The Continued Clone Wars also known as the Continued Separatist Wars were a series of conflicts fought by various separatist terrorist organisations and remnants of the Confederacy of Independent Systems who continued to fight against the Galactic Republics successor the Galactic Empire, despite the dissolution of the CIS with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant which officially ended the conflict.
The Imperial Security Bureau monitored and apprehended a variety of threats to the new regime, whilst the Imperial Intelligence Service provided information on the Independent Nations formed from the Treaty of Coruscant.
Many of the New States formed from the Treaty of Coruscant would break down into civil wars whilst other wars, such as the Minos Cluster Civil War continued to escalate. As Palpatine promised to provide stability to the Galaxy this resulted in the Empire intervene in various conflicts under the justification of bringing peace and stability.
Several other conflicts with the Empire as renewed separatism began in sectors that had previously been loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, however these separatist states would quickly be annexed by the Empire as secession was penalised by the Empire.
Within the Western Reaches of the Outer Rim Separatist Holdouts had been harassing trade and development in the region. As a result the Emperor tasked the Imperial Military with Pacification Operations to remove the threat that the holdouts possessed. The ensuing conflict lasted for years until final all holdouts were either destroyed or had ceased operations.
Following the Clone Wars many pro-separatist organisations remained to fight against the Empire while others retreated to holdouts across the galaxy. Crises also arose as many local governments struggled to maintain control and old tensions continued.
Rebel/Terrorist Campaigns[]
Campaigns of the NNF[]
- New Nebula Front was formed as a revival of the old Nebula Front who had fought against the oppression of the Republic and its corporations, the New Nebula Front had much the same goal. They performed a series of campaigns against the newly formed Imperial Navy as well as local Governments who they believed were corrupt. The
Braxant Raids[]
- Freedom Alliance to fight against the Empires expansion into the northern region of that territory. The Braxant Raids were a series of bombings and raids within the New Territories by the
Campaigns of the NSFA[]
- New Separatist Freedom Army undertook several campaigns against the Empire, their most famous campaign was their attempt to destroy the Empire's clone army it had inherited from the republic, through the use of the ACD-77 virus. Most of their military endeavours involved the assistance of other rebel groups as well as their interference with other conflicts the Empire participated in. The
Sy Myrthian Insurrection[]

The 12th Fleet Company landing troops during the Siege of Sy Myrth
- war against the Empire, Toonbuck Toora's United Confederate Forces retook the Foundry of the Confederacy and began reactivating droid and warship factories, as well as mobilising local populations into a fighting force. The insurrection would however be cut down as the Empire began a reconquest campaign that led to the total destruction of the reborn Confederacy and the capture and trial of Toora. The UCF would however survive under new leadership and would latter join other Separatist organisation for an attack on the Core Worlds of the Empire. Following the success of the Ciutric during their
Core World Massacres[]

NNF bombings around the Senate Building in attempt to assassinate Senators
In 1927 the NSFA, NNF and UCF remnant began a terrorist campaign into the Core Worlds in which various shootings, bombings and assassinations took place with the goal of destabilising the Core. The terrorists groups also helped criminal organisations in various raids and heists. As well as this the united forces began arming the poor and destitute within the poorer regions of the Core Worlds with the hope that revolutions would disrupt the Core further. The goal of the campaign was ultimately to destabilise the Empire to the point at which a rebellion within the Rim could take place, however through the actions of the ISB and Imperial Intelligence the Imperial Military took action against the cells and armed revolutionaries forcing the Cells to surrender or be destroyed.
Wars against Separatist Government[]
Nembus Campaign[]
- Proclamation of the New Order and the Senatorial arrests, the Sector Council of the Nembus sector seceded from the Empire with the help of the Nembus Secessionist Army, the secession was deemed illegal by the Empire who proceeded to invade the sector and remove the council from power whilst also fighting against the local security forces as well as paramilitaries. Proceeding the
Kwymar Suppresssions[]

