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Those three-eyed mutants are all about structure and order. That's what makes them strong and that's what makes them weak.

The Cilwelli, also called Cilwellians, were a primitive Near-Human species native to the planet of the same name. They were characterized by their distinct third eye, known as a tyreal. In some members of the species this eye had hypnotic effects on weak-minded beings. Because of the harsh conditions of their homeworld, violence was an accepted part of life in the Cilwellian culture. To keep the war-like people from destroying each other, an Aulsur in the Pre-Republic era brought the various tribes under a single banner of the Holy Cilwellian Empire and established a strict code of conduct. This code was followed well into into the days of the New Republic.

Even after the Cilwelli came under Hutt rule they remained highly traditional. Because their laws deemed submission to higher beings a great honor, they were often taken advantage of by the Hutts and later the Galactic Empire. However, it was the same strict honor-code that would ultimately save them from their abusive masters. Under the command of the High Priest, Sincol, the Cilwelli fought back by joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic and freeing their homeworld from the Empire.

From that point onward, the Cilwelli would remain an active part of galactic politics. Thanks to a treaty signed by the New Republic, the Cilwelli were finally given their freedom after nearly 30,000 years of Hutt domination. However, their liberation would be short lived. The Yuuzhan Vong War saw the destruction of their homeworld and the near extinction of the Cilwelli race.

Biology and appearance[]

Cilwelli were set apart from other Near-Human races by their third eye which was located on their forehead. This third eye was said to have unique abilities. Cilwelli could use this eyes to channel pheromones which could influence the behavior of other life forms, much like the Falleen and Zeltrons could. However, unlike their counterparts, the Cilwellians did not use this ability solely to attract a mate. But rather, the Cilwelli would use their tyreal to influence other beings to help their personal interests. Because this ability was feared by many offworlders, some Cilwelli would conceal their "extra" eye when they traveled away from the homeworld. The Cilwelli themselves believed their ability to be magic.


A male Cilwelli being examined by a medical droid

Compared to Humans, Cilwelli had a relatively short lifespan. The average female lived to about sixty-seven years old. Most males were only expected to live fifty-two years. Some contributed this to the harsh conditions of Cilwelli society. However, it was likely that there was some biological reason for their limited life spans.

The skin color of various members differed greatly, ranging from pale white to dark black. Often skin color determined what clan the Cilwelli would be assigned. The Cilwelli had an average height of 1.8–1.9 meters, though their warriors were often larger. Unlike other mammalian species, such as Wookiees or Ewoks, Cilwelli had only a light covering of body hair, with males being hairier than females. Most of their body hair was concentrated on the head and (in the case of adult males) face. This hair was grown, cut, and styled for aesthetic or ritualistic reasons, particularly among the priest and warrior castes. Older Cilwelli males often suffered from the loss of the hair on their head. The facial hair grown by adult males could be grown, styled, or shaved completely.

Despite overall physiological uniformity, baseline Cilwelli varied greatly in appearance. Their hair color ranged from blond to dark, sometimes with hues of red or brown, changing to gray or white as years passed. Their hair could be straight, wavy, or curly. Their eyes came in shades of blue, green, gray, red, yellow, or brown.

Culture and society[]


The Cilwelli were governed by a familial clan, called the Aulsur. The clan was responsible for the creation of laws and ordinances. The clan was, in turn, ruled by a patriarch, also called an Aulsur. The Aulsur were regarded by their people as lesser gods and were followed devotedly. They lived in extravagant homes and had slaves waiting on them at all times. This was in stark contrast to the poor conditions of their subjects.

The Aulsur relied heavily on the Crex clan. The Crex acted as the enforcers of their monarch's laws. They had complete authority to punish criminals has they saw fit. Because of this, the clan was feared and often hated, though no one would openly admit it. Many became corrupt and used their authority to gain more power over the people. The Crex believed in the philosophy of mirror punishment. They often publicly humiliated victims before punishing them. Each Crex would carry an ax and a rod. The ax was for capital punishment and the rod for corporal. The clan members would adorn themselves in black robes and red masks, with only a small opening for the eyes. These garments were called urge and were said to be sacred. According to tradition, the robes were created by one of Greaf's demons and would strike fear into the heart of anyone who gazed upon them.

Even though the Aulsur prided themselves in possessing complete control over the government, they were unofficially limited by the Cilwelli priests. This religious caste, called the Vranga, was responsible for making sure that the monarch did not defy the sacred religious laws. However, this power saw very little use, until Sincol defied the Empire in 0 BBY.


Muggera Delijiti Aulsur, one of many Hutt rulers.

After the Hutt-Xim War, the Hutt Empire took control of the Cilwelli, through sly negotiations on the part of the Hutts. The Delijiti was adopted into the Aulsur clan. This brought radical change to the Cilwellian government. Though the Hutts appeased the people by letting them keep their traditions, they made it clear that they were in charge.

After Orgo Delijiti became ruler of Cilwelli, he accused the Crex of treason and had the entire clan executed. In order to keep the peace, Orgo, at the behest of his son, Muggera, announced the formation of the Hutt Secret Police. This new organization was loyal to the Hutts and suppressed the Cilwelli people. Many saw the formation of the Police as heresy, but were unable to speak their mind due to the oppression of the Hutts.

The Empire gained control of Cilwelli after the Clone Wars. Unlike the Hutts, they made no attempt at keeping the people happy. As a result, the Cilwelli betrayed their masters and joined the Rebellion.

After the Galactic Civil War the Cilwelli, like most of the Galaxy, adopted a more democratic form of government. Representatives from each clan were elected to serve in a planetary senate. This senate became the sole governing body of the planet, with an elected Aulsur serving as head of state. This new government would remain in control until the Yuuzhan Vong war.


Every being and every creature is appointed to his proper place in life and time. This is the origin of order and structure.
—Cilwellian proverb

The clans of Cilwellian society were often categorized as castes by offworlders. It seemed to many that caste better described the levels of cultural rank which had been established long before the Old Republic. However, there were distinct differences between the Cilwelli clans and tradition castes. Namely, a person's place in society was determined by family origin. Likewise it was possible to move out of the lower clans through adoption, a common practice on Cilwelli.

