The Confederation of the New Rebellion , also known as the New Rebellion Monarchy , was a reformation of the New Rebellion into a government that would last for over two thousand years.
Confederation of the New Rebellion
Type of government
Semi-Constitutional Monarchy (de jure)
Constitution of the Confederation of the New Rebellion
Head of State
Monarch of the Confederation
Head of Government
Heir to the Confederation
Monarch of the Confederation
De facto leader
Monarch of the Confederation
Executive branch
Comhairle Riaghlaidh (Executive Council)
Legislative branch
Confederation Senate
Judicial branch
Confederation High Court
Military branch
Royal Confederation Armed Forces
State religious body
Christian Church
National holiday
Judgement of Darkness Day
Battle Hymn of the Pheonix
Date of establishment
78 ABY
Date of fragmentation
135 ABY
Date of reorganization
140 ABY
Date of dissolution
1007 ABY
Date of restoration
1010 ABY
Era of the Final Darkness