order owned property and maintained titles and wealth from past lives. Under the leadership of the Alliance and Jedi High Council, the Temple saw major expansions such as in 2,484 BrS when Chief Archivist Baraga Soylon oversaw the completion of a new Temple Archives to replace the smaller facilities in the Temple's west wing. Converting the old archives into a museum of Temple history, Soylon opened the four wings of the Archives within the north western portion of the Temple proper. The Coruscant Jedi continued to prosper under the rule of the Galactic Alliance, despite the Sith colonies along the Rim and the Imperial Remnant remaining intact in the northern galaxy. Most Jedi Masters and Knights took up residences in the Temple by the time of Darth Ruin's rise to power. By the time war broke out, the Jedi Temple served as the heart of the Order, while the Academy on Tython remained open as a satellite training ground for younglings.

As the Council began dealing with the Corellian threat of secession, Jedi Knight Jacen Starkiller brought Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya to the Temple. Lumiya had approached Starkiller and told him that he was destined to be a Sith; that through the dark side of the Force, he would be strong enough to defeat the Corellians and restore peace to the galaxy. Skeptical of her reasonings and motives, Solo decided to test her by walking her into the heart of her enemies' fortress; if she could make it through without exposing her hatred of the other Jedi, then he would trust her rationality. While she showed the awe one might expect a visitor to the Temple would display, she kept all other emotions completely checked, and exited the Temple with her new apprentice. Mid-war, the Grand Master's wife was murdered on Kavan by her nephew Jedi Starkiller; a fact that would evade the Jedi for several months. Her body was returned to the Temple for cremation; a ceremony was to take place in the Morning Court with a crowd of Jedi, diplomats, and friends. Soon after, the Tython Academy was attacked by the GAG on Colonel Starkiller's command. Realizing the position they were in, the Council made a bold move over Kuat during a battle with the Confederation by severing their ties to the Alliance and abandoning them mid-battle. Enraged by the embarrassing defeat at Kuat, Colonel Solo ordered the GAG to invade the Temple on Coruscant. Anticipating this, the Council programmed the Temple beacon to warn all Jedi away from Coruscant and to flee to a base established on Shedu Maad during the Great Galactic War. At the Temple, Jedi began evacuating with the assistance of the loyal Temple Caretakers. Draining the Archives of information and escaping with the data through the Undercity, Jedi Lorekeepers successfully preserved the Order's knowledge as Starkiller attempted to eradicate the Council.

When Jedi Starkiller, officially known to the Council as Darth Caedus, was slain the Order began the process of reconciliation between the Alliance and the Imperial Remnant. Allowing Admiral Natasi Daala to ascend to the office of Chief of State, the Jedi returned to the Temple and began business as usual. However, Daala quickly began to use her position to wage war against the Order, ordering the arrest of the Grand Master and demanding that he be exiled from the Temple and all other academies for failure to prevent Caedus' rise to power. During this period, the Council also struggled to control the outbreak of insanity that began plaguing active Jedi across the Core. Demanding that the Temple be opened to Senate-elected supervisor and the press, Daala insinuated her agents inside the Temple; a breach of tradition which had never occurred before. While Interim Grand Master Kenth Hamner permitted Daala's order to stand, Hamner restricted certain areas of the Temple where each supervisor was prohibited from following. Stationing the supervisors inside a former youngling lecture hall, the supervisors required their assigned Jedi to maintain constant contact via a personal comlink. With the psychosis spreading, the Temple's infirmary became home to several Jedi wanted by the Alliance for crimes committed during their public lapse of insanity. Chief Daala ordered that the infirmary be placed under the jurisdiction of the Senate, but was undermined by a secret Jedi sect known as the Darkmeld, who spirited away the deranged Jedi to an academy on Shedu Maad. When Jedi Sothais Saar fell under the same enigmatic madness the other Jedi were suffering from while in the midst of the Avenue of Core Founders, the Alliance military tracked him to the Temple where he was captured by the Jedi. Demanding to take custody of Saar, the Alliance was ordered by Daala to enter the Temple and retrieve the insane Jedi. Hiring Mandalorians to enter the Temple, the Jedi were able to blockade the complex and maintain custody of Saar; though the Mandalorian stole the fabled darksaber from the Temple vaults. Stationing Galactic Alliance Security around the Temple, municipal water, power, and waste pickup were all shut off, forcing the Temple to rely on generators to maintain operational. With the conflict between the Chief of State's office and the Order at its height, the Jedi Grand Master returned to Coruscant and removed Daala from office, putting a triumvirate in place of the Chancellor.