The clan system was an expansion of the Zargayus Doctrine, which said that every person was to have but one role in life. This meant that each clan was to have a specific task for which they were responsible. The Zargayus Doctrine stated that the only way to find true happiness was to make the most of one's role in life.

Each clan was ruled by a patriarch. Usually an aged male, the patriarch was to provide for the clan in exchange for their loyalty. The patriarchs governed the clan until they died. After which, a replacement would be chosen by the former patriarch’s children.

The clans were divided into three major groups, High Clans, Middle Clans, and Low Clans. According to custom, clan members could mingle with separate clans of the same group.

High Clans

Aulsur was the ruling clan of the Cilwelli. Likewise, their patriarch acted as the planetary monarch. The name Aulsur meant Children of the Gods, for it was said that clan members were the last mortal descendants of the deities. Therefore, the Aulsur had complete authority over all other clans, save the Vranga. After the Hutts captured Cilwelli, the Aulsur became diluted by their new alien "brothers", whom the peace-seeking patriarchs adopted into their clan. As the religious clan, the Vranga, or Seers, were extremely powerful in Cilwellian society. Their spoken word was regarded as the undeniable truth and the very ground upon which they stepped was considered sacred. The Seers were often called warlocks, because of their mystical beliefs and abilities.


A warlock during the Galactic Civil War.

The clan was composed exclusively of Force-sensitives. Therefore when a child from another clan was discovered to have a high midi-chlorian count, a witch (a female warlock) would take the child from its parents and raise it. At the same time, a male Vranga would begin training the child in the ways of the Force and the Cilwelli faith.

Because of their religious beliefs, most warlocks preferred the dark side. According their faith, the dark side was a gift from the god of darkness, Graef. The dark god expected the "gifted" to use the ability to promote self-sacrifice and physical pain in order to guaranty a place in the Afterlife. Those who used the light side were said to gifted by Hayweh. Because Hayweh was the god of the Afterlife, the warlocks believed that Jedi and other light siders to be zombies from the next life.

The Crex, or Hands, were the enforcers of the law. They had direct authority from the Aulsur to use any means necessary to keep the peace. The Crex would usually punish suspected criminals using means that were design to humiliate, as much as inflict pain. Over time the Crex became corrupt and power-hungry. Because of their "divine" power it was easy to eliminate possible threats. Each Crex would carry an ax and a rod. The ax was for capitol punishment and the rod for corporal. The clan members would adorn themselves in black robes and masks. These garments were called urge and were said to be sacred. According to tradition, the robes were created by one of Greaf's demons and would strike fear into the hearts of all who gazed upon them.

Middle Clans

The most honored of the Middle Clans, the Zargi, or Blood-soaked Ones, were still given the same respect and honor as their High Clan peers. As the warrior clan, the Zargi were counted among the greatest fighters in the Galaxy. Their training was intense and their vigor and zeal was unparalleled. Each Zargi child, regardless of gender, was trained in the art of combat from a very young age. Hardship was all they ever knew, and yet they took pride in their pain. The Blood-soaked Ones had no room for weaklings. Therefore weakness was beaten out of the children. These beatings also taught the young warriors to embrace anger so that they could fight with greater passion. After the Hutt-Xim War, the Zargi became the personal bodyguards of their new Hutt masters. However, as years progressed, and the Cilwelli's loyalty to the Hutts began to falter, many warriors forsook their previous overlords and took jobs as mercenaries.

Considered lesser warriors, the Hyt were hunters and animal slayers. They were the only clan allowed to hunt the sacred Kull. Like the Zargi, they were characterized for their bravery, but to a lesser extent as the warriors. Many Hyt were later adopted into the Zargi family. The clan would trade their kills to the other Middle and Low Clans and give them as tribute to the High Clans. The Hyt would ordain themselves in red and black paint. The red paint represented the blood of the kills. The black symbolized their respect for the creatures they hunted. These marks made them instantly recognizable in Cilwellian culture.

The counterparts of the Hyt, the Sevvel were farmers and planters. They helped tame the wild landscape of Cilwelli and grew all manner of fruits and vegetables. Like the Hyt, they would sell their produce to their equals and give it to their superiors. Of the Middle Clans, the Sevvel were probably the best educated. They studied science and biology so that they could maximize their yield. Using a drop irrigation system, the farmers would collect water from the mountains in large tubes. The water would then flow down to the highly populated valleys, were it filtered through rubber tubes which steadily "leaked" in order to water the farms. The Sevvel prided themselves in "making the desert bloom."

The Urr were a clan of builders and masons. Charged with the secrets of the Fortress builders, they built grand cities and temples that were legendary for their time. Using tools that were generally considered primitive, the Urr, or Mound-makers, crafted huge structures, many of which lasted well into the Legacy era. They built the homes of the greatest kings and the lowest peasants. Likely the numerically largest clan, the Urr lived among the other clans, in the homes they built. They were recognized by their abnormal physical strength, which was the result of many long hours of work. The Mound-makers took pride in their ability to work for hours on end without resting. Some would even work themselves literally the point to death in order to prove their strength.

Low Clans

This clan was where all non-Cilwellian individuals who immigrated to the planet were placed. The clan was unique because there was little bond between members. In fact, some aliens didn't even know they had been placed in the caste. There were some species, such as Hutts, Humans and Treme, that were adopted into higher clans and spared the shame of such a lowly title. The name Extor literally meant Outer-ones or Ones from the Outside.

The lowest of the free castes, the Rayvex were dung movers and harlots. Their very name meant Those equal with the ground. They were generally considered useless, except for the jobs that no others would take. They dwelt in small enclaves, begging for work from any who would give it. However, according to their laws and faith, the Rayvex were never to wallow in self-pity. Their children were taught to do the hardest jobs with joy and happiness. Humility was the foremost virtue among the Rayvex.

Legally, the clan had almost no rights. The other castes could do as they pleased to them, without any fear of getting their just rewards. The only right that the Rayvex did have was the right to freedom. A person could do just about anything to a Rayvex, except enslave him. Therefore the clan valued freedom above all else.

