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Chankar Kim was a female Human Jedi Master who was the secret wife of Ronhar Kim, as well the mother of two unnamed twin sons.
Born in 70 BBY, Chankar Kim was a Force-sensitive Human female who came from a wealthy family on Naboo. After being accepted and trained by the Jedi Order, Chankar reached the rank of Jedi Knight until she first met with Ronhar Kim. Chankar and Ronkar developed a close relationship and kept their love secret from the Jedi Council. After reaching the rank of Jedi Master in 40 BBY, Chankar and Ronhar planned on getting married in secret. With the help of Senator Palpatine, the two were married on Naboo and promised to keep this marriage a secret until the time was right. Later in 36 BBY, Chankar gave birth to two twin sons. Fearing that the Jedi Council would find out about this, Chankar and Ronhar gave their children to a wealthy family, who were friends to the Kim family.
Three months before the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Chankar took Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy as her Padawan. However, when Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during a mission on the planet Geonosis, Chankar was part of Mace Windu's task force to rescue him. Before leaving, she said her final goodbye to her husband and promised that she would return. She would later tell Scout that her Padawan would accompany her on the "next mission". However, the rescue mission turned into a full-scale battle, and Kim was perished in the fight against the Separatist Droid Army. Her death was mourned by Ronhar when her corpse was brought back to the temple.
A few days after the Clone Wars, Ronhar remembered he promised that he and Chankar would reveal the truth to the Council and that they would leave the Order and live the rest of their life in peace, but that never happened. He later buried his wife in the grassy hills on Naboo and would join the Grand Army of the Republic in the rank of General while his apprentice was made Commander.
- Yoda: Dark Rendezvous (First mentioned)