Decades after the peace between the Alliance and the Order began, the Galactic Alliance authorized a Jedi project to terraform several war devastated planets and bring back their original beauty. After the success of the project to terraform one hundred worlds, the Sith Order led by Darth Krayt sabotaged the project to ensure that the Jedi were blamed for the terrible diseases and plagues that broke out across the galaxy. As a result of this tampering, plants began mutating and the inhabitants of the planets began to sprout strange, bony growths. Because the Galactic Alliance had supported this beneficial terraforming under the encouragement of the Jedi, a new secessionist movement erupted and allowed the the Galactic Dominion to take advantage of the weakened control of the galaxy and push the galaxy into conflict. The resulting Sith–Imperial War lasted three years, during which Imperial forces reconquered Coruscant. The Alliance fell and was absorbed into the Dominion; while the Sith launched an assault on the Temple. The Sith and Imperial forces descended upon the Temple to find it mostly empty, with the bulk of the Order fleeing to the stars and others assembling on Tython. Chasing the Order to the Tython Academy, the Sith slaughtered most of the Jedi that had gathered there, including the Grand Master. Shortly after, the Sith turned against Emperor Roan Fel and his Imperial Knights. With half of the Order in hiding far from Coruscant, the Sith Dominion took control of the Temple and Darth Krayt took up residence in the ancient facility. Becoming known as the Sith Palace, the facility was home to the Sith's Knights and Lords who had trained on Korriban. The alchemist Darth Maladi set up her laboratory in the Temple and interrogated Jedi Hosk Trey'lis there to find the location of Cade Starkiller, setting into motion the events which led to the last Starkiller's capture. Krayt sensed Starkiller entering the Temple with the intent on rescuing Trey'lis and had him captured. Following his capture by Sith Hands Darths Nihl and Talon, Starkiller was tortured and abused until a group of heroes rescued him. When Krayt's Dominion was subsequently toppled, the Imperial Knights of Roan Fel's new Galactic Republic secured the Temple and took it as their new home.

Under the rule of Master of the Order Marasiah Fel, the Temple's exterior began to take on its classical appearance. Sloping stone covered the entire ziggurat, with darker stone at its base and copper gutters running down its sides. The original four wings of the Temple jutted away from the main body of the Temple Ziggurat, forming a classical symmetry no longer seen in most Coruscanti architecture. The rooftop of the Ziggurat was covered with lush gardens, plentiful landing pads, and contemplative meditation stations. Commissioning the work of Twi'lek Jedi Master Aima Bintaghr, the High Council took out a massive loan to see the construction of the central Tranquility Spire, which encased the peak of the Sacred Spire and made the Temple the tallest structure for several hundred kilometers. Taking up residence in the tower's summit chamber, the High Council felt it was prepared to take on the Sith threat which continued to plague the Outer Rim. The shortsightedness of the High Council would become glaringly obvious as social decay and collapse dragged on well over six centuries, even with the Jedi Grand Master serving at the Supreme Chancellor. Despite the conflict on the Rim, the Order found the funds to complete Master Bintaghr's vision of four lesser towers surrounding the Tranquility Spire on the Temple roof. Moving the High Council into the southwestern tower's summit chamber in 984 BrS, the Council began to unveil their new champion, Master Skere Kaan, who they promised would end the war on the Order's behalf. Over the next decade, Kaan waged war with the Sith, slaughtering their leaders and bringing their vassals under his own command. When his army was strong enough, he rallied his supporters from within the Order and created the Brotherhood of the Sith; a tool by which he hoped to destroy the Empire and the Order.

