The bigger the galaxy; the sweeter the homecoming.
—Corellian Proverb
Corellia was once a slave world of the Rakatan's Infinite Empire in 30,000 BBY when the Star Forge was being constructed. Many years later it became a member of the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY when the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire, Corellia was ruled by an Imperial Moff. After the New Republic and the Galactic Alliance, and many other events Corellia started to want to rule itself.
The Torchwood Institute, a secret organization, was set up to protect the dominant ruling government, or empire within the galaxy from non-human threats. It was first set up near the time of the first galactic empires, its base was situated in its capital city of Coronet City. Although most of the planet knew what Torchwood was, and where their head quarters was. No one knew what they did, not even the Corellian government. The Torchwood Institute had cases where journalists and Senators found out what they were doing, with these cases, well trained agents would terminate any of them by either shooting them, or poisoning them, and then covering their death up. After the collapse of the Corellian Government, the Corellian Empire took its place following Torchwood's example of killing aliens, even after Torchwood disappeared.
In the Legacy era, when Darth Krayt seized control of the major portion of the galactic empire, they had not long returned there influence to the galaxy, but as part of Fel's Galactic empire. Torchwood Tower now served as the New Corellian Government's Head Quarters, it was renamed Tuchdown Tower, after the Tuchdown Coup, which gave the planet its freedom from its' hated and corrupt military government. Torchwood retook the tower with stormtroopers given to them by Emperor Roan Fel, they were uniformed in the GCW style Torchwood uniforms, and they retook the tower from the Tuchdown Corellian Government. They killed all the solders engaging them in battle.
The Government did not try and retake the building, and anticipated Torchwood's control of the Tower, this battle known as the "Crotex Revolution," after the dead prime minister Freon Crotex who was killed for treason against Torchwood and the Galactic Empire. Now that Torchwood was in high power again, they waged war against Krayt's Sith Empire, trying to get Krayt off the galactic thrown, and reinstating Roan Fel. This would give Torchwood full power again. Once they found out Krayt was human, a small group within Torchwood based in the Telos system, believed they should ally themselves with Krayt's empire, as it was the dominant empire. Torchwood broke into the base and took them all prisoner, it is unknown what happened to Torchwood's influence once Krayt died.
Seeds of an Empire[]
In the year 86 ABY the people of Corellia voted to withdraw from the New Republic. The Corellian dictator, the leader of Corellia, denied his people their wishes. A revolution began, and the dictator was killed, along with his supporters. The people of Corellia then picked the leader of the Corellian revolution, Kane Horn as the Grand Chancellor of the Corellian Empire.
Project Corellia[]
With the Corellian Empire laws now in place, many changes began. The changes were named Project Corellia. Forests, plains and grasslands were cleared away, to make room for more cities. Cities were also built over water, covering entire oceans. In 116 ABY, Project Corellia was finished. Corellia looked like another similar to the Core World Coruscant. It would remain like this. until the fall of the Corellian Empire in 3960 ABY.