The lowest of all clans, the Vexhor, or Talking beasts, was the caste of slaves. Originally this clan existed solely of Cilwellians who had been dubbed worthless and unworthy to even be a member of the Rayvex. But over time, more and more alien species became part of this clan, as the Hutts brought in their own slaves. The official home of the Vexhor was Vextor-2, which meant Nest of the Slaves. However, most simply lived in what ever place their master commanded them to.

According to tradition, the Vexhor were to be loyal only to their master. Treachery was not even to be considered an option. But as time progressed, the slaves became reckless and finally did rebel against their masters. To avoid bloodshed, the Auslur signed a treaty which theoretically gave the Vexhor more rights. However, the treaty only limited the slave trade, at best.


We are people built around our faith. Take away our faith and we are nothing.

The Cilwelli culture revolved heavily around its religion. Their faith was an interpretation of the Force, or the Gift, as they called it. They believed that the Force was the manifestation of powers given to certain individuals by the gods.

The Cilwellians were dualists, believing that there were two gods of equal power and authority. One of these gods was good and just and the other was vile and harsh. According to legend, these two gods, Hayweh and Graef, drew lots to decide who would create the universe. Graef won and formed a world of pain and cruelty. To that end, the Vranga taught that in order to please the god of the current world his followers must habitually suffer physical and emotional pain. However, Cilwelli myth stated that Hayweh was so troubled by the universe his counterpart had created, that he crafted another world, known as the Afterlife. Hayweh's world was pure and peaceful, without any suffering or pain.


Graef, the god of destruction.

It was said that Graef, fearing his followers would forsake him, threatened to make war on Hayweh and destroy the Afterlife. But Hayweh was willing to negotiate. He wrote a holy pact which said mortals must first serve Graef to the fullest before they could enter the Afterlife. Therefore the Cilwellians believed that if they had gone through enough suffering in the first life then they could enter the peaceful Afterlife. It was said that Ooza, the God of Justice, would determine whether or not a person was worthy to enter the Afterlife.

The Cilwelli sought to please Graef through several demonic means, including cutting themselves and even sacrificing the person closest to them. Devotees would conduct several rituals, which they felt would secure their place in paradise. The most famous of these rituals was the Trail of Tears, in which followers would have to perform a series of rigorous tasks as they traveled around Cilwelli's equator. For a non-Cilwellian to be accepted into the religion, they had to go through this process. Dan Eardornn was the most famous "walker" of the Trail. Even more important than physical suffering, was emotional pain. Public humiliation and shame were thought to purify a being from his or her weaker self. If a personal failed to please Graef then he or she would be reincarnated and forced to live another life of misery.

The Cilwelli's views on the Force were affected by their faith. They believed that each god was represented through a side of the Force. The dark side was said to be a gift from Graef, and was the most commonly used among the Vranga. Those who used the light side were looked upon with suspicion and distrust. Because the light side was supposedly the power of Hayweh, the god of the Afterlife, the Cilwelli believed that anyone who used it was a ghoul. This belief led to an increasing fear, among the Cilwellians of the Jedi. Though the Cilwellian distrusted ghouls they also respected them and desired to learn from them.

The Aulsur were said to be children of the gods. Their ancestor was supposedly fathered by Graef with his mistress, Bharlon, a mystical goddess who wore a purple gown and mounted a great dragon. According to legend, she gave birth to the first Aulsur and then hid him from the child's father. When Graef discovered Bharlon's deceit, he had had her killed. He let the child live, but exiled him to Cilwelli.

Though the core of this religion remained unchanged for a millennium, it was constantly being mutated by various followers. Sometimes this was done for power or because of a simple misunderstanding of holy texts. The most evident of these changes from of the original faith was a doctrine called the divinity of the Kull. An unknown Vranga, who lived around 23,000 BBY, proclaimed that the native carnivores of Cilwelli were holy and divine. At first the Kull were simply respected, but not actually worshiped. However, around the time of the Old Republic's formation, the people of Cilwelli began to worship the Kull. They built shrines in their honor and offered scarifies to them. From that point on, only the Zargi were allowed the hunt the sacred creatures. However, the beast worshiping had an unforeseen side effect. With only the Zargi allowed to slay the Kull, the creatures soon ran rampant, killing Cilwellians and slaughtering herds of nerfs. To counteract this problem, the Cilwelli began to corral the beasts into the small pits which dotted their homeworld's surface. The Aulsur would then cast suspected criminals into the pits. If the holy Kull devoured the suspect, the person was declared guilty. If the accused was spared, then the Aulsur assumed he was innocent.

The laws and doctrines of the Cilwelli religion were kept in a series of holy texts. These manuscripts were carved on the walls of various caves all across the planet. The texts were first written down around 40,000 BBY. Many years later, the Vranga set about recording the texts in official documents. However, Cilwelli still made pilgrimages to the caves, in order to read the original writings.

Marriage and family[]

Because of the Cilwellians' short lifespan, the marriage process began at a relatively early age. On their fifteenth birthday, both male and female Cilwelli would begin wearing suggestive clothing, as a sign of their availability. The actual process of choosing a mate was very strenuous. First the father of a maid would invite ten young men to attempt to win his daughter's hand. After the men presented themselves, the desired woman would handpick five of her father's ten nominees. These five remaining candidates would be subject to all manner of physically and mentally challenging tasks. These tasks were designed to test the young men's ability to provide for their future wife. These tests lasted upwards of five months. Throughout this time the maid and her family would begin dismissing men who did not live up to their expectations. Eventually only one would remain.


A female Cilwellian in a traditional wedding dress.

The actual marriage ceremony was conducted in the home of the groom. Both a witch and a warlock would attend the service. They would council the couple, as well as conduct the ceremony. The bride would be dressed in a colorful garment and would hold a crystal ball, which symbolized her virginity. The groom would wear similar raiment.

The wedding would begin with the Vranga reciting a prayer. To ensure that the couple would not dishonor Graef, the witch and warlock would lightly flog the couple. Next the couple would swear sacred oaths. Afterwards, the witch would order the bride to hand the crystal ball to the groom. At the warlock's command, the groom would then crack the ball in two with a metal hammer. One half would be given back to the bride the other would be kept by the groom. From then on the couple was officially considered man and wife.

