Cohu was a male Urunian Gray Jedi who fought for peace and justice in the Urum system. He was born on Urum and raised in the Jedi Temple. Cohu was considered by many to be a slow learner, but when he became Snie's Padawan, he was able to learn at a faster pace. In 200 ABY, his Master taught him a forbidden Force power, Stonestorm. At first he was reluctant to learn it, but after seeing it he changed his mind. In 201 ABY, Cohu's home planet of Urum was invaded by the Empire. He and his master were sent to the front-lines, but they soon had to fall back to the city. There, both his weapon and his master's weapon broke. When a shot was fired at the unarmed Cohu, his master jumped in front of Cohu and was killed by the bolt. He and his squad were arrested and sentenced to death, but they escaped. They fought the war to restore peace to the system, but they failed to do so.
During the war, he and his men found a large entity of Force energy which mutated them into stronger beings. Also, this entity was set free of its cave and began to spread over the planet giving it back its life. Because of this mutation, they could live a little longer but many died in battle before getting to that age. Cohu disliked the effects of the mutation and it took him ten years to get used to it and enjoy it a bit.
He's extremely strong. When the time is right I'll train him to become one of the most powerful Jedi ever.
—Snie to the Jedi counsel about Cohu
Early years[]
Cohu was born into a normal Urunian family. From the time he was birthed, he was considered, by Force Users, to be strong in the Force. The Jedi Council knew about his existence from moment he was born. That is why they took him to the Temple at a very young age.
Jedi training[]
At the age of eleven Cohu was the youngest Jedi ever to be taken as a Padawan. At first he learned slowly, but after a year he started to feel the Force around him and became substantially more powerful. During his training he learned to control his emotions and power.
At the age of sixteen, Snie asked him if he wanted to learn his most powerful Force power. At first he did not want to, but when they were being attacked on a mission and his Master used this power, he really wanted to learn it. After a while he mastered it too.
Qorox war[]
Invasion of Urum[]
My time is over. Now it's your time
—Snie to Cohu before dieing
When Cohu's training was coming to an end, Urum was invaded. He and his Master were sent to fight the invasion armies on the ground. They sneaked behind enemy lines and managed to kill a few troops. Together they pulled down a landing transport, killing many enemy troops on the ground, but they did not manage to do more damage because the heavy cannons began to shoot at them. They had to fall back into the city. When they entered the city the fight really broke loose. Enemy soldiers came from all sides and many buildings collapsed by the laser-fire. Cohu's lightsaber broke during the fighting. Snie knew he had to save him, so he gave his lighsaber to Cohu but Snie's lightsaber broke as well. When Cohu was fired upon, Snie jumped in front of him to save Cohu's life, killing Snie. The fight went one just a little longer, until Cohu and his men were forced to surrender because only a few of his troops remained.
He and his men were locked up and were to be executed the next day. Cohu had other plans, and in the middle of the night he escaped, but was hit on the head by one of the guards and put in a more secure cell. The next day they were brought to the place of execution. The soldiers were to be shot first to make Cohu suffer. When the first group of soldiers were shot he fell to his knees. In an act of anger, he grabbed a gun with the Force and began shooting at the guards. Many shots were fired back and almost killed him, but he managed to kill them all before then. His men that were shot were not dead, so he healed them and told the men to get away before more troops would arrive. After some time lying on the ground, more enemy troops arrived. They were all ready to shoot. Just before they could fire, a laser was fired from somewhere else and more turbolasers were fired and in a short time all enemy soldiers were dead. A ship landed soon thereafter. Cohu's troops walked outside and brought him in the ship.
A New Lightsaber[]
After a month restoring, Cohu was ready to fight again but he didn't have a lightsaber, so had had to get a new crystal. He got all the other things he needed and went to the crystal-cave on Zean because Quary was too dangerous. He and Chox went inside; they walked in the cave for 3 days to find the crystal Cohu wanted. It was a yellow crystal which supported his telekinetic powers. Cohu went to meditate and to construct his lightsaber while Chox guarded him. During that time, the ground started to shake and the cave collapsed. Chox feared that they could never leave and when toxic gas filled the cave and cave-creatures attack, he almost fainted. Cohu completed his lightsaber just in time to kill the creatures, but the gas was still filling the cave. Chox who wore a helmet was saved, but Cohu could only hold his breath for about half an hour. He cut a hole into the stones with his new lightsaber and they crept through it to the other side. There he closed it just in time for the gas not to escape and they were safe again. After two days of walking they were out of the cave again.
The squadron[]
After getting out of the cave, Klahy had the idea to give a name to the squadron. But nobody knew a name until Cohu thought of the name "Mist squadron" when he thought back to the day he almost got shot by the empire and his men came out of nowhere, and saved him. All the men agreed, and from that moment on they were the Mist squad.
