Star Wars Fanon

Commonwealth map-01

Commonwealth space in the galaxy, as of 42 ABY

The Commonwealth of the Western Reaches, commonly referred to as the Commonwealth or the Reaches, is a state in the Western Reaches, extending from the Outer Rim into the Inner Rim. The political and economic center is Bespin. As of 42 ABY, the Commonwealth borders the Remnant, the Black Sun, the Galactic Alliance, and the Core.

The Commonwealth was established shortly after the fall of the First Order; seeing the quick conquest of independent planets by the Hutts, the worlds of the Greater Javin unified to preserve their freedom. The new state quickly expanded up the Corellian Trade Spine, accepting systems wanting protection from the nearby Remnant and Black Sun.

However, this expansion soon came to a halt when they claimed the bacta-producing world of Thyferra; the nascent Core had also claimed the planet, and neither side would back down for fear of losing Thyferra’s vital bacta supplies. The result was a war that would drag on for seven years, tying down the Commonwealth’s resources and halting their campaign against the fragile Remnant.

The Commonwealth controls one of the largest deposits of tibanna gas in the galaxy in Bespin, and is one of the few places where bacta is available in any significant amount. The shipyards of Yag’Dhul supply most of the Commonwealth’s fleet and represent their most valuable industrial center.
