Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

I stand before you as President of the Confederacy Jane Zarkan, elected representative of the people of the Confederate States of Earth, each state acting in her free and independent manner, I hereby renounce the allegiance and loyalty of each member state of the Confederacy to the Union government. We seek not war nor unbrotherly relations, all we ask if for the right to our own nation and permittance to govern ourselves. We wish for continued good relations with our former Union brothers, as good neighbors we were, but we are obliged to warn you that we will not allow you to conquer us, we do not wish to see such a tragedy occur. All we ask is to be left alone. God Save the Confederacy!
—President of the Confederacy Jane Zarkan announcing the withdrawal of her nation from the Union

The Confederate States of Earth, also known as the Confederacy, Confederate government, "Con-feddies," and "Traitors," was a Separatist nation founded on the Solar System planet of Earth in 21 BBY due to corruption within the Union States. The government's member states consisted of many Traditionalist Party nations, all of whom willingly pledged their allegiance to the Grand Family and the Confederate States.

It was led by President of the Confederate States of Earth Jane Zarkan with her husband Jenkyns III as the elected Confederate High Chancellor leading the governmental sections such as the Parliament of the Confederacy and High Court. Jane's presidency consisted of her Cabinet—a body of the highest ranking officials who joined the Confederate States.

In order to not follow the same centralized structuring the Federalist Party had developed for the Union States, Jane, her husband Jenkyns and her Cabinet discussed the executive powers of each office within the Confederate government; the President's office would lead the executive branches such as the Council whom would have highest power in the government, but not directly influence lower offices and branches. The High Chancellor's office would be the central figure of the legislature and judicial branches, serving as the head of Parliament and the High Court, and often advised by the Council and members of Parliament. As for the military forces, the position and office of Supreme Commander was created as the head of the military with the States Forces Council electing their own Supreme Commander to the office.


  • Office of the Confederate President
    • Confederate Council
    • Confederate Cabinet
    • Confederate Royal Guard
  • Office of the High Chancellor
    • Parliament of the Confederacy
      • Confederate House of Members
      • Confederate House of Representatives
      • Confederate Parliament Guard
    • High Court of the Confederacy
      • Regional Courts of the Confederacy
  • Confederate States Forces
    • Office of the Supreme Commander
      • States Forces Council
    • Confederate Department of the Army
    • Confederate Department of the Navy
      • Office of the Secretary of the Navy
      • Confederate States Navy
        • Confederate Grand Fleet
        • Confederate States Missile Forces
        • Confederate States Marine Division
    • Confederate Department of the Air Force
      • Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
      • Confederate States Air Force
    • Confederate Special Operations
      • Special Operations Commander
      • Confederate Special Task Force
      • Confederate Black Operations


21 BBY—19 BBY

21 BBY—20 BBY

In 21 BBY when Jane Zarkan, ruler of the Zarkan Empire and Kingdom, withdrew her people along with the other 58 states of the Traditionalist Party from the Union and became the Confederate States, scouts of the Confederacy of Independent Systems had found and landed on Earth. This encounter led to the Confederate-Earth Treaty of Alliance and eventually led to the First Earth Civil War, beginning with the First Battle of Earth over Union-controlled Warrington, Kalland.

The war between the Confederate States and Union went on for a year and a few months after its initial start. During the war, both sides were given warships, weapons, equipment and ground vehicles by their allies to use in their war. Several Venator-class Star Destroyers, originally given to the Union, were serving within the Confederate States Navy such as King Daniel IV—named after Jane's father.

19 BBY

During the final campaigns of the Civil War against the Union, the Confederate grew within the year and began to push back against their corrupted neighbors with the assistance of their supplied warships and vehicles. Although the CIS and Galactic Republic were allies of one side each, they didn't deploy any of their armies. The Confederate States did have contingency fallout plans for if the Union or Republic ever happened to gained a huge victory over them, the contingency remained classified.

After the Republic was called away from the planet's affairs as well as the Confederacy, Jane launched a mission to capture the Union President Richard Williams which was successful and later used him as leverage over the Union to surrender. Following the capture of their President, the Confederate States had finally gotten the Union to surrender and since the Confederates held a lot more power than the Union, they were allowed to continue to operate as a government, but to give up its military power completely.

18 BBY

Later in 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire—successor of the Galactic Republic—had learned of the planet after discovering data and information in the Jedi Temple's underground archives and invaded the local governments. During this time, the Union's new President William Crest sided the Union with the Empire and with it, they had gained major victory over the Confederacy. After this defeat, survivors—such as Jane Zarkan II—relocated to the planet of Mars where they stayed hidden for many years and started an alliance with former Union forces with them.

22 ABY

As the Earth Empire was defeated, the Confederate States were able to reclaim most of their lost land on Earth, agreeing to co-exist alongside the Union as the Confederate-Union Government was established. With this victory, Jane Zarkan II created an eulogy of her mother's decision to reveal the location of Mars, and ultimately saving both the Confederacy and the Union.

While Jane II initially had negative thoughts about their newfound allies the Nakamura Empire, she highly respected Annabelle, agreeing with the Confederate Council and Parliament, and Senate of the Union with making her the President of the Earth Government, allowing the Nakamura Empire to ultimately shape the planet to whatever they desired. With Annabelle the leader of Earth, she discovered remnants of the Earth Empire in hiding who eventually revealed themselves and resisted defeat.

In the Constitution of the Earth Government, the Solar Confederacy was founded as the Confederate States' main space exploration branch, being protected by the Nakamura Empire's navy as well as working alongside them.


Confederate States Forces

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Confederate States Forces

Formed in 21 BBY alongside its government, the Confederates States Forces was founded out of the armies, navies and air forces of its member states, and was led by the States Forces Council with an elected Supreme Commander.

Combined Forces of the Alliance

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Combined Forces of the Alliance

After the government's defeat in 18 BBY, those who relocated to Mars reorganized into the Combined Forces of the Alliance.

Member States

Known member states
  • Zarkan Kingdom
  • Zarkan Empire
  • Province of Adin & Morin
  • Kingdom of Princeland
  • Republic of Selandia
  • Toman Republic
  • Erastan
  • Kingdom of Westland
  • Norland
  • Sothland Republic
  • Confederation of the Drelan River
  • Aerlandia
  • Second Republic of Vertania
  • Arstotzka
  • Leasath
  • Hiland
  • San Salvacion
  • Tripartite Union
  • Island Coalition
  • Wielvakia
  • North Columbia
  • Kingdom of Earlsland
  • North Coast Union
  • Derrett Republic
  • South Point
  • United Kingdoms of Zovakia & Herkania
  • Grand Duchy of Estovakia
  • Republic of Erusea
  • Londany
  • Lakeland
  • Kingdom of Nordennavic
  • Republic of Valand
  • Second Republic of East Vertania
  • Republic of Columbia
  • West Kalland Republic
  • Kalland
  • South Valandia
  • North Valandia
  • Republic of Wekland