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Murese Preantiquity

The Construction of Mure (Statytmureiv in Murese Sith[1]) was the name applied to the process by which the planet Mure was artificially assembled and made inhabitable by the Celestials some 50,000 standard years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Though the specific details of the process and the means by which this early feat of astroengineering was accomplished were lost to history, the results of the effort were readily visible for millennia afterwards. The near-identical geological compositions of the planet and its system's asteroid field and the world's unnatural circular orbit around the North Star were consistent with other documented cases of Celestial astroengineering, such as the shared chemical compositions and unique circular orbits of the Five Brothers, Vultar and some ten other worlds observed and documented by the Obroan Institute for Archaeology.[2]


The planet Mure and the Five Deaths star system originally orbited a pair of stars in the heart of the Deep Core close at hand to the Galactic Center supermassive black hole. However, a close encounter with Galactic Center's gravity well many millennia prior to the rise of the galaxy's first civilizations resulted in the destruction of the system's larger star and expulsion of the shattered remnants of the system from the Core at an angle perpendicular to the galactic plane. The North Star, the system's remaining F-type main sequence star, became a hypervelocity star on its way out of the Core, finally coming to rest some 15,000 light years above its previous home.

Though Mure's outer and inner cores had survived the encounter intact, the system's other worlds were less fortunate. The remnants of these worlds floated listlessly in orbit around the North Star, forming an extensive asteroid field. With the Celestial arrival to the system around 50,000 BBY to reposition the North Star to lie directly over Galactic Center, these asteroids were believed to have been moved to Mure's stable Lagrangian points L4 and L5, thereafter called the Twins.


A great many theories existed as to the means by which the planet was built, originating from as early as the Rakata occupation of the Five Deaths in 34,129 BBY. Though some variation existed between the prevailing theories, most held to the same basic progression of events, supported by conventional understanding of the Celestials and their technological capabilities.

The Celestials were widely believed to have possessed the means necessary for the manipulation of celestial bodies in the form of their repulsor tractors and astroengineering engines, used to push planets, stars, and even black holes into their desired positions.[2] Most theorists agreed that several of these technological marvels were likely hauled up from the galactic plane by the Celestials and their Killik servants for the purposes of shifting the North Star's position to lie directly above Galactic Center's maw, thereby enhancing its usefulness as an astrogational aid.

These engines were similarly believed to have been applied to the Mure planetary reconstruction effort. Given the close geological similarities between the modal magnesium oxide to iron(II) oxide ratios (defined as MgO / (MgO + FeO)[3]) and titanium isotope ratios (defined as 50Ti/47Ti[4]) of Mure's mantle and outer crust and the asteroids of the Five Deaths system, it was widely believed that the Celestials simply made use of the natural building materials present in the system rather than import raw silicate rock from their main colonies in the eastern galaxy. This was likely done on account of Mure's great distance from the galactic plane and the inherent difficulty of traveling through the radiation-saturated Intergalactic Void.

Though early Rakata researchers initially believed that the Twins, the pair of asteroid fields located at Mure's stable Lagrangian points L4 and L5, mostly assembled naturally due to Mure being the only celestial body with any major gravitational pull in the system, later Rakata and Murese theorists believed that these fields were artificially assembled via the Celestial astroengineering engines to serve as stationary quarries storing the raw material for use in the reconstruction effort. It was believed that silicate rock was retrieved as needed by repulsor tractors and hauled to the Lagrangian points L1 and L2 in orbit around the planet. These rocks were then sculpted and refined as required before being fed to the planet's gravity well in the assembly of its mantle and outer crust.


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