Fight with the emperor[]
One week later Cohu heard that The Shadow Knights of Quary had infiltrated the government building on Urum and that Uzraah Misary was captured by them when he tried to recapture the building. The entire Squad went to Urum. When they arrived on Urum Uzraah had escaped. Cohu sensed where Uzraah was and went there. He ran through the Building, as he ran as hard as he could, and there he appeared. Cohu thought of a plan to deceive Uzraah so he said:
I will help you conquer the galaxy!
Cohu foresaw an attack by Uzraah and charged his lightsaber just in time to block the attack. The two began fighting and all people who where able to fight grabbed their blasters and the entire city became a battlefield within an hour. Then Uzraah fled so Cohu went after him. Cohu followed Uzraah to Zean, he saw that Uzraah tried to use his force power, force Move. Cohu stopped him but he led him think it was working by "helping" him. After it "worked", Cohu charged his lightsaber and attacked Uzraah. Uzraah evaded the attack and used Force lightning but Cohu deflected it with his lightsaber. Then Cohu charged Force stonestorm but he was pushed into the water by Uzraah, there the battle went on. Cohu charged Force stonestorm but it became a giant waterstorm which, when it exploded, destroyed most of the remaining island.
Cohu and Uzraah went above the water and started fighting again. Cohu knew that nobody could win, and when mist clouds covered the area he called in his squad and he disappeared. They went to Urum to the survivors to make them stay, but he was attack by Uzraah again. He saw that the emperor was weak and won the battle without any problem.
And this is the almighty Emperor? I have beaten you and you didn't even know that the sector was not collapsing at all!
—Cohu, making a laughter at Uzraah
Uzraah ran away and got of the planet. The planet was still under Imperial control so Cohu had to flee from the planet. The planet was rebuilt by the empire and the Quarians were enslaved by them to mine in the mines of Quary. Cohu fled to a base on Asto.
The droid[]
In 205 ABY, cohu was part of the rebellion against the Empire of the Rising Dawn. The rebellion grew every day. One day cohu was watching the asteroids from his chamber for hours when suddenly a ship appeared. Cohu informed the control-center but ordered them not to shoot. The ship landed and noting happened for a very long time, until a little mining-droid came out of the ship, and told Cohu he had information the rebellion needed. After having scanned the droid they knew what it had meant to tell them. The little droid was a perfect battledroid for the rebellion, and mas-production started right away.
The mines of Quary[]
Five years passed, it was now 210 ABY, the Mist squad was again ready to fight a real battle again, after sabotaging the empire they were tiered of fighting in the dark. The Mistship had been built by Xohme, which was the pilot of the squad. The ship was able the carry 100 S-units on it. Cohu and the squad were send to Quary to free Quarian slaves.
By there arrival only a few guards were protecting the mines. Mist squadron was able to free 9 mines from its guards with relative ease. Then they went into the tenth mine, but the empire had been warned and landed as soon as they were in the mine. The entrance was blocked by a huge starship. A door opened slowly, the light inside the ship was red and illuminated the cave in a reddish color. A darksided creature came out of the ship and ran towards them. Cohu lightninged it, which slowed the creature down. The creature hit Dux which broke a few bones. That was the straw for Cohu. Filled with anger he charged at the creature. everything seemed to move slower. Cohu charged his lightsaber, threw it at the creature which evaded the lightsaber, he then grabbed a knife and threw it in the creatures chest. Cohu then jumped over the creature, he caught his lightsaber and smashed it into the creatures head. The creature then fell on the ground and died. The imperials followed this on camera and send a legion to kill them. Cohu saw the men coming out of the ship, so, he used the Force to collapse the entrance of the cave. A few men were very fast and made it through the falling rocks, but that were no match for the squad and they were killed. All the squad members were worried about how to get out of the cave. Cohu had an amazing knowledge about the entire Qorox sector and said:
Quary has a network of caves. They are all connected in a way. That means there is always a way out!
—Cohu about the Quary
With that in mind they went down into the cave. Dux, who was not able to walk, was carried by Chox and Klahy. On their way down their group started to grow because of the slaves that worked there. They walked for a week until the cave split in two. Cohu decided The slaves should go the way up and the squad would go the way down because he was drawn down the cave for some reason. They walked for another week. Then they came into a place were strange plants illuminated the cave. It was a bluish kind of light. Warm water dripped from the plants and they drank it. It was very tastefully and they got the strength to walk on, so they did. After one day walking the cave ended, it was very hot and the earth shook once every 5 minutes. Many man gave up hope and the spirit got lower and lower. But Cohu did not give up hope and started meditating.
