Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The rivalry between naval aviation and the rest of the navy is almost legendary, naval pilots and sailors of the navy may be brothers, but the two organisations often don't get on well, to say the least! The problem is a lot of ship commanders think of the CNAS as little more than one of their tools, when the CNAS is actually it's own separate branch of the navy
—An explanation of the CNAS-CSN rivalry

The Confederate Naval Air Service (CNAS) was the branch of the Confederate States Navy which dealt with naval aviation, and was essentially the naval equivalent of the Confederate States Army Aviation Corps (CSAAC), CNAS commanded the aircraft, space fighters and space bombers of the navy, as well as their pilots and crews, CNAS founded shortly after the founding of the CSN, as the unification of naval aviation into a single organization. CNAS operated both atmospheric craft and spacecraft, CNAS' atmospheric craft were often operated from carriers and naval land bases, whilst the spacecraft were usually operated from space carriers and space battleships, the primary objectives of the CNAS were the defence of friendly ships and the destruction of enemy ships, to this end the CNAS operated different forms of fighter and bomber.

