Star Wars Fanon

Corr Lassiter was an Imperial Senator during the last years of the Imperial Senate's existence.


In 1 BBY, he replaced Bail Organa as Chairman of the Emergency Relief Committee. Corr also worked together with Leia Organa to keep watch over Senator Pooja Lydonia. Bail had warned the two of them that Imperial officials working on behalf of the Emperor would seek any opportunity to have the Naboovian Senator charged for treason.

After the dissolving of the Imperial Senate in 0 BBY, Corr, like many of his colleagues, sought to flee Imperial Center to return to his homeworld. He was killed in orbit after intercepting a shot that would have destroyed one of the ships carrying the Naboovian delegation--and Pooja Lydonia herself, though Corr was unaware of this at the time of his death.

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