After half an hour he felt as if there was something behind a wall in the cave. He used the force to pull stones out of a wall and it soon became clear a new cave was behind it and the man helped Cohu. Behind the wall was a door and Cohu opened it. They were blown away by an extremely strong wind. It seemed that the force was extremely strong in that cave. The entity got out and transformed them slowly. It rapidly went to the surface and transformed 100 square kilometers into a lush forest. But Cohu and his men were still down the cave. Water slowly filled the cave and the cave itself started to collapse. After they were transformed they were able to run faster so they started running up, and in One week running they were out of the cave. they saw the lush forest and were shocked and happy at the same time. Cohu was totally amazed and said:
The Force has many powers itself, we know nothing about its power!
—Cohu amazed by what he sees.
The squad went back to the cave the entered and saw that they ship was stolen. So, they went to the Imperial headquarters. By their arrival they saw their ship immediately. Chox Pressed the button to activate the droids in the ship. Large poles got out of the underside of the ship and all the S-units which were not with them in the cave got out of them and started fighting. Cohu and his squad were able to get in the ship and grab their heavy weaponry which were hidden. They killed all soldiers on the battlefield and ordered the droids to get on the ship and they left the planet. The men looked into a mirror and saw their transformation. Everyone could live with it except Cohu who totally hated it. By their arrival on Asto they where praised for their victory. Nobody spoke about the forest because they did not want to let anybody know they had set the entity free from its cave.
Cohu had a really hard time accepting his new body, especially his face. He had meditated for a week but it did not seem to work. Then his beeper went off. He stopped meditating and went to the headquarters. He was very curious why he had been called to come, and not someone else. While he was walking trough the hallway everyone seemed to stare at him. This only made Cohu more insecure about his face. As soon as he opened the door the people stopped talking. Officer Trawl approached Cohu slowly. While walking he told cohu this:
One of our soldiers has betrayed us and has sabotaged us. But this is the problem, we can not find him!
—Officer Trawl to Cohu
Cohu offered his help to find the traitor and went investigating immediately. He found out that the Traitor knew a lot about technology because the man had cut trough only one cable, so he did not made a mistake. he also placed a mine on the exact right place of a walker, so that the leg fell off, and the walker exploded. He also knew that it was not one of his men because they were all eating in the mess hall. With this in mind he made a list with everyone possible, but that list was way too long. So he called them to a meeting and questioned everyone. After the Question-round only 10 people were possible traitors. They were questioned once more and only 3 men were left then. Two men looked at each other and hit Cohu on the head. Cohu fell on the ground and saw the men running away. The other man Cohu stand up, and went with him after them. The alarm was sound and everyone was told who the traitors were. Everyone went looking for them but they were nowhere to be found. Then Cohu sensed them and went to that place. He found them in a fast walker and started fighting it after a long time fighting he managed to chop of a leg of the walker making it unable to walk. The men came out and started fighting Cohu. They wore the Urunian armor so it was very hard to beat them. But One of the men said:
You are losing, uglyface!
—Traitor to Cohu
This made Cohu so angry that he charged force lightning and electrocuted them to death. After calming down he was filled with guilt. He again used anger to kill them. Cohu feared that if he did not watch himself he would one day fall to the dark side.
Mythical base[]
In 212 ABY, a rumor went around that information was erased from the archives before the invasion of Urum. One of the erased things would be the location of a huge base containing a lot of starships. Cohu would not stop thinking about it so he called his squad together and asked them who was in, and everyone said yes. Preparations were made and one day later they left Asto and went to Zean. On the way they made a plan for the expedition. They had to know if anyone knew about such a base. So, they went to the capital of Zean, called zalone. They had to wear diving-suits because the city was totally under water because the zeanoians were fish. They were arrested when they came into the city for no clear reason, and brought before the king of Zean. The people seemed a little afraid of them and they were constantly aimed at by their guards. The king explained they were arrested because the Empire had just tried to make an alliance with them, and they refused, and now they were afraid the Empire had returned to take Zean by force. Cohu explained they were not from the Empire and they were searching for a base which was base a few year after the Urunian war. The king did not know of such a base, but he was kind enough to offer them a few of his troops. Cohu thanked him by saying:
I give you my everlasting gratitude, and if you ever need something in return just call us!
—Cohu to the king of Zean
The quest went on. They visited every city and village, and asked everyone of such a base but nobody had even heard of it. The visiting of the cities took them one year, it was now 213 ABY and there were still no clues. Then, when they were visiting the last village, an old Zeanoian came there way. The man looked very weak and he looked as if his skin could fall of every second. Most people avoided this man, either they were scared or disgusted, but Cohu had sympathy for this man, he gave him some food and asked him if he knew anything about a giant base. The man said:
Yes, I have heard of it! Actually, I helped build it! Nobody was to talk about it to anyone, but you seem to have to right means for the weapons inside.
—Old Zeanoian about the base to Cohu.
