Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The Confederate States Army are the ground forces of the Confederacy, and the Mother of the Confederacy's guardians in the war against the Union States. Established by the Constitution, the branch is responsible for all ground warfare operations on Confederate soil and is responsible for seizing territory controlled by the Union.
—Tour Guide
The Confederate States Army is the largest army since the Ultranationalist Army centuries ago! Founded from defected personnel of the Union Army as well as Traditionalist Security, Zarkan Militia, Zarkan Royal Guard, and the army of the Zarkan Empire. With my army, the Union will come to any demands we make.
—Jane Zarkan I on her armies

The Confederate States Army (C.S.A.), sometimes referred as Confederate Army, Army Force of the Confederate States, Confederate States of Earth Army, and known as "Jane's traitors' army" by Union personnel, was the army forces of the Confederate States Forces under the command of Supreme Commander of the Confederacy Mik Ward. Under Wards' supervision, he led the States Forces Council which included the Secretary of the Army.

Founded and formed from personnel of the Union Army, Traditionalist Security, Zarkan Militia, Zarkan Royal Guard, Zarkan Empire army, the Army was considered the largest army over the Union's Army.


The Confederate States Army was led by the Supreme Commander and the Secretary of the Army. Despite leading other branches of the States Forces, the Supreme Commander's duties were often advised by the Secretary of the Army, who also took on these responsibilities whenever the Supreme Commander was absent.


Within the Army, there were several sub-branches which made up the Army troops.

  • Regular Army Forces - Regular army forces led by the Director of the Active Force.
  • Security Forces - Army's security forces led by the Director of the Security Force.
  • Reserve Army Forces - Reserve army forces led by the Director of the Reserve Force.
  • Volunteering Army Forces - Volunteer sub-branch led by the Director of the Volunteer Force.

Aside from the four sub-branches, the Army also included the Confederate States Airborne Corps which was led by a General and consisted of troops trained for airborne operations such as dropping in behind enemy lines from high altitude.

Known Formations[]

  • Confederate States First Field Army
    • 4th Confederate Corps
      • 13th Confederate Army Division
  • Confederate States Second Field Army
    • 8th Confederate Corps



  • The Confederate States Army is based on the real-world Confederate States Army.
    • The ranking structure is also based on the ranking system used by the Confederate States Army.