After the wedding, a feast was held which would last ten days. Despite the fact that they were considered married, the husband and wife were kept from each other during the feast. Each was sent to mingle with their new spouse’s family. After the feasting, the couple would locked away in a small hut, where they would spend the first night together. Traditionally, family members would wake the couple in the morning, by throwing a pan of cold water into the hut.

In Cilwelli culture, there strict limitations as to who a person could marry. The couple had to be from the same clan. This law was the most heavily enforced. Failure to abide by the law often resulted in death. Another well-known law stated that a man could not marry a woman older than himself. A female Cilwelli could not marry a male that was poorer that her.

Adultery was strictly prohibited. If a husband or wife was found to have a sexual relationship was another person, he or she would be taken before the Crex. If found guilty, the lover would be thrown to the Kull. The other adulterer would be made a slave to the faithful spouse.

Cilwelli couples had many children. These children were educated in the ways of their clan. Children in the Low and Middle Clans were taught by the parents. Those in the High Clans went to special schools were they learned how to carry on the traditions of their predecessors. If a woman was unable to produce more than five children, then the husband had the right to marry a second or even third wife. These additional wives could be from any clan and were called aunts. Aunts were not to have a personal relationship with their husband, but were to simply act as producers of children. Likewise they were to be submissive to the First Wife.

The Zargayus Doctrine was carried over into the family. Each family member had a specific role which they were expected to carry out. The father was the provider of the family. He preformed the duties of the clan and was generally considered the leader of the home, through his title had little practical impact. The mother's primary duty in the home was to educate her children. The extent to which the children were educated varied from clan to clan. Children born into High Clans were often combined into a single classroom setting, where several mothers would educate all the children. In the Middle and Low Clans the women simply taught their offspring the essentials. In the case of the Vexhor, the children received no education what so ever, as the slaves' only duty was to serve their owners.


A tarboe disciplines a child, as the child's father looks on.

Each child also had a distinct role in the family. The eldest daughter and son were called tarboes. They were the disciplinarians of the family. They carried a small tree branch with them at all times, as a symbol of their authority. The eldest daughter was instructed to discipline her siblings, including the male tarboe. The eldest son would punish the female tarboe. But more commonly he would discipline his own parents, when he believed they had disobeyed the law or tried to gain more authority over the children.

When the tarboe were first born, they were sent away to live with the clan patriarch. The purpose of this was to ensure that they would not grow emotionally attached to their birth family. The patriarch would train the children the arts of their post. This evolved teaching them legal and religious laws, so that they would enforce them in their household. Before the tarboe were five years of age, the family simply did not have disciplinarians.

The second oldest son, or elpho, was the protector of the family. He made sure that the family was safe from wild beasts and sentient foes. The elpho was commonly seen guarding the entrance to the family's home. He would often carry a small spear or stick. Sometimes he would stand in the door way all through the night, with only a few hours of sleep. The second eldest daughter looked after the rest of the family. She fed them and cleaned them and preformed other such acts. The younger children were little more than slaves in the household. They did all the chores and lived only to serve their peers.


Pre-Republic era[]



Humans were first brought to the planet of Cilwelli as slaves to the Infinite Empire. The Humans were forced mine the world's natural resources and work long hours. The slaves intermarried with Cilwelli's dying natives. Their offspring possessed unique features, most notable was a third eye on their forehead. This new species became known as Cilwelli, and were generally considered natives to the planet. However, they were not allowed to develop their own culture, as they were still enslaved by Infinite Empire. But, as civil war infected their masters, the Cilwellians rose up, under the direction of Dezlar Omus. The slaves destroyed their former masters and declared Omus the first Aulsur.

Dezlar Omus established a totalistic government. His dream was to establish a kingdom far greater that the Infinite Empire. As a result, he began to borrow and perfect his formers master's technology. Soon he had assembled a small fleet of crude starfighters. Though some of his subjects were disheartened about the prospect of war, they were willing to serve the man who saved them from slavery.

Therefore, Omus' forces attacked the nearby planet of Hustia. The planet's native humanoids, the Urgals, resisted the invasion with great force. The Cilwelli's first attempt to defeat the Urgals ended in disaster. Twenty ships were destroyed and twelve Ciwellian warriors perished. The Cilwelli considered the battle a catastrophe. Fearing that his people would demand that he end the war, Omus made an alliance with the priests. The priests, who were just beginning to gain popularity with the people, declared the conquest of Hustia a holy war and ordered all young men to aid in any future assault.

Again the Ciwellian attempted to defeat the Urgals. But this time, their numbers had nearly tripled. The primitive Urgals were destroyed by their overpowering neighbors. Omus declared Hustia a Cilwellian colony and subsequently enslaved the surviving Urgals. With one planet added to his rule, Dezlar attempted to expand his empire further. He sent several scout ships to scout out of the system. None returned. Omus' oppressive era came to end when he was assassinated by Urgal rebels.

Dezlar Omus, being a virgin, left no heirs. Therefore his cousin, Zargayus, was crowned king of Cilwelli and Emperor of Hustia. He would go on to be the most influential Cilwellian ruler in their history. A self-taught intellectual, he created the Zargayus Doctrine and declared his faith the state religion. He organized the castes, assigning different families to different clans. He revolutionized Cilwellian culture and went to great lengths to preserve his new society. Anyone who spoke out against the Zargayus Doctrine was put death.

After Zargayus died, his children elected a new Aulsur. After much debate, the family chose Oloni. Most of his family elected Oloni because he was young, and therefore, they assumed, naive. Many hoped to puppeteer the young monarch. Ironically, Oloni would become known as one of the most headstrong and stubborn Aulsurs in history. He grew up under Zargayus' teachings and was a devote follower of the Doctrine.

Though the Doctrine had become widely accepted, Zargayus' religion had not. This troubled Oloni. As a result, he declared that all his subjects were to renounce their "heathen" faiths and turn to his religion. Failure to do so always resulted in death. This decree started a holy war on Cilwelli. Those who did not worship Graef joined together to fight Oloni and his followers. After the Crex began cracking down on the rebels, the heretics fled to the mountains. Oloni went after his foes, with an army of nearly three thousand Zargi. When the loyalists found their adversaries, a horrendous battle began. The battle cost many lives. Though Oloni would be victorious, he would not live to enjoy his victory, as a stray blaster bolt found its way into the young Aulsur's heart. Oloni was brought to Ol'zi, where he was buried along with his men.