Cohu asked the man were it was and the man said it was near the great columns. Cohu thanked the man and he, his squad and the guards went there, but on there way there they were attacked by a 50 meter tall monster. The monster grabbed a guard, who got loose from the hand pretty quick. Then, The monster charged for Jooh, smashed him against a rock and killed him. Now the other men fought as bravely as they could, but it did not seem to help because the monster killed 2 guards and Zeor and Iony broke some bones. But when everything seemed lost, Cohu found a weak-spot on the creature. Cohu grabbed a knife, threw it in the creatures neck and then tore him apart with the force. The quest had to move on because it became a lot move dangerous. They grabbed Jooh so they could bury him later.
Then, they finally reached the columns, but there was no base. They explored the entire region but there was still no base. Then Xohme saw a crashed starship. The ship had crashed, but was still intact. He went inside and called the others. Cohu went inside and noticed a door at the back of the ship. He opened the door with the force. Behind the door was a tunnel. They swam through it and noticed that the tunnel bent upwards and the water-level decreased, until there was now water left in the tunnel. They left the guards behind and went on through the tunnel, till they found a staircase. They walked up. When they reached the top they found themselves in a large, dark space. Cohu turned on the lights and one by one the lights went on. They had found the secret base! The base contained many starships on their level alone, and there were one hundred levels in their column alone. It seemed that the base consisted out of ten columns. Each containing ten thousand mid-sized starships. Cohu and his men were stunned. They immediately contacted the rebels on Asto, which sent soldiers right away. The soldiers arrived within an hour and started installing secret artillery turrets. Within one week, the base was fully operational. Jooh was buried on Urum because he was born there. Cohu still hated his new body but he now started to get used to it.
Crash on Wute[]
After the Quest for the Base, Snie and his squad took a time of rest. Many soldiers just trained for the time being, but Cohu and Dux had other plans, they became teachers for the time being. Dux taught the new Rebels and Cohu taught the Jedi younglings.
it's not the weapon to make the man strong but the man to make the weapon strong.
—Dux to his students
It's not his powers but his calmness that made him strong.
—Cohu to his students
After two years of training and teaching, the rebel base on Asto was being attacked by the empire. Cohu and his squad went aboard the Mistship and fired the engines. Together with a small part of the fleet they went trough the asteroid-field, to where the enemy fleet was. There the battle began. The rebel pilots had a huge advantage, because they could fly trough the asteroid-field and the Empire could not. Also they would lure the enemy fighters in the field and the canons on the asteroids, which were controlled from the base, would fire and destroy the fighters. The battle did not take long but when only one capital-ship was left the Mistship got hit. They had to flee the battle, but they could not go back into the asteroid-field because the ship was to unstable. So, they fled towards Zean, but there they found out a battle raged there too. An other shot was fired at them and the ship because uncontrollable.
The ship entered the atmosphere of Zeans moon, Wute. They crashed in a bay half overgrown by trees. Nobody got hurt, but they soon found out they were not alone one the moon. A loud cream could be heard from between the tree. It sounded like a call for help. A few second later more screams could be heard but they were much farther away. All members of the squad grabbed their weapons and went outside. The droids had to stay inside because there was to much water outside, so they were ordered to protect the ship and themselves at all cost. The squad went outside and noticed that the bay they crashed into was not salt which meant that the seas were not salt either, this made it possible for the trees to grow in the water. When they reached the trees Larion saw some movement fifty meters afar, but they still moved on. Once there a small creature fell out of the trees. everyone looked at it, But then They were attacked by the same spiecie. More than a hundred of these creatures attacked them. Cohu ordered his troops not to kill them but set their weapons on stun. So, they did, they shot at them and stunned every single one of them. Then, they tied them to the tries. When they woke up again Cohu asked them who they were, miraculously they understood him and pointed toward were their village was. Cohu untied them and let them show the way. After 1 hour walking They reached the village. The village was built high in the trees against the predators that lived on the planet. The squad-members were thanked by the Munkys for not killing them, and the warriors who were saved gave a lifedebt, but Cohu did not want them to come with them through force. So, he said:
None of you must come with us because of some lifedebt! But if you want to come with us out of free will, than be my guest.
—Cohu to the Munky warriors
Cohu saw that the munkys were relieved. Then, one munky came forward and told them he wanted to come with them. Cohu accepted the offer and asked for his name. The munky said his name was Nawi Chio, and that he was one of the best fighters of the clan, and he was very curious about other planets. Cohu and the men stayed there for one night, but that night the village was attacked by the black monsters. The monsters had red eyes which illuminated a bit. A few munky guards had already been killed. Cohu jumped out of the tree and jumped right on top of one monster, and he chopped its head off. Then the rest of the squad joined him and used all there weapons to kill them. A few got hurt badly, so, they used their jetpack to get to safety. With the help of the Squad the monsters fled away.