In 965 BrS, the Brotherhood was put down by the last of the Jedi Lords and the Order and the Republic were finally free to rebuild. With the Sith threat gone, the Jedi released their hold on the Republic and Chancellor Tarsus Valorum took the helm. Drafting the Ruusan Reformations bill, the Order agreed to consolidate most of their efforts on Coruscant, closing most of their satellite facilities and dismantling the victorious Army of Light. Shirking the militaristic teachings left over from the war with the Sith, Grand Master Fae Coven ushered in a new era of peace within the Order, codifying their tenants and allowing the Order to flourish within the Temple. Reorganizing the High Council, and the Councils of First Knowledge, Reassignment, and Reconciliation, the Temple's spires were each given over to one of these branches of the Order's internal government. To commemorate the Temple's history, Coven oversaw the construction of a series of decorative pylons at the main entrance, the four front pieces each bore a bas relief detailing the likeness of the Masters Svag, Seyley, Pahlee, and Bintaghr; the Four Masters.

Death of the Sith[]

Over the millennium following the Reformations, the Temple prospered under the restored Jedi Order. Healed of the wounds inflicted by the Sith in its upper levels, the Jedi failed to detect the presence of a Sith shrine deep within the sublevels. As the Jedi grew stronger, they ignored the encroaching dark side presence, made stronger by the machinations of Darth Bane's secret Sith Order which survived in the deepest shadows of the galaxy. When the Clone Wars began to threaten the galaxy, the Jedi once more took up the mantle of warriors on behalf of the Republic, taking arms within the rank of the Grand Army and leading troops into battle across the galaxy. The Temple began to militarize as the conflict intensified; lecture halls were converted into strategic planning rooms and dojo more resembled barracks or combat training facilities. The peace of the Temple was shattered on multiple occasions as the separatist forces that opposed the Republic let small strikes on the Temple's fortifications. It was not until the end of the war that the Council learned a terrible truth: the Supreme Chancellor was actually a surviving Sith Lord. Striking swiftly and deftly, the Jedi leader Mace Windu struck down Darth Sidious and took control of the Republic. Realizing that Sidious had manipulated both sides of the conflict, the Jedi-led Republic triumvirate negotiated a peace with the Parliament of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and allowed democracy to resume.

In the week which followed, the Jedi Order underwent a major shift in power as the Jedi High Council was reconfigured and a new Grand Master installed. Entering into a secret conference as the Order's members withdrew from the battlefront and returned home, they emerged after six days to participate in a conclave which was attended by the entire Order. Introducing Tomac Moorcé as the new Grand Master, the veteran and Shadow announced the High Council's intentions to reform the Order and reopen the fortress worlds of Ossus and Tython. Over the next several months, the Temple remained busy as much of the Order recovered from war and meditated in the vast gardens. As the Jedi prepared for the academy and the High Council to leave Coruscant, the Council of Site Preservation and Construction began drawing up plans for the Temple to return it to its pre-war state and also equip it for its new use as an institution of political learning. Reverting strategy rooms to classrooms and reading libraries, the Grand Master instructed to the Council to focus on utilizing the existing infrastructure in the Temple Precinct around and below the Temple proper before expanding the structure. As Jedi began to depart and the Temple emptied, the new Academy Council tasked with maintaining the Temple was convened and took up residence within the old High Council Tower. In the initial time following the Order's move, the Courscant Temple was largely empty, inhabited only by a small number of Knights and Masters tasked with protecting the grounds, assisting the Reconciliation Council and a small staff tasked with maintaining and cleaning the Temple itself.

The Temple would see a major growth in population as soon as the first class of Jedi Journeyers became the first class of post-war Knights. The new political academy housed within the Temple had an inaugural class of twelve young Knights seeking to become diplomats, ambassadors or advisers and were quickly thrown into a challenging course of study. Over the years, more and more Jedi began to return to the Coruscant Temple as students and as instructors. As the Chief Diplomats to the Republic and Confederacy built their support staff within their respective towers, life returned to the Temple and its halls were bustling once more with activity in the post-war era. The Order's Press Secretary began holding biweekly meetings within a newly constructed press box within the Temple's public entrance, while the diplomatic entrance on the Temple's south face was constantly busy with foot traffic from diplomats and senators seeking assistance from the Jedi. In the restored Temple Precinct, the Processional Way terminated at the newly erected Fellowship Plaza, which in turn led to the Galactic Justice Center.

