Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The first child born to Anakin and Padmé Skywalker, Cordé Skywalker was named after her mother's friend and bodyguard who was killed just before the start of the Clone Wars.

Considered by many to be the second most powerful Force user next to her father, Cordé would become his second apprentice. Throughout her training, she would display many of her father's abilities, but only to a lesser degree.

Being the first born of Anakin and Padme, Cordé gained the attention of the Jedi Order while her mother was still pregnant with her. Several times during the first few years of her life, the Jedi Order tried to forcefully take her from her parents.

Because of the Jedi's actions in regards to Cordé and her family, she grew up very mistrustful of the Order as she believed that they were too blinded by the religion that governed them. This would later be proved true, in her opinion, when the Jedi attempt to assassinate her father when she was only six years old.


Birth (21 BBY)[]

Born in 21 BBY to Padme and Anakin Skywalker, Cordé was named after her mothers friend and bodyguard who was killed shortly before the start of the Clone Wars.

Cordé's birth was also not an easy one as, she was born just after her father rescued her mother who had been kidnapped by Sith Agents and taken to the planet Byss. The Sith intended on taking her from her parents and killing her mother, but Anakin arrived with several Rangers to rescue her as well as several Jedi Padawans who had also been kidnapped.

Powers and abilities[]

Force powers[]

Other skills[]


Padmé Amidala Skywalker[]

Anakin Skywalker[]

Behind the scenes[]

Cordé Skywalker is a character in the Avatar of the Force fan fiction series.