The next day Cohu, the squad and their new member left. When close to there ship shooting could be heard and they ran as fast as they could towards it. They entered the ship and saw a small butterfly flying around, while the droids shot at it. Cohu and the men laughed, but to make sure now more damage was made to the ship he ordered them to stop. Cohu contacted the rebel base, and two hours later a capital ship landed, and the Mistship was towed into it. They went to zean. There Nawi was trained, and Cohu and Dux started teaching again.
Mission to Glor[]
In 223 ABY, Cohu was sent to Glor, in the Loray system, to investigate the disappearance of a Shadow knight and an entire legion. They had to be careful, because they went deep into enemy territory. The Mistship had been repaired. When everybody was ready they left Zean and went to Glor. They had to refuel, so they landed on Loray.
Refueling on Loray[]
At that time an Imperial squad was searching the city for rebels. Cohu refilled the fuel-tank, but at that moment the squad entered their landing-bay at fired at Cohu. Cohu ordered the squad the attack and soon the bay turned into a battlefield. After half an hour the enemy squad was killed but more imperial troops arrived. The squad spit up and surrounded the main forces. Zeor and Iony lay on a roof with snipers, Larion hid behind a small wall with flamethrowers, and the others hid behind other walls. When the imperials arrived on the central square, Larion launched his jetpack and used his flamethrowers, then Zeor and Lony started shooting, while the rest of the squad waited. The imperial army was totally overwhelmed and lost a huge part of the legion. When the smoke cleared, the rest of the squad attacked, while Zeor, Lony and Larian fought of the troops a little further away. Then, cohu gave the order to place detonators and get back to the ship. Within one minute everyone was back at the ship. Cohu pushed the button and they flew away while the city exploded. They flew slowly to Glor, so they could heal some wounds.
Rough landing[]
As they entered the atmosphere of Glor, a giant storm raged the planet, and as they flew through the storm the turbulence was very strong. Just when they flew out of the storm-clouds they were hit by lightning. All systems went black, so Xohme quickly launched the emergency engines, but it seemed they had been fried by the impact. Xohme tried everything he could while the others hold on tight. They all survived the landing but Xohme but heavily wounded. So, Xohme went into a secret space and fell asleep. The rest of the squad went outside. Cohu felt a dark presence nearby. Then, a robotic creature jumped out of some junk. Cohu charged his lightsaber and pushed the creature back while it jumped towards him. Cohu threw his lightsaber and chopped its head of, an the creature fell on the ground. They had no time to think what to do because more creatures had just arrived. A missive fight began and within an hour they had killed all creatures, but Bequy and Gleari had to pay with their lives for this victory. They put them in a coffin but had no time to mourn, because the mission still went on.
Bounty hunters[]
The journey to where contact was last established was long, and on the way there were many dangers like robotic creatures, active detonators, but the worst threat were the bounty hunters. They encountered them in a large abandoned factory. As they walked towards the center of the factory they were surrounded. One man walked towards them and asked them:
Bounty hunter: “And who might you be?”
Cohu: “We are the Mist squad.”
Bounty hunter: “Then, you must be Cohu! You must be worth a lot to the Emperor.”
— Bounty hunter telling Cohu he won't let him go.
The man walked back and ordered all his men to attack. The Bounty hunters group was clearly a lot bigger than the Mist squad, but the members of the Mist squad clearly had a better training and more experience. Larion launched his jetpack and started fighting off the troops a little higher, Erho grabbed his special Bowcaster and launched explosive arrows at the enemy, Vyro grabbed his two vibroswords and used his wall-running techniques to evade shots, Cohu used his lightsaber and the others just used common blasters and rifles. The bounty hunters did not stand a chance and within half an hour the largest part of their forces were killed, but then, the leader returned after having left. He brought with him, new soldiers and a large mutated beast, on which he rode. The situation became worse when they found out they had brought heavier weapons. Comes also had heavy weapons with him. So, he grabbed his detonates and threw them to the others, he gave himself a railgun, lony and zeor grabbed their Snipers and Chox and Klahy grabbed their Spears.
Larion Launched his jetpack again and flew to a saver place from where he could shoot. The rest of the squad charged, the men with blasters etc. ran slower and at one point stopped to shoot, while the rest ran on. The men with the melee weapons jumped or slid across the floor when the bounty hunters opened fire. Then, the squad opened fire. Larion came out of his hiding-place and used his flamethrowers to separate a part of the group which he then killed. The fight did not take long, because the bounty hunters were still no match for the variety of fighting styles. Only the leader with its beast remained. Cohu ordered the Squad to fall back, so they could cover him. The men all grabbed long-range weapons and started shooting at the creature. Cohu charged at the creature, he jumped, grabbed trowing knifes and threw them one by one in the creature. He then landed just before the creature, slid underneath and cut it in half. He then walked toward the man and said:
There will be no more bloodshed today. we're leaving!
