Star Wars Fanon


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A Clone Legion (sometimes referred to as a Batallion) was a division of the Republic Military of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. A Legion commonly contained a maximum of three numbers within its name and was led by a Jedi General and a Clone Commander. Legions led by Jedi Knights and their Padawan(s) were also common. Most Legions contained 9,216 clone units and 8 Battalions. There were at least a 999 total legions in the Republic Military and the Grand Army of the Republic. Many Clone Legions were transferred into the Galactic Imperial Army after Order 66 was issued, ending the Clone Wars.

Known Legions (Clone Wars only)[]

*Assume fanon if not otherwise specified

*Possible tags include misnamed, fanon, legends, or canon, stub, external, unclear, mentioned, and/or deleted

*Battalions were common but were not in widespread usage

Galactic Empire Legions (Post-Clone Wars)[]

*Assume fanon if not otherwise specified
