The Chiss Empire lasted for thousands of Generations, and has seen everything. But there are reasons why we don't reveal any secrets of the past.
—Chiss Army High General Mulleen
The Chiss Empire, also known as the Chiss Imperials or the Imperial Chiss, was an empire run by the blue skinned Chiss species for generations. They controlled the entire Unknown Regions and a portion of the Outer Rim Territories for a long period of time (several thousand years), and half of Wild Space. The Chiss Empire lasted for over several thousand years and were the only known surviving species other than the Killiks to have had contact with the Celestials, a mysterious race more advanced than any other. The Chiss got a portion of their technology from them.
The Chiss Empire was the only group other than the Celestials who did not fall to the Infinite Empire when they attacked from Rakata. They were originally the ones that made the blue prints and plans for the legendary Star Forge, but it was stolen from them by the Infinite Empire.
During the times of the Galactic Republic and the Clone Wars, the Empire was neutral and stood out from the war, assaulting any ship that came within the Chiss borders. The Republic attempted to make peace with them and asked for their assistance many times, only to be denied. The Confederacy of Independent Systems sent a whole fleet of Destroyers into Chiss space, and it was never heard from again. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, the Chiss remained neutral but backed up Grand Admiral Thrawn secretly. After his death, they decided to stay out of the galactic matters.
Later, in the time when the Jedi Knights of the New Jedi Order were going insane, the Chiss knew it was Abeloth, an evil Dark Side of the Force being, because they helped imprison it thousands of years ago with the Celestials.
The Chiss Empire was the longest lasting Empire in galactic history, lasting since before the Galactic Republic to the time of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. They got a portion of their technology from the ancient Celestials, an ancient race thousands of years old, the ones responsible for creating the Centerpoint Station. The galaxy despised the Chiss because they were so secretive.
Formation/Early Days[]
No one was sure on how the Chiss Empire was formed, not even the Chiss themselves, though Chiss historians presumed there was a great war between the Empire and another race, presumed to be the Yuuzhan Vong or the Destructors, around 1,000,000,000 BBY, that caused the unification of the Chiss war clans around the Unknown Regions and the fringes of the Outer Rim Territories. They also ruled a part of Wild Space. The only remaining document that dated that far back that survived through the years was the Declaration of Unification, which united the rogue Chiss war tribes that lived around the Unknown Regions, Outer Rim Territories, and Wild Space. After the unification, the Chiss Empire began constructing a large capital on Csilla and other main planets and building up a military. After the unification, the first Chiss Emperor, Syzion, made the Chiss Insignia known as Syzion's Seal.
Building up the military took allot longer than expected, because of the second Chiss Emperor's, Pelleon, attempts to thwart it. He was assassinated, presumably by a member of the military, and the third Chiss Emperor, Korg continued to build the military and was remembered for being its founder. He ordered the construction of a new Star Forge and the first Maelstrom-class Star Forge Cruiser, named the Maelstrom, for the Chiss Navy. He established the Council of Five, the leadership of the Chiss Court and military, and the Supreme Commander started a training regime that turned most of the Chiss Empire's populace into military members and gave them advanced training.
Infinite Empire War[]
The Chiss Empire was later at war with the Infinite Empire, an empire run from a former planet of the Empire, Rakata. The Chiss Imperials sent out their newly formed military and their naval fleet and army destroyed the resistance on Rakata, but the world was no longer need to support the Infinite Empire so it was still active. Years later, when the Infinite Empire was on the verge of destruction, they stole a blue print for the Star Forge station from a Chiss transport, and constructed it. They got a foot hold in the war from constructing the Star Forge, though it was attacked and captured by the Empire's forces. The Celestials constructed a large hyperspace route through the middle of the galaxy after the Infinite Empire was pushed back into the far Outer Rim, thus keeping it from spreading to the rest of the galaxy. The Chiss Empire easily destroyed or captured the rest of the Infinite Empire's forces. The galaxy thought the Rakatans were responsible for constructing the marvel of engineering, so the Empire remained furious with them. During this time, they also had several small skirmishes with another empire, the Eon Empire, which was an empire that was formed by rebels and dissidents in Wild Space, and was easily defeated.
Golden Years[]
After the Infinite Empire war, the Chiss Empire thrived and prospered for the years leading up to the Great Galactic War. In this time, new technologies were invented and the military grew bigger and stronger. The Empire captured more worlds that were formally part of the Infinite Empire, but lost leadership and were still recovering from the war against the Infinite Empire, and the Chiss easily claimed the worlds and prepared their forces for pushing further into the Outer Rim, but their plan came to a halt when the Great Galactic War began.
Great Galactic War[]
Finally, after the end of the period known to the Chiss as the Golden Years, the Great Galactic War started and the Chiss took sides. The Empire sided with the Galactic Republic, and took an offensive. They attacked key Sith worlds such as Bothawui (after it was captured) and others in the Aparo Sector and Seswenna Sector. The Empire managed to destroy a Mandalorian blockade blocking Hydian Way, allowing ships to deliver supplies to troops fighting on the Outer Rim Territories front. The Empire's army then managed to take over the Sith capitol which was located in the Unknown Regions, toppling the Sith Empire on itself, and soon the Chiss/Republic was victorious. Afterwards, the Chiss-Republic Treaty was created.