—Cohu to his squad while looking at the man
they left the factory and walked on.
Ancient temple[]
After walking for a few days the place where contact was last established with the knight was in sight. As they walked towards the place, Cohu felt the dark side of the force strongly. It felt like it became stronger every step. As they walked to the center of a square, robotic creatures jumped towards them they landed about 20 meters away from them. Comes grabbed a detonator an threw it. The creatures died, but the earth started to split and fall in the crack. Cohu and the squad ran away, but Nawi was too late and fell. Larion jumped after him and grabbed Nawi just in time, he launched his jetpack and flew up. When the smoke cleared Cohu could see there was a building under the earth. So, they went down the crack. Once down, Cohu could clearly see the entrance of the building. It was old, cracked and dark plants grew all over the building. Cohu opened the entrance with the force. They went inside and found themselves in a large hall, with statues of 20 meters high all around it. The door slammed shut behind them and cohu found out he could open it again. So, they had to find an other way out. Dux saw a staircase going deeper into the ground, with seemed to be the only way forward.
Cohu went down first. After descending the stairs, a shot was fired at Dux but he was able to evade it. Then strange creatures walked towards them and started shooting. The squad started shooting back. Cohu, Chox, Klahy charged at the creatures and fought them using melee weapons. The fight took about an hour and Chox got wounded pretty badly. After the fight they walked into a room. Cohu saw a painting of a dark man wielding a red bladed lightsaber while chocking a man with the force. Then, Cohu released something and said:
We are in the temple of the Sith! Which aren't completely dead.
—Cohu to his men
Then, the lost knight appeared and welcomed the squad. Cohu had a bad feeling about it and charged his lightsaber. The knight saw this and Charged his lightspear. The two then charged at each other and a fight began. Cohu did not know that the body was taken over by a dark lord, who used Transfer essence. So, they fought on. After a very long time fighting Cohu stuck his lightsaber into the knights shoulder. He then, truck a few knifes in the knights legs and arms. The men fell on the ground and died. Cohu then found out the knight had been taken over by a Sith. After this, They ran to find an exit, but there seemed to be non. Then, more creatures came towards them and started running. They managed to grab Lony and rip him apart. Cohu then used stonestorm and killed the creatures. He then lifted the storm slowly, thus making a way out of the building. The temple was entirely destroyed by the storm. Cohu stopped the storm, dropped the stones in the hole and filled the remaining hole with junk. They went back to the ship, where they found out Xohme was ready to fly again. They repaired the ship and flew back to the rebel base.
Mission to Cura[]
In 235 ABY, a band of pirates went plundering and killing trough the Urum system. As soon as Cohu and the squad heard about it, they wanted to find and kill them. Cohu and the men prepared and they got onto their own, newly built, capital ship Crash III. With only 12 members on board, the ship had a lot of empty spaces. So, a lot of droids had been built into the ship, all controlled from a main computer, which could be controlled by on of the squads members. With their new piece of technology on their side they went to find the pirates.
Space battle[]
The pirates were not hard to find because they were with large numbers. The pirates were about to enter the atmosphere of Quary, but seeing the Crash they turned around and flew to it. The Crash was highly outnumbered, but the squad was not afraid and began shooting. Within 5 minutes all pirate ships were fighting, but the Crash seemed to be fine and had even shot down one of their cruisers. After one hour, a few mid-sized ship boarded the ship, and the fight continued aboard the Crash III. The pirates did not know about the technology aboard, and almost everyone was killed. The few remaining pirates were killed by Larion, who burned them with his flame-throwers. In the next 5 minutes more ships boarded and the ship became one big battlefield. After half an hour more and more ship boarded. even a few capital ships tried to attach themselves but those were shot down and crashed on Quary's moon Cura. The pirates fought as hard as they could but could not compare to the strength of the squad and the ship. They fled the ship and all fighters landed on Cura, but the capital ships fought on. After a long exhausting battle the ship was vulnerable and got hit pretty hard by a shot. The ship was still in tact, until they shot down a cruiser which crashed into theirs. Crash III became uncontrollable and turned towards Cura. It entered its atmosphere.
Catastrophic crash[]
While entering the atmosphere the ship started to pick up speed and heat. It slowly became a comet. Xohme knew the ship would not make it.
Xohme: “Leave this ship before it's too late!”
— Erho and Cohu trying to get Xohme to leave the ship with them.
Erho: “But what about you?”
Cohu: “If you stay you will die! We can't leave you here!”
Erho: “If you don't go we won't go either!”
Xohme: “I can't let you die but I can't leave this ship alone, a captain must go down with its ship!”