Layout and architecture[]

Don't the Jedi have this reputation for, well, austerity?"
They like you to think that, yes! But have big honking Temple on Coruscant! Not come cheap!

Gar Gastinin and Vilmarh Grahrk

Erected over the peak of the Sacred Spire, a towering natural mountain sprouting from the bedrock of the planet, the Jedi Temple Precinct was located on Level 5,125 of Galactic City, soaring a kilometer over the surrounding plain. For kilometers in every direction, Level 5,125 was the highest structures climbed allowing the Temple to be seen from several hundred districts away. A massive structure, the Temple had the appearance of a fortress but was really a place of meditation and gentle reflection. Erected at the peak of the Sacred Spire, the Temple sat in the center of the Temple Court and was accessed primarily by the Processional Way, a broad promenade which bisected the Court and led to the stairs of the main entrance. Five towers crowned the structure; four smaller towers which held the Jedi Council chambers located on the ordinal-oriented sides of the complex, surrounding a taller, central Tranquillity Spire. The ziggurat shape of the edifice, coupled with the five spires, was designed to symbolized a Jedi's climb to enlightenment through the Force.

The Temple could be divided into wings or quarters for administrative purposes; though for the Jedi, the Temple was a unified entity and utilized by almost every Jedi since its conception until the Order relocated to Ossus. Each quarter was crowned by the tower of the Council which held authority over the specified chambers in the sector of the Temple. The northwestern quarter of the Temple was overseen by the Council of First Knowledge, a body which ran the Jedi academy. Located in this quarter, the Academy was attended by every member of the Order before 19 BBY, while graduation came upon an initiate's selection for further training by a Jedi Master. In the southwestern quarter, the High Council maintained its headquarters and housed the offices of the Service Corps. The nerve center of the Order, this area also housed many training facilities for the practice of lightsaber combat along with the lightsaber construction chamber where Jedi could build or repair their lightsabers with the help of a weapons specialist. Because most of the Temple was restricted to the Order's members only, the northeastern area under the Council of Reassignment was dedicated to the Public Center. Located in the southeastern quarter was the administrative headquarters and diplomatic heart of the Order, an area furnished with many gardens and offices used by the Council of Reconciliation.

Following the Order's move to Ossus, on the Council of Reconciliation retained their presence on Coruscant, converting the Temple's academy into a place of study for Padawans, Knights and Masters interested in learning the skills necessary to become a diplomat or ambassador. Retaining much of the staff, the Temple converted all of its classrooms for younglings into lecture halls or discussion lounges. War rooms were removed in favor of debate halls and military hangars cleared for diplomatic vessels. While the three of the four Councils had moved to Ossus, their old chambers remained unused in the event they should hold a session on the Republic capital world.


The five, free-standing towers of the Jedi Temple complex were supported by a highly-tensile substance known as magnate, which aided in the support of the thin frame of the towers. Serving a variety of different purposes over the millennia, the Order's relocation to Ossus saw many changes to the function of the Temple and the use of its chambers. The central and tallest tower, known as Tranquillity Spire, was built over the last visible peak of the Sacred Spire and was the tallest structure for kilometers. Traditionally the most important tower, Tranquillity Spire once held in its most sacred chamber the ancient texts of the founding Jedi. Once these texts were returned to the Great Library on Ossus, the room was converted into a pyre room, where deceased members of the Order received their last rites. Tranquillity Spire once contained the Hall of Knighthood near its summit, a room used by the Council to elevate its members to the rank of Jedi or Master. With a growing focus on politics, the Reconciliation Council moved its chambers into the old Hall of Knighthood and used these spacious accommodations to hold long deliberations over political matters. The beings who sat on this Council sought to find peaceful settlements to political disputes across the Republic and the Confederacy, regardless of political divisions. Using the Temple veranda within the Tower's wings for conference rooms, private chambers and debate halls, the Council's private transports were moved into the Spire's small hangar beneath the veranda. With many meditation chambers farther below, the Spire was still home to the large memorial statues of the most revered Jedi suspended by repulsorlift pads, over the peak of the mountain around which the Temple was constructed. The peak was surrounded by a meditation balcony with a lower balcony presenting a series of holo-depictions of the history of the Order. From this point the ancient meditation chapels of the Sacred Spire were accessible via stone bridges, passage through which led deep into the mountain's core. On the northern slope was located the Chamber of Conclave, a place that once hosted an annual conclave where outlying Jedi reported to the High Council on important events or projects. The conclave now took place within the Grand Temple on Ossus, with Jedi stationed on Coruscant assembling in the Chamber of Conclave to attend via holoconference.

