Color was the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light. Color came from one source, white light, and when put through a prism, had different shades. Color was one of the defining factors of a lightsaber, as it indicated one's affiliation.
Primary colors[]
The primary colors were red, blue, and yellow. The Sith were commonly afilliated with the color red. The Jedi were familiarized with blue and yellow. Yellow was the color of choice for Jedi Temple guards.
Secondary colors[]
The secondary colors were green, orange, and violet. They were made by combining the primary colors. Green lightsabers were affiliated with the Jedi. Orange and purple lightsabers were rare.
Red + Blue = Violet
Red + Green = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green
Tertiary colors[]
The tertiary colors were made by combining primary and secondary colors together. They were vermilion, amber, chartreuse, teal, purple, and magenta. There were no kyber crystals with these colors.
Red + Purple = Red Purple
Blue + Green = Blue Green
Blue + Purple = Blue Purple
Yellow + Orange = Yellow Orange
Yellow + Green = Yellow Green
Warm and cool colors[]
Colors were also classified as warm or cool. In example, the warm colors were yellow, orange, and red while the cool colors were blue, purple, and green.