While the squad left for the hangar bay, the ship started to loose many parts. In the hangar the ship started the shake a lot, and in a split second the shield of the bay broke and everything got sucked out, only the more heavier ships like the Mistship were not sucked out. All soldiers had entered the ship, except for Zeor. So, he also got sucked out. He barely survived the fall but he was crushed by a starfighter. the Mistship left the Crash III and they watched it go down with Xohme. Than a pirate cruiser entered atmosphere and shot at the mistship which crashed.
Now with all ships crashed 2 soldiers dead, they had to find a way of the moon. The best chance of surviving was by going to the Crash III and see how many S-unit droids survived the crash. This wasn't an easy task because the moon was heavily guarded by the pirates who sought revenge. They walked for two hours until they reached the ship. It was surrounded by one cruiser, twenty starfighters and about five hundred guards. Cohu had a plan. He told it and all got to their positions. Once their, Cohu walked towards the ship, immediately fifty guards surrounded him. Cohu charged his lightsaber. All guards were one edge, but than the unexpected happened, four detonators exploded and many guards flew trough the air. Than, more went off, the ground exploded in a hundred meter range of Cohu. He had moved the detonators with the force trough the sand. The other squad members attacked right after the explosion. Chox and Klahy fought their way inside with their spears, Comes and Dux jumped in a starfighter and boarded the cruiser, Zahr, Vyro and Nawi started killing off the guards and Larion and Erho joined Cohu and went inside to see what droids were still alive.
Inside the Crash[]
As Chox and Klahy killed of the pirates in the Crash, Cohu, Larion and Erho made their way to the droid-hanger. On their way, they had to kill several pirates guarding the ship, but when they entered the droid-hanger, they saw it was totally filled with pirates, which were trying to open the tubes with the droids inside. Erho didn't waste a second, grabbed his bowcaster and laughed explosive arrows at the pirates. A small amount of pirates remained but it was soon clear it was going to be easy as they grabbed pretty powerful weapons. Cohu wasn't impressed, but he was a bit scared. He just charged at them, but they seemed to be very good in sword-fighting, so it wasn't easy to defeat them. Erho changed his bowcaster back to normal and also fought. Larion waited and observed the pirates fighting-styles. He soon found a weakness in one of the pirates a shot him, killing him. The other pirates had completely forgotten Larion, but now noticed him again. Three charged at him, but he launched his jetpack, flying up into the air, and activated his flame-throwers, burning the pirates to death. Then Larion got shot out of the air and was surrounded by several pirates who just entered the hanger. All three squad-members were defeated and tied up against the wall. The pirates had no intention keeping them alive so they grabbed Cohu and put him in the middle of the room. Cohu had wounded a guy, so he was allowed to kill Cohu. But just before he could shoot, a spear pierced through his body and he died. Then, an other spear flew trough the room killing another guard. All pirates started to freak-out, as several knifes flew through the room killed other pirates. After the knifes nothing happened for over half a minute. Then, to men appeared, who grabbed the spears and ran towards Cohu, cutting him loose. Larion and erho had already cut their selves loose, but waited for the perfect moment to charge, so now they did. Erho quickly ran to his bowcaster, changed it back to arrows and fired, while Larion slowly put on his jetpack.
Republic age[]
In 258 ABY, The Urum system managed to free themselves from the empire and become a republic once again. All the damage from the war en rebellion times was being restored and within 10 years it was a prosperous system again, but the empire tried several times the invade the system but all were won by the Urum system.
Small encounter[]
In 273 ABY, the Shadow knight and Cohu started building a base in the mountains, just outside the capital city. It was finished in 274 ABY. When Cohu held guard one day he felt a strange presence nearby. He quickly called three Knights to accompany him. As they walked, Cohu felt the presence stronger and stronger, until he heard a voice saying:
Terror is a cancer, devouring the mind from within. Strength, hope, and wisdom are nothing but thoughts to be consumed.
—Hoeku using Force fear.
The Shadow knight, not able to withstand the forcepower, fled away in terror. Cohu immediate charged his lightsaber and used Form V, which he learned from a Jedi friend, to defend himself. He tried to sense where the creature was but he failed. Then, the creature said:
Poor, poor Jedi. You aren't even able to see me! I could kill you without you noticing me!
—Hoeku to Cohu
After another try and a while teasing from the creature, He was tiered of it and released all his frustration by using Force scream. Then the creature appeared while flying through the air, due to the immense power of the scream. The creatures, which was only a teenager, stood up and charged his lightsaber, while walking towards Cohu. The boy was extremely calm, but this did not fright him, because he recognized his own masters calmness in it. Cohu then ran towards the boy and slashed his lightsaber at the boy. The boy was just it time to block the attack and their lightsabers clashed. The had fought for a little while when, the Knight returned, which joined the fight against The teen. Then, Cohu saw an opportunity and chopped of the teenagers arm. He laughed and said:
And this is Uzraahs strongest apprentice? You just a piece of laughter to us!
—Cohu making fun of Hoeku.
