Star Wars Fanon

Chi'teans were a Near-Human sentient race from Chi'tee, controlled by the Sith. The only notable individual belonging to this race was Darth Salidius.

Biology and appearance[]

Chi'teans were recognizable for their stone like skin, red eyes and gnarled bodies. The Chi'tean biology was developed to suit the harsh winds of Chi'tee, hardened by years of resistance to the weather, and evolution. The males and females differed slightly in appearance: the females were less rigged and jagged, almost like a smoothened stone unlike the males with their brittle skin.

Society and culture[]

Chi'teans were a very proud and dominant race, often participating in duels and trials to show their prowess in battle. The people were relatively organised by a large government across the mainly populated areas, ruled by a governmental body that was ultimately a branch from the Sith Empire of Korriban and Liberated Systems.


The Chi'tean history before the Sith occupation was not heavily detailed by the native people, but their invasion by the Sith was not taken as so, as they were not treated as victims rather than brought into the Empire as a vassal planet. The Chi'teans flourished under the Sith rule, building their society benefited by the Sith's resources and power.
