Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Unity era

I cannot defeat Darth Proditor alone, and neither can you. We need a coalition, a coalition that can challenge the strength of Proditor and his underlings.
—Darth Krayt to the conclave attendees

The Conclave on the Sluis Van Shipyards, also known as the Convocation on the Sluis Van Shipyards or the Sith convocation, was a historic meeting between all the enemies of Darth Proditor during the Successors War. The brain-child of Darth Q'Antiqas, the meeting was arranged by Darth Krayt to organize a structured, unified resistance against Darth Proditor, the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire.

Midway through the convocation an attack force under the command of Darth Sucasa massacred the attendees before being forced into retreating, although out of the carnage a united Sith Coalition was formed; to combat the usurper Darth Proditor.

Arranging the conclave[]

Having recently secured the allegiance of Nar Shaddaa and it's protector Darth Q'Antiqas, Darth Krayt came to the conclusion that reclaiming the empire a planet at a time would not only take far too long, but cost the lives of far to many soldiers. Fortunately for Krayt, Q'Antiqas made an offhand comment during a scheduled meeting with regards to an alliance between the remaining Sith Lords, and idea both Krayt and Nihl took too. Sending the Sith Lord Darth Hérin throughout the empire, Darth Krayt managed to discreetly and so he believed, secretly, arrange a meeting with the remaining opponents of Darth Proditor.

Days past and at the suggestion of Darth Wyyrlok, another opponent of Darth Proditor, it was agreed that the location of the meeting should be the Sluis Van Shipyards, outside the empire and beyond the attention of any of Proditor's allies. As plans went ahead for the meeting word of the meeting leaked out to the Sith Lord Darth Azard, an underling of Darth Sucasa. So whilst the Sith attending the conclave began to arrive, Darth Sucasa organized an attack force, hoping to end the war in one fell swoop.

The meeting[]

Krayt and Nihl at Conclave

Darths Krayt, Nihl and Wyyrlok.

Why you? Why not Knida? Why should we place our trust in yours?
—Darth Wyyrlok to Darth Krayt

Krayt and Nihl waited upon the dark and murky Shipyards, disused for almost a century, for the Sith Lords and Knights to arrive. At first only a handful arrived, led by Darth Q'Antiqas, but slowly more and more appeared, until at least eighteen had appeared. Amongst their numbers were Darth Wyyrlok and his apprentice Darth Maal, and the Twi'lek Sith Knight Darth Talon, who had only recently left the service of Darth Krayt.

Upon her arrival Krayt became noticeably enraged, but soon forgot her presence when Darth Wyrlok presented himself to Krayt. Wyyrlok asked why the attendees should place their forces at Krayt's command, and not his own, or even Darth Knida; who was a powerful Sith Lord in her own right. Krayt reminded the Sith of his past, his loyalty to the empire and his experience as a Dark Lord of the Sith. This swayed many to Krayt's side, although both Wyyrlok and his apprentice were still not convinced. All the meanwhile, the Sith Lords Nihl and Q'Antiqas watched with an amused smile on their faces, delighting in the hardship Krayt was suffering.

As Krayt and Wyyrlok debated with one another as to who should lead the proposed coalition, small fleet of ships arrived late to attend the meeting. As the rear doors to the chamber opened the arguing Sith Lords turned; the hulking figure of Darth Hybor stood before them and offered the attendees a chance to surrender. Confused, one of the Sith Lords confronted Hybor and ordered him to leave, only to be cut down effortlessly. Before the Sith Lord hit the floor the glass roof to the chamber shattered and an entire host of Sith Lords fell up high. Igniting their lightsabers, the attendees engaged Darth Hybor's attacking forces, and seemed to be gaining the upperhand; until the arrival of Darth Sucasa and a large host of Sith droids.

The battle[]

Conclave Sith

The attendees of the convocation.

Darth Krayt ordered the attendees to focus their attention on the Sith droids, whilst ordering Nihl and Q'Antiqas to dispatch the attacking Sith; Krayt himself focused on Darth Sucasa and the two soon engaged in a duel. The two were then joined by Darth Hybor, and shortly after Darth Nihl.

As the four duelled the engagement moved into an ante-chamber, and the combatants became more enclosed in the shipyards tight corridors. Hybor quickly fell to a strike from Nihl's lightsaber, before being decapitated by Sucasa to get the bleeding Sith Lord out of the way. Sucasa proved himself more than capable of holding his own against the two and eventually Nihl was disarmed and thrown out of the duel. Sucasa pressed his attack on Darth Krayt, pushing Krayt back towards the main chamber, and a host of Sith droids.

Once in the chamber Krayt used the Force to push Sucasa back into the corridor, and then turnt around and short-circuited as many of the droids as he could. This gave the attendees the breathing room they needed and the course of the battle began to turn. Now free of the combatants, both Wyyrlok and Q'Antiqas came to Krayt's side and began to attack Sucasa. Knowing he could not win Sucasa quickly turned tail and retreated, taking what was left of his attack force with him.

Taking advantage of the situation, Krayt ordered the remaining Sith Lords to pursue the attackers; remaining behind to rest. As he sat down, he was approached by Darth Wyyrlok who, having just lost his apprentice during the battle, confronted Krayt. Wyyrlok congratulated Krayt, saying he did in fact believe Krayt was more than capable of leading the coalition, although he wanted no part in it.


Following their pyrrhic victory over Sucasa's forces the Sith Coalition was officially formed from the remnant of the attendees. Many powerful and influential Sith Lord's had fallen during the battle, including Darth Knida. Not one to let the opportunity pass, Darth Krayt declared his dominion over Knida's realm, as well as those of all the attendees who had died, save where an apprentice still lived.

With a unified force ready to combat Proditor Krayt was finally in a position to challenge Proditor directly, although there were still many with the coalition who felt their numbers were still lacking due to the loss of Wyyrlok's support. Determined to defeat Proditor and silence and dissidence early on, Krayt ordered his newly strengthened fleet to prepare for an attack on the capital of Darth Wyyrlok's domain; Korriban.

Battles of the Successors War
Sith CouncilCorellia 1Corellia 2Cato NeimoidiaBespinKlatooineManaan
Nar ShaddaaSluis Van ShipyardsKorribanYavinCoruscantChandrila