Crowning each of the Temple spires were reception/transmission antennas which, along with a constant connection to the HoloNet, tapped into the cosmic energy fields of the galaxy itself in order to stay in contact with Jedi on far-flung planets. The central topmast of this unique array was a powerful multi-frequency eradicator/scrambler that when coupled with the eradicators incorporated into the Tower’s frame scrambled all communications in and out of the Temple. Communication bundles in the wall cavities fed data from these masts, through the columns within the Council Chamber, to the Operations Planning Center below. Receiver vanes within the walls of the spire converted signals from hyperspace locations into real-space coordinates before displaying them on the holomap in the central pit of the Planning Center. From here, the location of Jedi stationed anywhere in the galaxy could be pinpointed, and disturbances in the Force or high concentrations of Force energy were displayed on the map by Jedi Command. The Operations Planning Center gave access to the three Contemplation Stations outside, three balconies which granted a rare unobstructed view of the city. Permem incorporated into the Council Chamber’s windows aided in maintaining a constant gravity balance, along with keeping the artificial air supply operational at such altitude. The turbolift that led to each Council Chamber was crafted by great Jedi architects, who incorporated Force-inspired internal dynamics, which allowed for the different sizes and shapes of the Order’s members to ascend the narrow spire. At the base of each Tower was a reception hall that allowed rooftop access of the Temple Ziggurat. Two large bronzium statues flanked the entrance; their lightsabers crossed over the entry. The hall beyond was lined with statues of the great Jedi Masters of old, leading to a bridge that spanned the central shaft that ran up the Tower; suspended in the shaft was a large stone statue of a Jedi. An ancient stairway wound around the shaft, leading up into the heights of the Tower, all the way to the Council Chamber. Fifteen stories below the Council Chamber was a hangar equipped with garages below the floor and an aircraft control station in the ceiling. A retractable landing platform could be extended from the chamber's mouth out over the Temple Ziggurat for easy launches from the hangar.

The southwestern spire was the longtime home to the Jedi High Council, the governing body of the entire Order. After the Order returned to Ossus and the High Council left Coruscant indefinitely, the High Council spire was turned over to the newly formed Coruscant Council as the Academy of Politics' governing body. Consisting of seven members who oversaw the Academy's operations and the maintenance of the Temple grounds, the spire underwent little in way of structural change as its new residents moved in. Now the Operations Planning Room was typically used to determine missions for Jedi Rangers dispatched throughout the star system or neighboring Core Worlds, as well as more far-flung missions. The northwestern tower once held the meeting place of the Council of First Knowledge, the leaders of the Jedi academy on Coruscant and protectors of the Temple Archives. With the Council taking up new residence at the Great Library on Ossus, the Holocron Chamber at the base of the Temple was stocked with the holocrons of the galaxy's great political theorists for study by the Council's staff. While the Council of First Knowledge did not return to Coruscant, the Council Chambers did not go unused; the Librarians' Assembly was given access to the chamber, which it used to hold meetings with the Chief Archivists of Ossus and Tython via holoconference.