The Chiss Emperor Korg was killed during the war, and the new emperor planned not to push further into the Outer Rim systems as Korg and his generals planned before the war started. Secretly, the new emperor ordered the construction of a hyperspace gate that would allow his troops to travel to different galaxies and capture them secretly. The gate was not completed until four years after his death during the Clone Wars.
Clone Wars[]
During the Clone Wars, the Chiss Empire remained neutral, though it did fight off a few Confederacy of Independent Systems vessels. A fleet of CIS ships later was sent into Chiss space, and it was never heard from again. The fleet was captured and used by the Chiss Navy and Air Force. Most of the droids were shut down and also used.
Meanwhile, the hyperspace gate, called the Galaxy Gazer, was finished at the far rim of the Unknown Regions, and the fleets and armies of the Empire prepared for going to other galaxies, but they sent scouts first, who never returned, so the whole project was shut down. The Galaxy Gazer was hidden on a far planet near the construction point and was forgotten about.
Galactic Civil War[]
After the fall of the Galactic Republic and Order 66, the Chiss Empire remained neutral but did not allow any Jedi to take shelter within the borders of the Empire and had their security forces on high alert. Any Jedi that was found was executed and their body was transported to Coruscant to Darth Vader and Galactic Emperor Palpatine. As a result, only a few Jedi ever hid in their borders, and none got out alive. During the Battle of Endor, a few Clawcraft fighters were in the battle, but only because they were at Endor at the time of the Rebel Alliance's attack.
New Republic[]
After the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic was formed. They kept their distance from the Empire and the two were at peace. Later on, the Ssi-ruuk Imperium invaded the galaxy, and the New Republic begged the Empire for help. The Empire declined, even though the Imperium took over Chiss worlds in Wild Space. The Chiss Emperor thought that getting the Empire involved in the war would mean its destruction.
Soon, the Imperium completely took over the galaxy, except for the Killik Federation, and made peace with the Empire. The two were at peace and traded with each other. The Empire's economy grew when the galaxy was under Imperium control. They let the Empire keep the Unknown Regions, and allot of galactic citizens tried to flee into the Unknown Regions, though they stopped trying after the Imperium moved in troops.
Chiss Army[]
The Chiss Army was the main ground force of the Chiss Empire's massive military. It is composed of several billion Chiss and millions of other species soldiers. They were they first branch founded by the Empire. The Chiss Army mainly aimed for more heavy weaponry and infantry and as a result had a large fleet of tanks and heavy weapon specialists at its disposal, though they took heavy damage during the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. Most of the non-Chiss recruits were mostly made light infantry, but if they proved worthy or had enough experience they could be drafted into the more heavy divisions.
Army forces were first used by the Empire to colonize different worlds, and then to crush any resistances. The Chiss originally intended not to have a military but after a while there were many rebellions and it was shown that without a military the Empire would of fell apart quickly. The second Chiss Emperor, Pelleon, was going to disband the military completely, but before he could do so he was an assassinated by an unknown assassin and the third Chiss Emperor, Korg, made the military even larger.
The Chiss Navy was the naval force of the military and handled the naval battleships and cruisers. It was roughly the same size as the Army. They used mainly Star Destroyers and other cruisers, and the Air Force were the ones in charge of starfighters, who lent them both to Navy and Army forces. The Navy was provided by vessels from the Csilla Construction Yards and other corporations such as Fondor Shipyards and Kuat Drive Yards.
The Navy was used to help colonize planets with the Army and crush planetary resistances, but they played a much smaller role in the colonization of different worlds than the Army did. The Navy was largely expanded by the third Chiss Emperor, Korg, who ordered the construction of the Star Forge, monitored by the Navy, and made an enormous flagship called the Maelstrom. The Navy is a strong and powerful force that many know not to reckon with.
Chiss Air Force[]
The Chiss Air Force was the branch of the military responsible for handling the starfighters. They were used by both the Army and Navy forces. The Air Force was in high demand by all branches. Most of their fighters came from Csilla Construction Yards. They were the second branch created by the Empire. The Air Force squadrons consisted of faster interceptors rather than heavier and more faster fighters, and the fast fighters were used to overwhelm their enemies with fast speeds. The Air Force took heavy damage during the Vong Invasion and it took years for it to recover.
Chiss Special Forces[]
The Chiss Special Forces were an elite branch in the Empire's military and were specially trained to handle missions to hard for regular units. They sometimes were used as assassins and were trained to also fight Jedi and Sith. The SpecForces were highly trained units and it's ranks were only filled with Chiss, none non-Chiss units. They often fought alongside Force Acolytes and they were in high demand during most of the Vong Invasion.
Chiss Force Acolytes[]
The Chiss Force Acolytes were the Force-sensitive units in the military and often led elite Special Forces teams into battle. They were trained to mostly face off against Jedi and Sith, but were also trained in assassination. The Force Acolytes saw heavy use during the Vong Invasion but took little casualties.