Ground forces of the Kwymar Sector Fleet engage stormtroopers during the Battle of Korlings
Following the arrest of Senator Ivor Drake, who represented the Kwymar Sector, their was public outrage that lead to the sectoral government declaring that they would not cooperate with the Imperial Ruling Council until the release of their senator, this included the non-cooperation of the Kwymar Sector Fleet. The Empire responded by forcibly removing the sectoral government and arresting its members then installing one of the first Moff of the Empire. Though the populous resisted and the old Kwymar Separatist Remnant helped to arm the local populous to fight the Empire.
Elrood National Crisis[]
- Elrood sector, the Republic never made an leeway into the sector during the Clone Wars and was subsequently liberated by the Confederacy before the end of the War. This resulted in the Sector becoming an independent state under the stipulated by the Treaty of Coruscant. The new government was also forced to pay expensive war reparations that ruined the economy of the new nation, consequently its first democratic elections turned to violence as extremist political factions vied for control. A government was eventually formed however after a demand for a referendum, of whether the sector should join the Empire, was declared illegal the paramilitary group, Elrood National Resistance Army began a violent uprising. The conflict was further exasperated when the political party of the ENRA the Elrood Nationalist Party was banned, causing many moderate supporters to turn to the military wing of the party. Due to the violence of the conflict partially spreading into neighboring sectors the Galactic Empire saw it necessary to intervene in the conflict on the side of the People's Army of Elrood. The Imperial Military was mobilized from the Seswenna Sector to decisively defeat the Elrood Navy and destroy the Extremist Political oppositions strongholds throughout the sector. Due to the distance and relative unimportance of the
Minos Cluster Civil War[]
- The Minos Cluster Civil War began during the Clone Wars after the Separatist Sectoral Government refused to relinquish power following the democratically elected anti-separatist New Labour Party won by a minority. The Separatist Government used the battle droids that had been donated to them to maintain control over their rebelling population, subduing the conflict. The Republic Navy attempted to liberate the sector but were however beaten back. The civil continued but after the droid shutdown order the Separatist Government who no longer had the Confederacy to back them up brought the conflict into full swing once again. Due to the unrest of the sector as well as the involvement of the NSFA, the Empire decided on a full invasion to liberate the sector.
Second Abrion Civil War[]
- Provisional Government was formed after the previous sectoral government was dissolved during the Clone Wars by the Republic. Following the Provisional Government's liberal reforms, conservative leaning parts of the Abrion Sector Fleet broke off to form the Abrion Free Army who began a revolution against the sectoral government. The Free Army successfully toke power and held rigged elections to prove their own legitimacy, investigative journalist however revealed the election rigging. Subsequently Abrion Liberation Front was formed in opposition to the military junta. Due to the conflict the Galactic Empire decided to impose stricter regulation over the government. Consequently the Abrion Free Army began to rebel against the Imperial backed governor in an attempt to regain power. The AFA was eventually defeated and disbanded however the Imperial Governorship was revoke and an Imperial backed democratic government was instituted. Following the Clone Wars, a
Noolian Crisis[]
- Harch and Aqualish separatist forces whom had fled Ando and takeover many stations and holdout in the southern slice attacked the planet Nooli and created Noolian Emergency Replacement Council to replace the government they had destroyed with the help of the Parliamentary Guard. A popular rebellion then ensued, after the revelation that much of the NERC was run by councillors with links to the separatist raiders as well as the NERCs attempted invasion of Bothan Space that had led to the intervention of the Galactic Empire, the Parliamentary Guard joined the rebelling groups. However once the Parliamentary Guard successfully overtook the NERC they formed a Military government and continued to suppress the populous. The conflict reaches a point to which the Empire intervened and restores order to the region.
Campaigns against Separatist Holdouts[]
Five Veils Campaign[]
- Nute Gunray on Mustafar and the conquest of Neimoidia and the Neimoidian purse worlds, Acting Viceroy of the Trade Federation Sentepeth Findos signed a treaty with the Empire, surrendering the cartel's resources to Imperial control and effectively dissolving the Trade Federation. However, Customs Vizier Marath Vooro refused to acknowledge Findos' authority or the treaty and retained control of Trade Federation ships and droids at Enarc, establishing an enclave of Separatist space around the Five Veils Route. IN response to Vooro's resistance, an Imperial fleet under the command of Moff Octavian Grant decisively defeated Vooro's forces at the Battle of Farstine, then pursued him down the Five Veils Route, ultimately capturing Vooro at the Hook Nebula. Following the death of
Shaltin Tunnels Campaign[]
- Borderland region had been a lawless haven for pirates, slavers and other criminal elements. As a result, with the end of the Clone Wars in sight, many Separatist forces sought refuge amongst the pirates and slavers offering their battle droids up for use as a private army to the criminal organisations. Consequently a series of devastating attacks made by unified forces of pirates and slavers against the Corporate Sector Authority as well as planets on the Listol Run and Shaltin Tunnels. Due to the pressure on the Emperor to maintain stability as he promised, the Empire launched a campaign to route out the pirate and separatist elements of the region. The Campaign was ultimately successful, however large losses on the side of the Empire halted any further expansion into the region and many pirates and slavers returned. For centuries the
Western Reaches Pacification Operations[]
- Following the fall of Bomis Koori at the end of the Clone Wars, separatist forces retreated to various hidden bases throughout the Western Reaches and began rebuilding their droid forces to restart the Separatist War once again. After nearly a year, many holdouts began activity again helping local militias and fighting against local governments, this destabilised the already lawless region and so the Empire began a series of pacification operations against the holdouts to restore order to the region.
Hunt for Admiral Guelle[]
- Guelle's Sunset Fleet. His fleet had previously made multiple successful attacks against the Empire in defending various hideouts allowing them to escape capture. However, his fleet was almost completely destroyed after years of fighting and he had become the most wanted man in the Galaxy this resulted in him fleeing to Terminus with the hope that he could escape to wild space along with his remaining comrades, unfortunately intelligence discovered his whereabouts resulting in a final siege of the planet. He would however go uncaptured and would remain the Empire's most wanted person until Mon Mothma began her public support of the Rebel Alliance. Proceeding the Western Reaches Pacification Operations the largest remaining separatist forces was that of Admiral
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