Star Wars Fanon

The Confederation of Independents Sectors is the most powerful non-human lead government in the galaxy. While the hearth of the confederation is concentrated in the northern reach of the galaxy, pockets of sectors witch fail to join the New Republic or the Galactic Alliance have joined the confederation. Human lead world are also included in the confederation but in a less prominent role that of the Republic. It sphere of influence now include 6,950,000 world less than 1/10 of the republic influence.Those worlds are however unafillied to the republic and were autonomous befor joining the confederation. The bulk of it territories expand in the northern zone of the galaxy as well as several system enclaved within the republic territory (Mimban and Naboo). It powerful navy is maintained by the Mon Calamarian and the Quarren. The Confederation will later absorb the northern arm confederation.


Instead of an homogenous military the Confederation is composed of numerous sub unit of different sectors. The main element being the Mon Calamari Starfleet composing 75% of it navy. It Starfighter group is not unified but rather use autonomous sub units. Once again, the corps use X wings, Y wing, A wing and the newly designed W wing. Those fighter made the bulk of the fighter corps. Other component includ the Naboo Starfighter corp, mandalorian fighter corps and the Galactic Corporations fighter corps.

Gladiator program[]

Following it unification, the confederation, purchased a large number of gladiator class transgalactic military assault ship and repurposed them to accommodate a complement of 8,000 troops and and the freed Space was configured into hangar for starfighters. Creating a entire new ship able to go toe to toe with any capital ships.


Thé starfighter corps of the confederation follow a different philosophy from the rest of the counterparts. Relying heavily on ships like the T4 long range strike fighter and W wing. Those Incom next generation fighter are supported by the UT 60E U-Wing starfighter/support craft. A large portion of the corps is composed of X wing Y wing and A-wing.
