Star Wars Fanon

Coleman Kcaj was a male Ongree Jedi Master serving the Jedi Order during the final years of the Republic Classic era. During the Clone Wars, Kcaj was appointed to the Jedi High Council after the loss of Councilor Oppo Rancisis at the Siege of Saleucami. Following Master Tomac Moorcé's ascension to the rank of Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Kcaj took over his position of Warden of the Order.


Born on the ocean-covered world of Skustell, Coleman Kcaj was discovered early on in infancy to be Force-sensitive and turned over to the Jedi Order for training in the ways of the Force. Passing through his studies at the Coruscant Jedi Temple academy, Kcaj graduated and was selected by Jedi Master Waldan Bridger to train as a Padawan. Travelling with Bridger across the Mid Rim on long journey missions, Kcaj became skilled with a lightsaber as Bridger taught him to use several other weapons during their time together. While Bridger was a Weapons Master and Kcaj wished to specialize as a Shadow, the burly Human Jedi instilled in Kcaj the principals of the Order and a mind for blending in with the crowds of several worlds and cultures so as to avoid detection from potential enemies.

Constructing a green-bladed lightsaber on Ilum, Kcaj completed his Trials of Knighthood in 32 BBY and began to take missions on behalf of the Council of First Knowledge. Striving to serve as a Shadow, Kcaj sought guidance from Masters Tholme and Indot Sheni and resided for several months at the Sentinel Academy on Purpilia. During the Separatist Crisis which threatened to tear the Republic asunder, Kcaj became quick friends with Jedi Tomac Moorcé and Maladi Guidicelli and served alongside them as Shadows. When the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Kcaj accompanied a strike team to the planet of Geonosis to free Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala. Under the leadership of Master of the Order Mace Windu, Kcaj and his fellows landed around the Petranaki arena on an extraction mission. Storming the arena, Kcaj fought along his brother and sister Jedi, including fellow Ongree Jedi Pablo-Jill, cutting down countless battle droids. Surviving the conflict, Kcaj returned to the Jedi Temple and accepted the rank of General within the newly created Grand Army of the Republic.

When Master Ulseh was killed in the fighting on Argul, Kcaj took over the training of the young Ren Auglu and the pair took assignments alongside the Special Operations Brigade's Shadow Division. As Master Tomac Moorcé took up the title of Warden of the Order, newly elevated Master Kcaj and Auglu served under him directly and were assigned to oversee operations on the twelve-bladed satellite over Shrokaan. The satellite served the Order as a clandestine prison for Force-sensitive prisoners and criminals from across the galaxy whose presence remained a secret to even the Supreme Chancellor. Stationed on the satellite, Kcaj supervised the droid gaoler Frax and the suspended animation cells. The most dangerous non-Forceful inmates were shrunk using a very precise procedure which rendered them in a state of stasis and palm-sized.

After nearly two years of fighting, Master Kcaj was approached by the High Council and offered a seat on the august and noble body. Replacing esteemed Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis after his death at the hands of Dark Jedi Sora Bulq on Saleucami, Kcaj would help shape the Republic war effort for the remainder of the conflict. During the trial of Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Kcaj implored the High Council to wait for Warden Moorcé to return to Coruscant before her trial. When the Council expelled Tano from the Order, Kcaj contacted the Warden and informed him of the Council's decision. Following Jedi Barriss Offee's confession to the crime's Tano was accused of, Kcaj was in the Council chambers when Warden Moorcé stormed into the room and openly accused the Council of stupidity. Claiming that the Councilors had apparently lost all ability to think clearly enough to even thoroughly investigate the murders of several Jedi and Temple workers during the bombing orchestrated by Offee, Moorcé was appalled that the Council had even contemplated turning a Jedi over to the Republic's courts.

Shortly following the battle over Coruscant in which he had briefly participated, Kcaj attended a performance of Squid Lake at the Galaxies Opera House, where he spoke with Senator Sweitt Concorkill of Shrokaan shortly before the show. Concorkill, who was privy to the location of the Jedi prison over his planet, was anxious over the newly appointed sector governors and wished the Jedi would reveal the location of the satellite to the Chancellor before the governor discovered it and reported the location of the facility to Palpatine. Returning to the Temple to voice his concerns over the secrecy of the satellite, Kcaj was present in the Council Chambers when Jedi Anakin Skywalker was appointed to the High Council by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine; an unprecedented move that disturbed the Council.

Jedi Renaissance[]

Following Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's report that General Grievous had been destroyed, Kcaj departed Coruscant and made way for the detention facility over Shrokkan with the promise from the High Council that the Chancellor would be made aware of the facility's existence in the coming days. Overseeing the satellite's operations and assigning his Padawan to assist in the patrolling of the cell blocks, Kcaj was pleased when Warden Moorcé announced his arrival and his escort of Secret Service agents dispatched by Chancellor Palpatine himself to inspect the facility. As Kcaj made his way down to Moorcé's hangar bay a firefight broke out within the Warden's ship. Arriving with clone troopers to the scene of the fighting, Kcaj ordered the clones to open fire on the Secret Service agents who had inexplicably begun to fire on the Warden.