The family elected a female Cilwellian, named Zerela, to be Oloni's successor, making her first matriarch of the Aulsur clan. She was more reserved than her predecessors. She rarely made public appearances and she passed no major or radical new laws. She was timid by nature, and therefore left the Cilwelli's affairs as they were. However, Zerela would end up playing a major role in the advancement of Cilwellian history.


A droid similar to the ones that attacked Cilwelli.

In 25,105 BBY, a war erupted between the Hutt Empire and the armies of Xim. At first, Cilwelli stayed out of the conflict. But everything changed when Xim's war-robots landed on Cilwelli and began scouting the world. Xim hoped to use Cilwelli as an outpost, so that he could attack the Hutt forces from the rear. The war-robots encountered a small Cilwellian village. The superstitious villagers saw the strange droids as demons sent by Graef to slay them. Therefore the villagers armed themselves and attacked the robots. Many villagers were slain by the battle hardened machines. However, the Cilwellians managed to drive off the robots.

Xim saw the skirmish as a declaration of war. He sent more war-robots to Cilwelli. The Zargi were called to arms and soon war engulfed the planet. The two armies first met in a valley outside Cilwelli City. The Zargi had a better understanding of the terrain and they were able to out smart their robotic foes. Therefore the first battle resulted in a victory for the Cilwelli.

However, Xim was more technologically advanced and retaliated with even great fury. Soon Cilwelli was flooded with enemy war-robots. The Zargi were overwhelmed. Before long, Cilwelli was all but under the control of Xim's Empire. But Zerela, timid as she was, refused to take action. Therefore the Vranga removed her from office, claiming that she was not worthy of her divine post.

Zerela was replaced by Ozlu Cu, a headstrong visionary who believed it was his life quest to save the Cilwelli from Xim's forces. He first tried to do this by marshaling the Zargi and launching a surprise attack on Xim. But the war-robots were too well equipped and more dangerous than he realized. The attack ended in utter disaster for the Cilwelli.

Therefore Ozlu began rethinking his strategy. He realized that the superior Hutt armies were also at war with Xim. So he met with Hutt ambassadors, who were eager to accept Ozlu's offer. In exchange for weapons, ships and funds, the Cilwellians agreed to fight for the Hutts. Though they did not realize it at the time, they had just sold themselves into slavery. However, the treaty did save them from the invasion forces. With assistance of Hutt troops and weaponry, the Cilwelli struck back. Xim's forces were caught off guard by the sudden wave of enemy troops. Soon the war-robots were fleeing from the overwhelming enemy forces.

The Cilwellians rejoiced over their victory. Cu even adopted some of the Hutts into the Aulsur clan. But their joy was short lived. The Hutts soon required that the Cilewlli live up to their end of the bargain. The Hutts forced various Cilwellians to fight with them during the Battle of Vontor. Many Zargi were killed during the battle. Though the battle marked the destruction of Xim's Empire, it also marked the end of Cilwellian sovereignty.

Hutt domination[]

Slaves you are. Slaves you shall stay.
—Wejji Delijiti

The Delijitiian Hutts had been adopted into the Aulsur clan after the defeat of Xim's army. They remained on Cilwelli and were treated as Cu's equals. However, being Hutts, they were always hungry for more power. They learned the ways of the Cilwellians and how to exploit them. It began with the assassination of Ozlu Cu. After which, the Hutts rigged the election so that one of their own would be named head of state. Wejji Delijiti Aulsur became the first Hutt monarch.

Wejji persecuted the Cilwelli and made them his slaves. Naturally, the people responded poorly. They were bound by honor to serve Wejji, but they did not do so whole heartedly. The Hutt's support base dropped even lower after he began doing away with Ciwellian traditions. This outraged the people. Soon after he outlawed the Feast of Honor, Wejji died suddenly. It was rumored that his Cilwellian cupbearer had poisoned him.

Wejji's successor, Muir Delijiti, realized that it was better to keep the Cilwelli happy. Therefore he allowed them to keep their traditions and customs. In exchange, he wanted nothing less than complete and total loyalty. After the tyrannical reign of Wejji, the Cilwellians were willing to comply. Muir ruled Cilwelli for nearly five hundred years, until 23,700 BBY. His rule would serve as a template for his successors.

From then on, the Delijitian Aulsur would allow the Cilwelli to keep their customs. However, they manipulated the Cilwellians' beliefs in order to get what they wanted. Soon the Hutts had complete control over Cilwelli. But the Delijiti would experience a setback. One of their younger, more rash members attempted to steal some of his elders' power during the Tionese War. He tied to backstab one of the Hutt crime lords by selling information to their enemies. Therefore the Hutts turned on their Delijitian cousins.

With financial aid from the Republic, the Hutts attacked Cilwelli. The non-Delijitian Hutts were expecting a quick victory. Since the Cilwellians had nearly been defeated during the Xim war, they assumed that the three-eyed humanoids would fall just as easily to their hands. This assumption would prove nearly fatal. The Cilwellian warriors still had the same zeal and passion that they always had. But this time, they had technological support from their Hutt overlords. From the moment the Hutt troops landed on Cilwelli, they encountered resistance. It got to the point that the invading forces could not cross an open field without being attacked. The enemy Hutts finally withdrew their forces. After the brief war, Cilwelli sealed itself off from the rest of the Galaxy, in hopes of avoiding another conflict.

As a result, the Cilwellians would remain isolated for several decades. The Hutts, for the most part, allowed the Cilwelli to keep their traditions. Thus, little changed on Cilwelli.

Contact with the outside[]

However, the Cilwelli would not remain hidden for long. Republic spacers, accompanied by two Jedi Knights, happened upon the planet while venturing into the Outer Rim. The Cilwellians were fascinated by the Knights, because they used the "power of the Afterlife" and were therefore thought to be ghosts, brought back from the dead.