The southeast tower was known as the Tower of Reconciliation before the Clone Wars but came to be known as the Tower of the Republic after the departure of the main body of the Order. Given over to diplomats specifically dedicated to dealings with the Republic, the Chief Diplomat to the Senate kept his offices in the former council chambers and used the tower as a place for debates and special committees to meet. Likewise, the old Tower of Reassignment became known as the Tower of the Confederacy and was overseen by the Chief Diplomat to Raxus. The hangars within these spires were used for diplomatic shuttles and the personal craft of the Councilors. Because they might have to fly between Raxus or other distant capital worlds, the Councilors' own personal craft were kept in peak condition so as to be ready for departure at a moment's notice.

Temple Ziggurat[]


Temple cross-section.

Having expanded outwards from the Sacred Spire several times over the millennia, the Temple Ziggurat could be dissected in shells to see the history of the place. Directly around the Sacred Spire were the ancient meditation chambers and simple stone structures that made up the original enclave. As the Temple Precinct rose to modern levels and the Temple Court took shape, the Order built outward and upward erecting towering stone buildings which served as office space and dormitories. The ancient library and study halls were built above the main entrance, a monolithic chamber where bronzium statues lined the main entry mezzanine. As time progressed, the stone structures were covered with a dark durasteel outer layer which incorporated red stone, giving the Temple a dark and sedated appearance from the exterior. The construction of the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the ceiling of which reflected the sky of a terrestrial garden world, and other Meditation Gardens brought to the Temple a rediscovered sense of nature and harmony not found elsewhere on the city-covered world. The Lake Level, and the expansive menagerie beneath the Temple brought additional places of natural beauty and study to the Temple's halls. The Detention Center was built above the Fountain room and used to contain the Sith Lords and their creatures that ran rampant during the early Republic era; in the modern era it was used to house those criminals detained by the Order before they could be seen by the Council of Judgment. The Temple's architects brought in recovered materials from Ossus that had been stored at Exis Station and incorporated them into the Temple's design. Marble tiles were placed in halls and chambers while a portion of a recovered stained-glass arcade were placed in the walkway that ran the perimeter of the Temple's base.

Repurposing of architectural treasures saw the old library and its study halls transformed into a museum of Temple history and a formal banquet hall after the Temple Archives were established in 2,519 BBY. The stone towers and obelisks which contained these chambers and others were connected by a labyrinthine hallway system only navigable by those highly attuned with the Force. The Temple's structure continued to expand through 2,000 BBY and eventually the Temple's spires were rebuilt in 1,019 BBY signaling the end of all major expansions to the Temple. The pale stone exterior finished, the Temple now shone out as a bright beacon of hope and a firm reminder of the strength of the Order. Statues, memorials, and gardens covered the roof of the Ziggurat, along with wide open plazas which doubled as landing platforms for visiting diplomats. Clerestories were incorporated into the roof to allow natural light to spill into the Temple's halls and gardens, while the rest of the Temple was lit with a soft, soothing blue light. The accommodation sector of the Temple was crafted so that the rooms could be adjusted to make the many species of Jedi comfortable through the use of specialized atmosphere adaptors. As part of the Jedi Service Corps research operations, the Agricultural Corps maintained extensive laboratories at the Temple. The Medical Corps had a presence in the Halls of Healing, with an express turbolift connecting the Temple to the Republic Central Medcenter.

In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, it was noted that the Temple, particularly the exterior, was suffering from neglect. Flaking paint was evident around the mid to lower levels and long green streaks from bronzium gutters ran down the sloping walls. Electrochemical corrosion was occurring where molded metal sheets had lost cathodic insulation buffers. The massive architecture of the Temple was capable of concealing many of the transparisteel windows, imbued with permem to help maintain a constant gravity balance, and balconies that stemmed from the structure. The ventilation system of the Temple funneled all outward air out through ray shield-protected vents that were hidden in an overhang near the roof. Plumbing concerns were run through municipal water ways, with small alcoves for access to the machinery built into the walls of the tunnels. While war broke out around it, the Temple managed to maintain some of its normality. The rooftop gardens continued to fuel the Order through the refectories and kitchens. All food not grown at the Temple was shipped into the facility by food companies and delivered in lower level hangars.