Chiss Secret Service[]
The Chiss Secret Service was the domestic forces branch that was similar to law enforcement, but could be called upon in times of war to serve on the front lines. They used riot control weapons. Secret Service sometimes provided bodyguards and security for the Emperor and escorted important politicians and other key Imperial figures when they ventured outside of the Empire's borders.
Chiss Droid Army[]
The Chiss Droid Army was a large army branch of the Chiss military and was composed of large legions of battle ready battle droids. At first, the Droid Army was really small, but it got bigger after the Empire faced droid military based enemies such as the Droid Republic and other groups that utilized armies of battle droids. They also captured a fleet of Confederacy of Independent Systems ships and droids but the ships were given to the Chiss Navy. The Droid Army often didn't use tanks or other vehicles and acted as a light infantry force, unlike the main Army. But they were still known to use tanks. Droid Commanders in the Army answered to Chiss Army generals, and the Droid Army had no generals of its own, just commanders.
The Droid Army was often sent ahead of the regular Army force and used as vanguards. The Chiss generals thought that the droids were extendable and often used them on missions were most or all of them got destroyed during battle.
Notable Commanders[]
- Council of Five
- Unidentified Supreme Commander
- High General Zellos
- High General Mulleen
- Grand Admiral Vero
- Unidentified Grand Admiral
Chiss Senate[]
The Chiss Senate was a branch of the Chiss Empire's government. They numbered roughly around several hundred Chiss Senators. The Senate had little power and the actual government decisions were made by the Council or the Court. Since a large number of planets in the Unknown Regions were uninhabited, each senator represented more than one world, and each uninhabited planet was given to the nearest planet with a Senator.
Chiss Council[]
The Chiss Council was the main branch of the government and made the important decisions for the Empire, other than the Emperor. Also, the Council took orders from the Emperor himself and most of their decisions were his ideas. The Chiss Court and the Council of Five, the ones in charge of the Military's operations, also answered to them.
Chiss Court[]
The Chiss Court was the branch of the government that ran the military. They were led by the Council of Five, the top five military leaders, which included two High Generals, two Grand Admirals, and one Supreme Commander. They operated from a war room headquarters at the Chiss capitol of Csilla.
Important Chiss worlds[]
These were the most important worlds in the Chiss Empire.
- Csilla - A frozen wasteland capital world.
- Lehon - The Chiss main border stronghold.
- Rakata - The location of the Rakata Chiss Military Academy.
- Teth - A jungle world which was a key stronghold.
- Hypori - A world used for constructing droids.
Important Chiss Imperials[]
- 1st Chiss Emperor Syzion (1,000,000,000 BBY–999,999,890 BBY)
- 2nd Chiss Emperor Pelleon (96,543,232 BBY—)
- 3rd Chiss Emperor Korg (—89 BBY)
- 4th Chiss Emperor Unknown (—3 ABY)
- 5th Chiss Emperor Unknown (4 ABY–54 ABY)
- 6th Chiss Emperor Zak (55 ABY–130 ABY)
Military Officers[]
Galactic Alliance[]
The Galactic Alliance was the government that took over after the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, and they demanded that the Empire join them. The Alliance sent in fleets to intrude on Chiss Space and constantly attacked their bases, but the Chiss Navy fought back and was a lot stronger than the Alliance Navy and destroyed their attack groups and conquered several Alliance-aligned worlds.
Black Sun[]
The Black Sun were the galaxy's second largest criminal group after the Steel Legion, and they raided ships within Chiss space. However, they proved to be less than a match for Chiss Navy battleships and were easily destroyed, after being looted by Chiss forces.
Yuuzhan Vong[]
The Yuuzhan Vong Empire attempted to invade the galaxy, and the Chiss were one of the first neutral sides drawn into the war. The Vong battled with them and the Vong fleets and soldiers did not expect the Chiss to be good fighters, and the Vong Unknown Regions Task Force was destroyed easily by the Chiss forces. Afterwords, Chiss fleets and Army units were dispatched to different locations within the galaxy to help others fight against the Vong.
The Chiss Empire had only three holidays, two of which originated in the year the that the Empire was created, 1,000,000,000 BBY.
Declaration Day[]
Declaration day was the day that the Empire was formed on in the year 1,000,000,000 BBY. It was celebrated on all of the Empire's planets, and usually the celebration lasted all day. Every citizen was required to celebrate it, if they did not, it resulted in execution.
Victory Day[]
Victory Day was also created on the same year as the Empire itself was, and celebrated the Chiss victory over the Yuuzhan Vong and the Destructors in the Yuuzhan/Destructor-Chiss War. It was celebrated by a large parade of tanks and walkers heading down the main street of the capital on Csilla.
Emperor's Day[]
No one really used to celebrate Emperor's day. Korg just made it to worship himself.
—Unknown Chiss Citizen
Emperor's Day was a holiday created by 3rd Chiss Emperor Korg in honor of himself, though after his death, the day applied to all emperors. Originally, the day was just created by Korg to celebrate him.