Commendation tokens (Jobaba besna in Common Huttese, leading to the slang term "besno" in other parts of the galaxy), also known simply as tokens, commendations, or colloquially as crook credits and in ancient times as Causa Commendationis were coins made of nickel used as a universal currency in black markets on hundreds of worlds. Virtually all crime syndicates in the galaxy acknowledged the importance of tokens in the galaxy's underworld, and the currency, despite not being recognized by the Galactic Republic and many other political superpowers, was accepted by many contraband dealers. There were other local currencies named tokens, some even bearing a similar appearance, leading to these currencies being mistaken for commendations in some underworld exchanges.
Commendation tokens were introduced by the Black Sun some millennia before the modern era and served as the only currency in areas completely controlled by the Black Sun. The Hutts, whose clans were long-time rivals of the Black Sun, also adopted commendation tokens next to their native druggats as well as Republic credits in their territories. Through Black Sun and Hutt-aligned smugglers, tokens became commonplace on hundreds of other worlds over the millennia and became a common currency in exchanges between criminals from different alignments. Some civilian businesses on certain Outer Rim worlds including Mandalore also accepted commendation tokens next to Republic/Imperial credits and local currencies. In 112 BBY, the Galactic Senate passed a bill banning the possession and use of commendation tokens in public areas. Fines were imposed on those in possession with less than seventy coins, and those with more were incarcerated. Locations suspected of manufacturing commendation tokens were often raided by law enforcement. The Republic Judicial Department eventually assembled the Currency Enforcement Bureau, which was responsible for cracking down on illegal and outdated currencies including commendation tokens and in some Republic territories was responsible for the enforcement and management of local taxation (and subsequently the apprehension of tax evaders). The Currency Enforcement Bureau later became divided between the Counterfeit Investigations Agency and the Imperial Taxation Bureau. Following the formation of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, laws regarding tokens became harsher, with those in possession with more than just twenty tokens possibly seeing up to a decade of imprisonment in a high-security penitentiary. Imperial politicians became divided on whether or not the commendation token should be recognized as a legitimate currency, as it became frequently used by up to 15% of the Empire's territories even after currency laws became stricter and up to 3% of all beings incarcerated in Imperial prisons were imprisoned on charges of possession of illegal or counterfeit currencies, which was considered an unnecessary blow to the Empire's tax revenue. As of 10 BBY, one standard-sized commendation token was worth one forth of an Imperial credits. The exact size, value, and material composition of commendation tokens varied, and at least four different common variations were found across the galaxy.
In 7 BBY, the Coruscant Security Force, in conjunction with a detachment of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps Urban Police Division (Galactic City Detachment), raided an abandoned factory in the Happyland neighborhood, where more than 4 million commendation tokens (most later traced back to illegal weapons exchanges, some dating back over two decades prior to the raid) and several dozen tons of various illegal narcotics as well as some blasters and firearms were seized. This raid, which saw more than thirty Imperial casualties, prompted politicians to come to the conclusion that commendation tokens should remain illegal and heavily enforced.