The Jedi Knights and their comrades were treated with great respect. They were given fine homes and fine food and allowed personal access to the Hutt monarchs. Many of the Hutts were old enough to remember the Jedi Order. The Delijiti tried to negotiate with the Jedi and the discussions ended with a trade agreement between the Republic and Cilwelli.

This trade agreement brought new growth and technology to Cilwelli. The moon, Ecka, became a popular tourist spot and the economy flourished. Though some Cilwellians were happy about the development, others were not. They feared that the coming of offworlders would threaten their sacred traditions. This fear, though legitimate, would prove to be but vain worrying, for all trade with the Republic stopped after the start of the Mandalorian War.


Mandalorians on Cilwelli.

Because of the Mandalorian armies attacking Outer Rim worlds, the Republic stopped sending trade ships to Cilwelli. This was a serious economic blow to the Cilwellians. However, the worst blow was still to come when Mandalorian forces invaded Cilwelli. At first, the Cilwelli warriors believed that Mandalore's army would be yet another overconfident force to fall at their hands. But the Mandalorians were just as zealous as the Zargi and were far superior in terms of weaponry. It wasn't long before the Delijiti went into hiding and the Cilwelli became slaves to their new Mandalorian overlords.

Desperately, the Hutts pleaded for the Republic to come aid them. But the war-weary Senate refused to help their trading partners. This created bad blood between the Republic and Cilwelli that would for last centuries. Without the help of the Galactic Republic, the Hutts launched a guerrilla war against the Mandalorians. Zargi warriors would charge enemy fortifications, only to be shot down. Though the skirmishes cost many Cilwellian lives (a sacrifice the Hutts readily accepted), the fighting slowly weakened the Mandalorians. But it also sent a message to the Mandalorians that Cilwelli would not easily be broken. Mandalore the Ultimate, the current leader of the Mandalorians, took the message as a challenge. He sent more troops to Cilwelli. The Mandalorians viciously persecuted the Cilwellian rebels. Soon even the Zargi were forced into hiding.

And so the Cilwellians laid low for most of the war, until Republic finally began to fight back. When Republic forces attacked the Mandalorian garrison on Cilwelli, the Hutts ordered their followers out of hiding. The Cilwellians helped the Republic destroy their captors. In series of bloody battles, the Mandalorian army was forced to leave Cilwelli.

The Cilwellians were overjoyed at defeat of the Mandalorians. But they had not forgotten that the Republic had failed to come to their aid, until it was in the Republic's best interest to do so. Therefore, after the Republic armies had left the planet, the Cilwellians murdered the Republic generals that had been left to guard the planet. Needless to say, this sparked tension between the Republic and Cilwelli. However, the Republic was too busy fighting the Mandalorians to worry about the Cilwellians' betrayal. After the Mandalorian war, the Cilwelli stayed clear of anything to do with the Republic. However, the Hutts joined the Galactic Republic, despite the protests of their subjects.

Muggera era[]

Our darkest hour has began.
—An unknown Cilwellian, on the day Orgo was crowned.

From 440 BBY to 20 BBY was a period known as the Muggera era. As the name suggest, the era was dominated by the Hutt crime lord, Muggera Delijiti Aulsur. It began when Muggera swindled the current Hutt king into giving over the throne to Muggera's father, Orgo Delijiti. The era ended when Muggera's army was defeated by the Galactic Empire.

Hutt SS

Hutt Secret Police.

When Orgo was proclaimed Aulsur, he set about creating a Hutt-oriented society. His first move was to eliminate the Crex. Accusing the Cilwellian police of treason, the Hutt had them all executed. This sparked a great deal of outrage among the Cilwelli. Some members of the High Clans even suggested that rebellion would be necessary to preserve their traditions. Afraid of losing his power, Orgo, at Muggera's request, created the Hutt Secret Police. This new organization answered only to Orgo and Muggera. The Cilwelli soon found themselves at the Hutt's mercy. However, Orgo was only worried about preserve his authority. He had nothing against the Cilwellians. But Muggera had a very different mindset.

After Orgo's death, Muggera became the ruling Aulsur. He refused to have an family election, in defiance of Cilwelli tradition. It was then that the Cilwellians knew that they had a dangerous foe. From the time he was made Aulsur, Muggera imposed several harsh ordinances, that were fueled by speciesism. One such law enslaved some of the free clans, whose liberty was insured by sacred Cilwelli law. Needless to say, this greatly angered the Cilwelli. Again, they threatened to rebel, but without a sufficient law enforcement group, they were unable to make good on their threats.

However, some of the non-Cilwellian slaves were more bold. They launched a rebellion that resulted in an alliance between Muggera and the Commune of Revolutionary Vextor-2. The Cilwelli praised his uprising and were encouraged by the rebels' success. However, this only prompted Muggera to make things harder for the native people. Muggera taxed the Cilwellians heavily and forced their leaders to pledge sacred oaths.

But these harsh actions were not enough to keep the people from defying their Hutt rulers. Olmus Cu, a passionate Zargi, created the Cilwelli Freedom Party. Their mission was to assassinate Muggera and place a Cilwellian Aulsur back on the throne. The Party attracted many followers and soon Cu left he was ready to attack. The first attack on the government was led by Olmus Cu's brother, Zolu Cu. Muggera had grown over confident, and the Cilwellian rebels were able to penetrate his palace. Most of the Hutt's gunmen were killed in the fighting and Muggera himself was forced to flee to the Flying Flubber. Zolu was outsmarted. Muggera, using a series of trap doors, fed Zolu to a Kull. The Party soldiers fled after seeing their leader killed.

The second attempt involved a bomb, which was to be planted on Muggera's throne during a public event. The attack left the Hutt monarch gravely wounded. When Muggera awoke from his coma, he was most angry with the insurgences and ordered a full scale attack on the various Party enclaves. The assaults left the Freedom Party desolate and soon Muggera was in complete control of the planet again.

