Coleman Trebor was a Vurk Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi Council for about five years. His career, and his life, ended at the start of the Clone wars during the Battle of Geonosis when he attempted to attack the powerful Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, but was shot by Tyranus' right hand man, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett.
Jedi's best negotiator[]
Coleman Trebor was one of the few Vurks to become a Jedi having being discovered by an unknown Jedi early in his life and brought to the Jedi Order for training. Most of Trebor's early life is unknown, however in 23 BBG he discovered a two year old Twi'lek girl named Carilia Conrose on Ryloth and brought her to the Jedi Temple.
Coleman eventually became a Jedi Master, presumably having trained a Padawan to Knighthood and was arguably the Jedi's best negotiator, solving many planetary disputes without violence. Though Trebor was only an average warrior his negotiation skills earned him a place on the Jedi Council due to the belief that Jedi were keepers of peace not warriors.
At some point in his life, Trebor became friends with Tholme and T'ra Saa and learned that they had fallen in love. Although he was slightly disapproving about their relationship, Trebor accepted the couples decision to allow themselves to love each other and never attempted to break them up or get them thrown out of the Order.
Two years before the start of the Clone Wars Trebor, along with Jedi Master Shaak Ti was involved in protecting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from a terrorist named Granta Omega and a group of assassin droids. They managed to fight off the assassin droids and Palpatine emerged unscathed.
Shortly before the clone wars, Trebor took Lena Missa as his Padawan. During a negotiation mission, Coleman and Lena worked alongside Saesee Tiin and Carilia Conrose, which Lena later reminisced about fondly to Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy.
Battle of Geonosis[]

Trebor confronts Count Dooku just before his death.
Coleman was present during the Battle of Geonosis. He fought bravely and even attempted to take on Count Dooku alone despite Dooku's vastly superior lightsaber skills. The Vurk caught Dooku by surprise but as he ignited his lightsaber the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Jango Fett fired upon him. Trebor managed to deflect four bolts but as his lightsaber was down from parrying one bolt another bolt hit him in the face throwing him out of Count Dooku' box where he fell to the Arena floor many meters below.
After his death Coleman Trebor's seat on the Jedi Council was given to the Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto.
Personality and traits[]
Coleman Trebor was well known for his negotiation skills and was considered by many to be the Jedi Order's best negotiator. Trebor didn't enjoy fighting though he would use his lightsaber when there was no other choice. He was also wise and insightful and though he was not a great warrior his wisdom and diplomacy skills made him a respected member of the Jedi Order. Though he was the least skilled warrior on the Council at his time, Trebor made up for this through subtlety and quick thinking.
Master Trebor was very humble, believing that Jedi were servants not celebrities. He was also courageous attempting to kill Count Dooku despite Dooku's vastly superior lightsaber skills and since he caught Dooku by surprise he might have killed him before he could retaliate if it weren't for Fett.
Coleman was also quite accepting of other peoples beliefs and although he was slightly disapproving of the romantic relationship between Tholme and T'ra Saa, he did not attempt to break them up or get them thrown out of the Order. His patient acceptance of other people was also shown by his friendship with the unorthodox Carilia Conrose who was very open about her belief that attachment and love should not be banned by the Jedi Order.
After his death, Lena Missa told Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy that Coleman had not been a hugger and even admitted that the Vurk Jedi Master had been rather boring. Despite striving for a formal relationship with Lena, Coleman still showed enough concern for her safety to refuse to allow her to join the strike team on Geonosis.
Powers and abilities[]
Coleman Trebor was trained as a Jedi Consular and therefore he focused more on the Force than on combat and was able to use Floating Meditation. Trebor was also a master of Jedi Mind Tricks and often used them when a diplomatic mission was going badly.
Trebor was a practitioner of Niman but he was not a particularly skilled warrior, though he made up for this through subtlety and quick thinking. His lightsaber skills were no match for Jango Fett's masterfully aimed blaster shots and he only managed to deflect four bolts before he was killed.