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A Clone Legion (sometimes referred to as a Batallion) was a division of the Republic Military of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A Legion commonly contained a maximum of three numbers within its name and was led by a Jedi General and a Clone Commander. Legions led by Jedi Knights and their Padawan(s) were also common. Most Legions contained 9,216 clone units and 8 Battalions. There were at least a 999 total legions in the Republic Military and the Grand Army of the Republic. Many Clone Legions were transferred into the Galactic Imperial Army after Order 66 was issued, ending the Clone Wars.
Known Legions (Clone Wars only)[]
*Assume fanon if not otherwise specified
*Possible tags include misnamed, fanon, legends, or canon, stub, external, unclear, mentioned, and/or deleted
- 1st Legion
- 2nd Legion (misnamed)
- 3rd Legion
- 4th Legion (mentioned)
- 5th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 7th Legion (fanon)
- 7th Legion (canon)
- 8th Legion (misnamed)
- 10th Legion
- 12th Legion (mentioned)
- 12th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 13th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 14th Legion (mentioned)
- 15th Legion (misnamed)
- 16th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 22nd Legion (misnamed, external)
- 24th Legion
- 25th Legion (misnamed)
- 31st Legion
- 31st Legion (misnamed)
- 34th Legion (misnamed, mentioned)
- 36th Legion (misnamed)
- 38th Legion (misnamed)
- 41st Legion (misnamed)
- 41st Legion (canon)
- 42nd Legion (misnamed)
- 44th Legion (misnamed)
- 52nd Legion (misnamed, mentioned)
- 53rd Legion (stub)
- 56th Legion (misnamed)
- 57th Legion (misnamed, taken)
- 58th Legion (mentioned)
- 66th Legion (misnamed)
- 69th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 71st Legion
- 75th Legion
- 78th Legion
- 84th Legion (external)
- 85th Legion
- 87th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 88th Legion
- 91st Legion (canon, misnamed, external)
- 93rd Legion (misnamed, mentioned)
- 95th Legion (canon, misnamed)
- 97th Legion (mentioned)
- 98th Legion
- 99th Legion (misnamed)
- 100th Legion (misnamed, external, mentioned)
- 101st Legion
- 102nd Legion (mentioned)
- 104th Legion (fanon, misnamed)
- 104th Legion (canon, misnamed, external)
- 105th Legion (MHJ)
- 107th Legion (mentioned)
- 115th Legion (misnamed)
- 125th Legion
- 130th Legion (misnamed)
- 142nd Legion
- 149th Legion (mentioned)
- 150th Legion
- 160th Legion (mentioned)
- 164th Legion
- 180th Legion
- 181st Legion
- 182nd Legion (canon)
- 187th Legion (external)
- 179th Legion (mentioned)
- 187th Legion (fanon)
- 187th Legion (canon)
- 195th Legion
- 201st Legion (mentioned)
- 203rd Legion
- 205th Legion
- 206th Legion
- 209th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 210th Legion
- 217th Legion
- 212th Legion (canon)
- 221st Legion (deleted)
- 224th Legion (misnamed)
- 228th Legion (external)
- 235th Legion
- 247th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 257th Legion
- 303rd Legion (external)
- 312th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 313th Legion (canon)
- 314th Legion
- 315th Legion
- 321st Legion (misnamed)
- 326th Legion (external)
- 327th Legion (canon, misnamed, external)
- 333rd Legion
- 347th Legion (external)
- 373rd Legion (misnamed, external)
- 388th Legion
- 396th Legion (misnamed)
- 400th Legion (mentioned)
- 401st Legion (mentioned, external)
- 403rd Legion (mentioned)
- 403rd Legion (mentioned)
- 404th Legion (Russian)
- 405th Legion
- 426th Legion (misnamed)
- 434th Legion
- 439th Legion (canon)
- 455th Legion
- 475th Legion (misnamed)
- 481st Legion (canon)
- 483rd Legion (external)
- 501st Legion (collaborated fanon)
- 501st Legion (canon)
- 501st Legion (legends)
- 502nd Legion (mentioned)
- 503rd Legion
- 508th Legion (mentioned)
- 511th Legion (mentioned)
- 536th Legion (mentioned)
- 553rd Legion
- 561st Legion
- 565th Legion
- 582nd Legion (mentioned)
- 600th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 601st Legion (external)
- 602nd Legion (mentioned, external)
- 603rd Legion (mentioned, external)
- 604th Legion (misnamed)
- 605th Legion (mentioned)
- 606th Legion (mentioned)
- 607th Legion (mentioned)
- 615th Legion
- 621st Legion (misnamed, external)
- 629th Legion
- 666th Legion (misnamed)
- 666th Legion (fanon, correct name)
- 701st Legion (external)
- 703rd Legion
- 704th Legion
- 713th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 740th Legion (mentioned)
- 749th Legion (misnamed, external)
- 772nd Legion
- 901st Legion
- 902nd Legion (stub, mentioned)
- 903rd Legion
- 908th Legion (misnamed)
- 917th Legion (src)
- 986th Legion (misnamed)
- 999th Legion
*Battalions were common but were not in widespread usage
Galactic Empire Legions (Post-Clone Wars)[]
*Assume fanon if not otherwise specified
- 1st Legion (misnamed)
- 10th Legion
- 11th Legion (mentioned)
- 13th Legion (mentioned)
- 17th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 68th Legion (canon)
- 71st Legion
- 75th Legion (canon)
- 88th Legion
- 89th Legion (misnamed, mentioned)
- 92nd Legion (mentioned, external)
- 210th Legion
- 291st Legion (canon)
- 291st Legion (canon, misnamed)
- 294th Legion
- 382nd Legion (mentioned)
- 396th Legion
- 439th Legion (canon)
- 439th Legion (fanon)
- 445th Legion
- 478th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 501st Legion (canon)
- 507th Legion (mentioned, external)
- 562nd Legion (mentioned)
- 650th Legion (mentioned)
- 666th Legion (misnamed)
- 709th Legion (canon)
- 771st Legion (misnamed, mentioned, external)
- 908th Legion
- 975th Legion (external)