Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order era

Chessa Oto was a Human and member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Early life[]

Chessa was born on Onderron to a farming family. She became attached to the animals used to transport them around and formed bonds with them. In 2 BBY a Nalrithian traveller came to her family's farm and asked to stay. While there Chessa noticed that the armour he was wearing bore the Rebel insignia. She asked the Nalrithian if he was a Rebel, to which he refused to answer. A few days after the traveller showed up, a squad of Stormtroopers arrived at the farm and demanded to search it for a Rebel that they believed that was there. However, the traveller, known as Kiracho Tolth, ambushed the Stormtroopers and killed most of them. The last Stormtrooper attempted to kill both himself and the Kiracho by using a thermal detonator but was stopped by Chessa's father, who launched himself at the Stormtrooper. This proved fatal, as the trooper managed to shoot Chessa's father several times. By the time the fight was over Kiracho had managed to conceal himself from the Stormtrooper, and leapt out at him. While the two fought, the trooper's blaster accidently fired and killed Chessa's mother. Chessa had been out feeding the animals and came inside just as the Stormtrooper lost his gun. Chessa picked it up and killed the Stormtrooper, injuring Kiracho in the process. Chessa asked to be taken away from the farm and go with the Rebel soldier, knowing that there was nothing there for her anymore. He agreed and took her back to his ship, the Althirian Blade and left the planet.


During her time in the Rebellion she had Kiracho train her on marksmanship. He was impressed at how quickly she learned and how much skill she had with a rifle. She was also taught how to fly several vehicles and became a skilled pilot, although not on the level of Tendra Derris, Chessa's friend who she had met shortly after joining the Rebellion. She and Tendra were stationed on Kashyyyk at an old oil refinery used during the Clone Wars. While there, she began taming katarns and trained them as mounts. When a Rebel outpost was discovered, she and her fellow soldiers left their base to help repel the Imperials. However her katarn mount was killed and Chessa and the others were forced to retreat back to their base. Only Chessa, Kam Zanabi, Segano Melan, Tendra, Adrath Gaar and Kolm Nnaut managed to make it back. She and Tendra used their sniping abilities to defend Kam while he attempted to signal his ship. However when Kolm was injured she abandoned her post in order to help him. Kam's ship, the Nighthawk managed to touch down and rescue them, and Chessa sat beside Kolm while the medical droids helped him. The two became friends after the battle.


Shortly after Kashyyyk, Chessa, Kam,Tendra and Kolm were deemed to have insufficient training in combat (Adrath having served briefly in the military prior to joining the Rebel Alliance) and were sent to a training camp on Palanhi. While on the planet, the four were placed in the same team, along with the brothers Doolie and Harbie Rain. They were placed under the command of Sergeant Eno Dagger, an Ualaq Aqualish with a proficiency on both armed and unarmed combat. He sent them into the wilderness of Palanhi, and gave them the task of searching for ten flags somewhere within a 12 kilometer radius. To further add to the difficulty, the land was filled with booby traps, assassin droids, competing teams and Rebel SpecForces who were tasked with hunting the teams down. All six members were given blasters which were stuck in the stun default, a single map and rations for five days. Within the first three days, Kam was caught by a trap which left him suspended upside down from a tree and Kolm fell into a deep pit, forcing the team to spend precious time rescuing them. Kam and Harbie also refused to cooperate with one another, and developed a rivalry that bordered on hatred. Before their training was complete however, the planet came under attack by Imperials, having discovered the location of the base through a spy. Tendra and her team attempted to race back to the transports that would carry them offworld. However, en route they were ambushed by Imperial stormtroopers. They were saved by the timely intervention of Dagger, who had found Tendra's team and brought with him a number of assassin droids. Despite being given a chance to escape, Harbie opted to remain behind and fight with Dagger and the droids. The others were forced to leave them as they made their way to the clearing that housed the Rebel transports. They managed to escape on one of the last three remaining GR-75 medium transports. A few days after the ordeal, they learned that Harbie, Dagger and a number of surviving rebels had been captured by the Imperials and imprisoned on Kessel. At the time, it was deemed to dangerous to attempt a rescue mission.

Battle Over Kessel[]

Whoa, would you look at that! The Sundered Heart! It's amazing!
—Chessa Oto, upon sighting the Sundered Heart

Following the acquisition of the Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter, a number of Incom scientists were taken hostage by the Empire, and were to be taken to the prisons of Kessel. After learning this, the Rebel Alliance rounded up a group of skilled pilots who could fly the new starfighters in order to save the scientists. Chessa was one the pilots chosen to fly the X-wings. Before the battle, Chessa was given the astromech droid R2-D9, who would be fitted into the astromech socket of her X-wing. When it was time to intercept the shuttles that were carrying the Income scientists, Chessa was one of the pilots who were deployed in order to escort the Y-wings, who would disable the ships with their ion cannons. During the battle, Chessa managed to shoot down a small number of TIE/ln starfighters, with the aid of D9, before suffering slight damage to her X-wing. Luckily, the damage was minor, and Chessa was able to escape the wrath of the Empire, along with the majority of the rescue force.

Second Battle of Yavin[]

Shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star, Chessa, who was stationed on Yavin IV at the time, helped to repel a number of Imperial forces who had managed to survive the Death Star's destruction and had gathered a force to attack the rebels. During the attack, Chessa climbed a nearby tree and used her sniping prowess to kill a number of Imperial stormtroopers.


Chessa Oto: “Come on! Nail those Eyeballs!
Jirachi Kna: “She's certainly got spirit.
Kolm Nnaut: “Yeah... (whispers) that's why I love her.
— Chessa Oto, Jirachi Kna and Kolm Nnaut

After this she and Kolm were sent to Haalthor in order to help the survivors of an Imperial bombing. However the rescue was interrupted by several TIE fighters who were also searching for survivors. Chessa and five others boarded AST-5 Armoured Sentinel Transports and attempted to shoot them down. However they ran into an Imperial ambush and two of the other pilots were shot down. Chessa however managed to gun down several, with the aid of the Jedi, Jirachi Kna, two Sarkan bounty hunters and her old mentor in the Althirian Blade. They defeated the hidden Imperial forces and finished the rescue mission.