During this time of Hutt rule, the Clone War erupted. At first the Cilwelli chose to remain neutral. However, Muggera had several debts, which the Trade Federation agreed to pay off. Therefore, the Cilwellians entered the war on the side of the Confederacy. Zargi warriors were deployed alongside Separatist droids. They raided Republic outposts in the Mid and Outer Rim. The Zargi became such a nuisance that the Republic decided to attack the planet. The clones first invaded the nearby world of Hustia. Many Cilwellians, who had immigrated to the planet, were killed in the attack.


The Clone Wars rage

From Hustia, the Galactic Republic dispatched a fairly large armada, complete with transport ships and escort fighters. In response, Muggera organized his own fleet. Zargi, so used to fighting their enemy on solid ground, were forced to fight in space. Even with the assistance of CIS pilot droids, the Cilwellian fleet was vastly outnumbered. However, the commanders, under the direction of Muggera, used their knowledge of the terrain to their advantage. They positioned their fleet outside an asteroid field, which the Republic armada would have to go through in order to engage the Separatists.

The asteroids tore the Republic fleet apart and they were crippled before they even engaged the Cilwellians. The Zargi attacked the clones at full force. Though the well trained Republic navy was able to bring down on the Cilwelli ships, the CIS was victorious. This was the first major military morale boost for the Cilwelli since the Mandalorian Wars. The victory was celebrated across the planet with fireworks and dances.

However, the war was far from over. The Republic was still on Hustia and Muggera knew that Cilwelli would not be safe until the clonetroopers were driven out. Therefore, the Zargi loaded onto small transport crafts and headed for Hustia. The clones, who had suspected Muggera's next move, were well fortified. When the Cilwellian warriors stepped off the transports, they were met with intense volleys of blaster fire. Many Zargi were killed before they could even return fire. However, the Cilwellians were saved by the late arrival of Confederacy battle droids. Though Hustia was taken, some High Clan members believed that the whole battle was a plot by Muggera to weaken the Cilwelli military.

The Clone Wars took its toll on the local economy. The Cilwelli were forced to give most of their profit to help the Confederate war effort. The people began to grow restless. A petition even circulated among the High Clans, demanding that Muggera stop sending Cilwellian money to aid the CIS. Those who signed it were killed.

To make matters worse, the Republic had adopted a new strategy to deal with Cilwelli. They besieged the planet and cut off all outside trade. In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Cilwelli had grown dependent on the foreign market. This caused even more unrest among the Cilwellians. Muggera feared they would revolt, or aid the Republic. Therefore the Hutt crime lord hired pirates to smuggle goods in and out of the system. These daring pilots, called Flying Gundarks, became famous for their exploits. They provided just enough revenue to keep the economy going. However, the clone fleet would remain until the Out Rim Sieges called them away.

Because the Republic was distracted by "bigger targets", Cilwelli was one of the last Separatist worlds to fall. If fact, it would remain free even after Darth Vader executed the Separatist Council on Mustafar. But, with their greater foes destroyed, the Galactic Empire was free to attack Cilwelli. The Empire sent a fleet of Star Destroyers, each one packed with stormtroopers. Without the help of CIS battle droids, the Zargi were all that stood in the way of the Imperial army. However, the Cilwellian warriors had been crippled during the Clone Wars and no longer had the numbers or zeal to defeat their new foes. Therefore, Cilwelli was captured by the Empire.

Under Imperial rule[]

At first, some Cilwelli saw the Imperial army as saviors who liberated them from the oppression of the Hutts. But it soon became clear that the Empire was far worse the Delijiti had ever been. They did not pretend to respect Cilwellian traditions and the people grievously. Many Cilwelli were sold into slavery. With their armies decimated by the Clone Wars, the High Clans could do nothing about the Imperial tyranny.


Stormtroopers execute rebellion leaders

However, this did not stop the people from responding to the Empire's horrid actions. Riots broke out through the planet. The Empire reacted harshly. They canceled the Feast of Honor, which sent the Cilwelli into an uproar. Many tried to go on with the holiday, despite the Imperial ban. Stormtroopers were ordered to shoot anyone participating in the sacred feast. The first killings sparked a mad frenzy, resulting in the death of nearly a hundred people, which began when troopers publicly executed two guests at the celebration. The Cilwellians rioted, killing the stormtroopers responsible for the execution. Soon a great battle ensued.

The "Feast Battle" sparked a great deal of concern among the local Imperial leaders. They could not afford a mass rebellion on Cilwelli. Therefore they set about assassinating various Aulsur. This left the Cilwellians leaderless and the Empire hoped that that would be enough to keep the Cilwelli in line. It wasn't. The Cilwellians kept rioting and attacking Imperial garrisons, but the Empire realized that the actions of the Cilwelli were fueled largely their devotion to their religion. Therefore the Empire decided to use their own faith against the Cilwellians. Imperial agents secretly assassinated leading warlocks and had them replaced by loyal priests. These puppet priests talked of the Imperial governors as lesser gods, and told the people to treat the Empire with respect and submission. The plan worked and soon the rebellions were quieted.

But one Vranga, named Sincol, was hostile toward the Galactic Empire. Knowing he would be the Empire's next target, he fled to Ecka. While there, Sincol began rallying support for his cause. He knew he would need allies if was to challenge the Empire. He first began talking with his old enemies, the Hutts. After Muggera had been killed by the Empire, the Delijiti were forced to lay low. They were as much slaves as the Cilwelli were. Therefore the Hutt crime lords were more than happy to aid Sincol's insurrection.


The Hutts and Cilwelli unite to fight their common foe

Though the Hutts had a great deal of money, they had very little firepower, so Sincol began searching for a more military-minded ally. He found one in the form of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Sincol arranged for a meeting with Rebel leaders at a private club on Ecka. There Sincol and the Rebellion delegates discussed the creation of a treaty. The Alliance would help Cilwelli gain its freedom from the Empire and, in exchange, Cilwelli would aid the Rebellion both financially and militarily. The Rebel Alliance agreed to these terms, and sent a fleet of ships to help liberate Cilwelli.

As the Rebel fleet neared the Cilwelli system, Sincol knew that his next move would have to be political. He used his power as High Vranga to declare the Empire unholy and evil. Many Cilwellian radicals, just waiting for an excuse to rebel, readily answered Sincol's call to arms. Others who had taken part in the Feast Battle were re-energized by the warlock's decree, and readied themselves for battle.