The boy turned his back on Cohu, but Cohu did not accept it and used lightning. The boy lay moaning on the floor of the horrific pain. So, cohu left him alone leaving him alive. He went back to the base and completed his duty. As he watch as the skies later that evening he saw a starship fly of the planet, at that same moment he felt the presence also slowly fading.
Urum defence[]
After a few years of total peace for the Urum republic, the republic was again preparing for battle. The Empire was heading their way with a fleet, so they had to defend themselves, it was now 297 ABY. Cohu and the other Jedi decided not to fight the battle in space and lure the Empire onto the planets surface. This strategy worked and the battle began. Krashba ship swarmed the skies, but not for long when thousands of secret hatches opened and defence artillery came out and started shooting down the ships. Also, the shield of the shipyard lowered and thousands of ships came out and joined the battle. On the ground republic troops managed to hold off the imperial troops at the cities. But, Cohu knew the empire would kill everyone if they won, which they would if he did not do anything. He had a brief meeting with the Knights and they decided to surrender. So, Cohu walked out of hiding with a white flag and walked towards Hoeku. He told Hoeku to hold the attack and call his master because he wanted to talk to him. After an hour, Uzraah finally arrived. Cohu talked to Uzraah about Urums surrender. Cohu and the Knights were to be taken captive, the Urum system would surrender and come under imperial control and the soldiers would go free. They both agreed and Cohu was taken captive. But before leaving Cohu asked a few questions to Hoeku which he all answered.
Last battle[]
In prison, Cohu had been meditating every day for 17 years. In 314 ABY, Cohu saw an opportunity to break free, the Shadow Knights had already broken free, but were unable to free Cohu. So, Cohu took a change and he escaped, but he did not have his lightsaber, so he stole one from a Sith guarding him and killed him. He also stole a starship to get of the planet. At that same moment a huge urunian fleet came out of hyperspace, Cohu joined them. As soon he landed aboard the Crash III a soldier approached him, and told him the Emperor wanted to speak to him. Cohu ran to the bridge and faced the Emperor. He told the Emperor they would fight the battle in the Nuar system. They turned the ships and went there.
Battle over Smalory[]
When the empires ship finally arrived, The battle began, and there were great losses on both sides. Cohu felt the Emperor was getting desperate, and sensed what the Emperors next move would be. Than, a meteor storm emerged out of nowhere and many ships could not withstand the impact. Many escape pods were launched and half of them safely reached the planet Smalory, and a battle beagn there too. But Cohu and the emperor both landed on the planet and battled on, on the ground.
Battle of Smalory[]
At first, Cohu watched the battle, but soon joined the fight. A great many losses were reported on both sides. Comes finally fulfilled his lifedebt by saving Dux, which costed his one life. Zahr also had to pay the price for the battle. Cohu had to command many soldiers to leave the planet and get themselves to safety, Nawi helped a few men get on a ship and took of with them, but the ship was shot out of the air and they crashed. Cohu ordered more and more toops to leave, utill there were only 20 men left with Cohu and only the Emperor and Hoeku on the other. Cohu stepped forward as did Uzraah, amd said:
May I present to you, the Mist squadron, held secret while sabotaging you.
—Cohu presenting his squad.
Actually, only 6 of the men were from the Mist squad. The other 14 were elite soldiers form an other squad. Urzaah charged for Cohu but a firebolt stopped him. Cohu could here a voice, but could not hear what was said and who said it. Than, They Sith appeared again and charged for the men. Cohu jumped in front of them but Hoeku managed to work his way around Cohu, and a lot of good men died, but none of the Mist squad. Cohu had a plan. He ran towards the mountains separating the two Sith from each other. Uzraah followed him as he had hoped. Cohu ran to the top of a mountain, to what seemed to be a sacred place, with all kinds of strange drawings on the floor. Cohu told Uzraah that the place was used by Jedi and Sith to train their force abilities. Uzraah did not want Cohu's lectures and attacked him. The two were equal, and there seemed to be no end in the battle. So, Cohu unleashed force stonestorm, not knowing the impact on his own life. He rose the storm to a level 3 and added lightning, making it a level 4 storm. The storm was now unstoppable and uncontrollable. The two did not stop fighting, but the storm grew. It grew so big that the two had to fight and evade stones at the same time.
During the battle a transmission came trough saying Dux, Viro and Erho died in the fight with Hoeku and that Chox, Klahy and Larion were leaving the planet before it was too late. Due to this he was distracted ftom the battle for a moment which gave Uzraah the time to push him on the ground and make sure Cohu did not escape. Cohu soon found out it was suicide when a giant rock was heading there way and Uzraah still did not leave. Then, all time seemed to go slower and Cohu could see the rock approaching. Cohu closed his eyes excepting his fate. He felt a quick pain going trough his body, but it quickly went away and he realized he was dead.