When all of the black clad agents were dead, Moorcé explained that they had only just landed when the agents attempted to assassinate him. Heading up to the command bridge in order to contact Coruscant and inform them of the strange turn of events, they were interrupted by an emergency broadcast from the Jedi Temple's beacon recalling all Jedi to Coruscant and warning them of possible attack from Republic agents, even from the clone troopers with whom they had so long served. Reeling from the news, Kcaj ordered the facility to be evacuated of all clone personnel and replaced by the droid skeleton crew until the Jedi returned. Departing with his Padawan and the Warden, Kcaj arrived on Coruscant to find the Temple in a state of lockdown as Jedi from across the galaxy returned home. Seeking out members of the High Council, Kcaj was made aware of the Chancellor's death and true identity as a Sith Lord. During the ensuing Council meeting, Grand Master Yoda announced his resignation and self-imposed exile, nominating Master Moorcé to take his place as leader of the Order. Citing Moorcé spirit, his ability to question the Council's judgement over the Ahsoka Tano hearing and his commitment to ridding the galaxy of the dark side, Kcaj whole-heartedly backed Yoda's appointment and was glad to see his friend and mentor take up the title of Grand Master.

Standing in the Temple Great Hall as Moorcé unveiled his new plans for the direction of the Order, Kcaj championed the Purpilian's ideas for reoccupying Ossus, the old fortress world of the Order. Kcaj was pleased when Moorcé named him Warden of the Order, and hoped to see the prisoners of the twelve-bladed satellite rehabilitated and released within the next five years. As the Order prepared for its move, Kcaj returned to the facility over Shrokkan with Padawan Auglu to oversee the shift from clone units on board to employees of the Order and some Republic officers.With the assistance of Frax, Kcaj reanimated those prisoners kept in stasis and prepared them for rehabilitation and a hearing at the Jedi Temple. As each Forceful adapt was transferred to a holding cell at the Temple, Kcaj joined Moorcé and other Council members in the Chamber of Judgment to rule on the future of each inmate. For many of the Dark Side Adepts, the Council ruled that rehabilitation was possible and that they would carry out mandatory lessons on Ossus in exchange for the relative freedom of keeping their own apartment and travelling around Knossa without leaving the planet. Kcaj, who championed this decision, would serve as a sort of parole officer in that each inmate would check in with him from time to time for an evaluation on their progress. If they became proficient in the studies, they would eventually be given the opportunity to become Jedi, serve in the Service Corps, or simply live out the rest of their days living and working on Ossus.

When Tython reopened, Kcaj was eager for his own Padawan to face the trials of the Jedi Journeyer and become a Knight. When Auglu was ready, he departed for the Great Temples and passed through each one in the course of 17 months. At Padawan Kesh, Kcaj watched proudly as Temple Master Mavra Zane cut off Auglu's braid and named him a Jedi Knight. Returning to Ossus, Kcaj was responsible for petitioning the Republic to release several leading members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems' war council into Jedi custody. Along with former Vice Chair of the Republic Mas Amedda, Denaria Kee and Rute Gunnay were given a place to stay on Ossus, and Kcaj saw to it that they would live out their days in relative comfort after years in prison.

In 6 BBY Master Kcaj decided to step down from the High Council and focus on his duties as Warden of the Order. Residing on Ossus after the Shrokkan facility was taken offline, Kcaj worked to establish a suitable detention facility at the outskirts of Knossa where members of the Order could bring in those criminals too dangerous to be turned over the Republic or the Confederacy or who needed to be protected from either government. Under Kcaj's leadership the detention facility became a place of rehabilitation for some of the galaxy's most hardened criminals, political extremist and terrorists. When inmates were given the choice of living out their lives monastically on a Jedi world or returning to the galactic institutions which wanted to incarcerate them for life, most chose reform and life within the Service Corps. Kcaj insured that this practice would not become one in which prisoners were given a free pass; all were challenged to live a life of charity and commitment to the Order was something not easily attained. Those in the Service Corps were eventually permitted to travel offworld along with other members of the Order to help farm on war-torn planets with the AgriCorps or bear arms in the SecurCorps. Political extremists went on to reform their ideas when inspired by the Great Library of Ossus and became librarians or instructors in the EduCorps or DiploCorps. Mas Amedda and Denaria Kee elected to live out their lives as hermits along the coastline and on the vast plains respectively while Rute Gunnay found work in the Knossa City Council.