By the time the Rebel fleet arrived, Sincol had assembled a sizable force. The Alliance starships destroyed the Imperial armada, stationed near Cilwelli. Though they were victorious, the Rebels were greatly weakened in the process. Therefore Sincol ordered the Rebels to keep out Imperial reinforcements. But the Cilwelli would have to do the actual fighting. The Rebel attack had awakened the Empire's eyes to the rebellion. Therefore, they marshaled their armies and prepared to attack the Cilwellian revolutionaries.

Rather than attacking the Empire directly, Sincol decided to bide his time until more Rebel soldiers could arrive. As the Imperial stormtroopers marched toward Cilewlli City, with orders to burn the holy city, a few Zargi ambushed the soldiers. They fired on the attackers and then fled into the mountains, only to return again before fleeing. This happened throughout the entire march to Cilwelli City. By the time the stormtroopers arrived at the capital, they were low in numbers and spirit. The soldiers were met with rioters in the city. Drained of numbers and energy, the stormtroopers were forced to retreat.

This victory gave the Cilwelli new found zeal and convinced the Rebel Alliance to further aid their cause. With passionate troops and Alliance reinforcements, Sincol felt confident enough to attack the Imperial stronghold. Armed with nothing but traditional Cilwellian clubs and vibroswords, the revolutionary army seemed under equipped. Sincol compensated for this handicap by leading his men in a full scale charge. This momentum allowed the Cilwelli to rout the Imperial army. This victory was followed by many others, and by 3 ABY all remnants of the Empire were purged from Cilwelli.

New government[]

Sincol believed that there were several flaws the Cilwelli system of government. Therefore he wanted to create a new government, modeled after the New Republic. At the same time, Sincol recognized the importance of keep to the old traditions. So Sincol met with many local leaders, as well as representatives from the New Republic, in hopes of forming a radically new system. This system involved sending elected delegates from each clan to a legislative body. The Auslur would still serve as Cilwelli's head of state, but he would be elected, rather than being chosen by birthright.

When the first election was held, Sincol won a landslide victory and became the first elected Aulsur. He wanted to join the New Republic, however, the people had grown cautious of foreign powers, and the Cilwellian Senate refused to let Sincol join the Republic. Therefore the Cilwelli formed the Republic of Cilwelli. Though this new government remained closely allied with the New Republic, it never entered their union. Some of the leading members within the Senate wanted to brake away fully from all outside influences. They started by getting rid of the Hutts. Many Hutts were killed, either lawfully or unlawfully. Because the isolationists controlled the majority of the government, these acts were accepted. Soon other species were driven from Cilwelli.

During this time Sincol did little to stop the isolationist policies. However, he drew the line when the senate tried to break away from the New Republic. He did everything in his power to keep the Republic of Cilwelli from severing all ties to the New Republic. But after 30,000 years of slavery, the Cilwellians did not want a repeat of history. Therefore, despite the Aulsur's protests, Cilwelli refused to recognize the Republic. But Sincol was not willing to give up so easily. He loved the New Republic and considered them invaluable allies and began meeting secretly with the Republic, in hopes of re-unifying them. However, the Cilwellian Senate found out and vowed to chastise Sincol. He was forced to resign as Aulsur and spend his last years disgraced and rejected.


The Yuuzhan Vong invade Cilwelli.

But the Cilwelli's drive to be free of all outside powers would lead to their final destruction. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Cilwelli was not warned of the attacking aliens. Trading ships going back and forth from Cilwelli to Hustia first encountered Vong coralskippers. The merchant convoy, thinking the invaders were pirates, fired on the alien vessels. The Yuuzhan Vong retaliated and killed the merchants, resulting in only one of the traders managing to escape to Cilwelli. The Cilwellian government was outraged by the attack and demanded justice.

Zargi pilots were sent after the coralskippers. Though the Cilwelli fighters destroyed the Vong craft, they brought the wrath of the Yuuzhan Vong down on Cilwelli. The planet was first bombarded by a wave of deadly bacteria. Before the Cilwelli knew what was happening, thousands of their people were dying, without a fight. However, the bacteria began to slowly die, as the Republic of Cilwelli tried to re-organize itself. Many of its soldiers and politicians had been killed by the plague.

No sooner had Cilwelli began to recover from the epidemic than the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the planet. The Zargi had been crippled by the plagues. Most of those still alive were very ill and in no position to fight a war. The Senate, knowing they could not defeat the Vong, ordered all non-military citizens to leave Cilwelli and the nearby planets. However, the order came too late and most of the Cilwellians on the planet were killed. Those who survived fled the Core Worlds. Afterward the Vong installed a World Brain to manage the affairs of Cilwelli.

The Yuuzhan Vong war marked the end of Cilwellian civilization. Less than five hundred Cilwellian survived the war. Those that did were too fearful to return to their planet after the war. Some lived in enclaves on worlds like Coruscant. Others integrated themselves into their new homeworld's culture. Most married into other species. By 100 ABY, no full blood Cilwellians were reported in any Galactic Alliances censuses.

Behind the scenes[]

The Cilwelli were created by Red Head Rider. The Cilwelli were first conceived by Red Head Rider on January 18, 2007. At the time they were solely a plot device for the character of Dan Eardornn. Rider later went back to expand the concept. The rewrite began exactly six months after the article was first created, on June 18, 2007.

Originally, the Cilwelli were supposed to look similar to Chiss. But his idea was dropped in hopes of creating a more original appearance for the Cilwelli. In the end, Trioculus was used as a model for the Cilwellians.

The Cilwellian faith is based on Native American and Pacific tribal religions. The idea to have two central deities, one good and one bad, was inspired by the concept of Dualism. Bharlon's appearance is based on the Babylonian harlot.

A couple of readers have noted that there is a similarity between the Cilwellian clans and the Hindu castes. However, Hinduism did not serve as the original inspiration for the Cilwellian castes. The idea actually came from some of the economic methods used by the Soviet Union. After the concept was created, however, RHR used the Hindu caste system to formulate the details of Cilwellian clans. The uniform of the Crex is based off the Roman fascets.
