Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

I will never allow another conflict such as that to happen to us once more
Darth Matas

The Iridonian Civil War was an eighteen year long conflict between members and descendants of the Zabrak northern and southern clans. The conflict affect the economy, politics, and morality of Iridonia and the sense of pride of Zabrak across the galaxy. Fights against non-Iridonian Zabraks increased throughout the galaxy and the Zabrak became more isolated from their own people from other planets as the war continued. Many cities were destroyed by the opposite clans and many Zabrak were killed in the brutality of the war. It was dangerous to live on Iridonia because of the war because of the war-like nature of the Zabrak, they were fearless and fight broke out everywhere. The Sith Academy would send students to fight in the war on both sides to train and prevent the further advancement of the war but many failed. It wasn't until Darth Matas would return to Iridonia and fight in the war with Kroprulan tactics learned from Darth Minious to kill all the clan leaders and order an end to the war. After that, Darth Matas created the Declaration of Unity which joined the Zabrak together under one government and formed many organizations and a new government called the Zabrak Imperium. All the Zabrak worlds were joined together to prevent another civil disturbance.

Behind the scenes[]

The war is a major influence on all Zabrak in the galaxy and can influence their future actions.

The war was created as a canon war by Darth Matas.
