An alternate flag carried by insurrectionists, based on both the "Blood-Stained Banner", as well as the flag of the Republic of Mars
We, the people of Mars, can no longer abide by the corruption and obliviousness to our issues and concerns which permeates the Union of Earth States like a disease, we are of the belief that our own government, the Mars Colony, no longer has our interests at heart, and is but merely a puppet state of the Union of Earth States, we therefore feel constrained to take up arms against the aforementioned governments, in order to remove their negative influences from our fair home, and to ensure peace, freedom, justice, security and an end to corruption for both ourselves and the future generations of Martians.
—The first paragraph of the Proclamation of Martian Independence and Self-Governance, briefly documenting the thoughts and beliefs of the Martian insurrectionists in their rebellion
The Confederate Territory of Mars was a short lived nation which existed for a period of about 6 days during the Martian Insurrection, in which Confederate sympathising Martians attempted to throw the forces of the United Solar Federation, an alliance of planets and moons loyal to the Union of Earth States, from Mars, and overthrow the Union-loyalist Mars Colony and replace it with a Martian government loyal to the Solar Confederacy, the Confederate equivalent of the United Solar Federation which was loyal to the Confederate States of Earth.
The insurrection lasted 6 days before it was violently put down, many of the government officials of the Confederate Republic tried to flee in order to form a Government-in-Exile, those who were captured were arrested and executed for treason, along with most captured insurrectionists, which further inflamed the situation and led to the growth of the Martian Guerrilla War]
We are servants of Her Excellency Jane Zarkan, President of the Confederate States of Earth, Queen of the Zarkan Kingdom and Empress of the Zarkan Empire, we owe our allegiance to her as our president, for she is the mother of the Confederate States of Earth, and by extension, the Solar Confederacy. President Zarkan, I am your humble and loyal subject, I bow before you as one of your obedient and loyal servants, I pledge my unswerving loyalty and servitude to you, m'lady.
—High Chancellor of Mars Benjamin Breckenridge, brother of Archibald Breckenridge, commander of the Solar Confederacy, on who his nation owes its allegiance to
Despite only existing for 6 days the Confederate Territory of Mars became a source of significant inspiration and admiration for Martians, especially following the founding of the Martian Confederacy, the Confederate Republic was viewed as Mars' first true taste of freedom, when Martians gave their lives to replace an oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical government with a free, independent and self-governing one which better served the needs of Martians, Martian children was taught that the Confederate Territory of Mars was an attempt to free Mars and was a valiant stand in the defence of liberty and independence of Martians.
The Confederate Territory of Mars, for 6 days our government, founded by Martian freedom fighters in the defence of our liberty, independence and self-governance, when we could no longer abide with the "Mars Colony" puppet state of the Union, we fought for a government which truly represented us not one which sold us out to our old colonial masters and oppressed us, many Martians gave their lives so you, future generations of Martians, could live in true freedom, although the Confederate Republic only lasted 6 days it sparked a flame in the hearts of Martians, the flame of freedom, and we fought two long years further to win back our freedom!
—An aged veteran Martian rebel briefly summarising the Confederate Republic of Mars to Martian school children in a history lesson