Star Wars Fanon


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Clone TradeChips were a series of Tradechip created by the Spotts TradeChip Company, and were designed to cash in on the success of the Jedi TradeChips that had been produced earlier. The chips featured miniature holograms of notable Clone troopers, and listed their unit number, nickname, unit division, personal profile, heroics, and number of kills. As with the Jedi TradeChip line, it was highly inaccurate, many of the clones were incorrectly numbered, and their kills were wildly exaggerated. Despite the flaws, the chips were a financial success, as Galaxy wide children of all species rushed to purchase them. However, the series was discontinued in 18 BBY at the request of the Galactic Empire, despite attempts to continue the line by incorporating Imperial propaganda. Nonetheless, some purchased TradeChips survived the reign of the Empire, and the New Republic advocated their continued existence, because the clones stood for heroism and patriotism before Order 66, and some of them resisted that infamous order.

List of clones[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: List of Clone TradeChips

The Clone TradeChips line featured many famous and well known clone troopers with the majority of them being commanders, ARC troopers, Republic Commandos, and other high ranking soldiers. However, several regular clone troopers were given TradeChips, such as Hound, Denal and Hevy. Clone commanders such as Cody, Thire and Appo were also included. The Null-class ARC troopers, being unpopular with the Grand Army and the general public, were among the few clones who did not feature on TradeChips, but this suited them fine, due to their strict loyalty to only Kal Skirata and the Mandalorian way, instead of the Republic and patriotism, like the other clones. Unpopular deserters, like Separatist ARC Spar and farmer Cut Lawquane, were also denied a place on TradeChips, although, like the Null ARCs, they did not really care (Cut was listed as KIA after the First Battle of Geonosis, and Spar deserted to the CIS before the Clone Wars even began).
