Star Wars Fanon

Chiron Dunai was the Senator of Mamphra and the father of Lefki Dunai who later succeeded him as Senator. He was an influential politician and his views were valued by quite a few including Palpatine, Mace Windu and Bail Organa even after Mamphra formally left the Republic.


The Dunai family was a prominent one on Mamphra, having a long history of public service and leadership. By the time of the Naboo Crisis, he had represented Mamphra in the Senate for quite a number of years and he worked closely with Palpatine prior to the Eriadu Trade Summit. Yet Palpatine severely underestimated Dunai when he asked the Mamphran senator for further support in plans he chose not to disclose. Dunai declined this, seeing the proposition for what it really was, and it was the end of a friendship. They never spoke again.


The Phantom Menace (AU)(First appearance)
