Break free from corruption.
Break free from the lies.
Break free from the chains.
Open my eyes to see.
The Darkness coming from within the Union.
I am the Confederate States Forces
For Jane Zarkan, I will die for.
—Unofficial creed of the Confederate States Forces
The Confederate States Forces, also known as Confederate Military, "Con-feddies military", and sometimes referred simply as "States Forces", was the official armed forces of the Confederate States of Earth formed from personnel of the Union Armed Forces as well as Zarkan Kingdom's Militia and Royal Guard. The title of its military commander was christened as Supreme Commander of the Confederacy, leading the States Forces Council.
Jane Zarkan I briefly served as Supreme Commander before placing a man named Mik Ward as her successor. During the First Earth Civil War, soldiers of the Army, Navy and Air Force often told themselves something that seem to have motivated them which became an unofficial creed among them all.
However when the civil war ended, the Confederate States Forces were overwhelmed by imperial forces and were defeated. Survivors, including Jane Zarkan II, relocated to Mars where they also formed an alliance with unhappy personnel of the Union. A year later after the survivors of the States Forces went to Mars, the military personnel became the Combined Forces of the Alliance, alongside Union military personnel.
The Confederate States Forces were mainly headquartered in Zarkan City during the First Earth Civil War—sparked by the Traditionalist Party's withdrawal from the Union of Earth States. Though the States Forces did have facilities, factories, bases, field bases, supply bases, airfields, and recruitment centers—previously as Union buildings—throughout its territory. In Zarkan Bay, the Confederate States Navy's Grand Fleet was stationed to protect its capital against attacks by warships of the Union Navy.
Within the States Forces, there were three main departments: the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Each of these departments were represented by a Secretary. Although Special Operations didn't have its own department, its Special Operations Commander was still part of the States Forces Council.
The Supreme Commander of the Confederacy held power over each of the branches. These included:
- Confederate States Army - Main ground forces for the States Forces formed from personnel of the Union Army who saw the corruption within the Union after Jane Zarkan I confronted the government.
- Confederate States Airborne Corps - Ground forces specialized in dropping in from above into enemy territory.
- Confederate States Navy - Main naval forces of the States Forces with warships and starships. Occasionally transports Army forces and supplies with massive cargo-blimps and unarmed transport starships. Formed from personnel of the Union Navy.
- Confederate Grand Fleet - Home fleet of the Navy with a large fleet of warships, starships, fighter planes, and starfighters. Split into two different sections: Aquatic and Orbital.
- Confederate States Missile Forces - Formed for missile defense as well as missile and artillery deployment.
- Confederate States Marine Division - Formed for naval defense as well as naval combat and boarding.
- Confederate States Air Force - Main air forces of the States Forces formed from personnel of the Union Air Force.
- Confederate Special Operations - Main special operations branch of the States Forces tasked with special operations such as infiltration, assassination, and sabotage.
- Confederate Special Task Force - Special task force of Special Operations consisting of elite trained troops.
- Confederate Black Operations - [Classified information. Clearance Level Hotel-12 required.]