Star Wars Fanon

—Jedi Knight Horen Hote, writing about Chagrians in the Jedi Order.

Chagrians were a species of amphibious humanoids from the terrestrial world of Champala in the Inner Rim of the galaxy. Discovered during the Expansionist Era, their people were highly-social and longed to interact with the greater galaxy. Law-abiding and moral, the Chagrian people found work as law clerks, politicians, analysts, and soldiers across the galaxy as Champala joined the fledgling Galactic Republic. As their world served as a major tourist destination in the Inner Rim, the Chagrians worked tirelessly to maintain the health of their planet's ecosystem. While not abundant, Chagrian Force-users found a home in the Jedi Order and served capably as protectors of peace and knowledge across the galaxy.

Biology and appearance[]

An amphibious race, the Chagrians evolved from a water-dwelling species of pale-skinned swimmers that used their four horns for defense. Developing sentience, the Chagrians moved out of the jungle rivers and into the coastal tidal regions where they formed civilized society. Comprised of two sexes, Chagrians mated for life and females spawned a clutch of three or more eggs which were raised in tubs of water in a family's home. Hatching into tadpoles called Chags, these larval Chagrians began to develop their arms, legs, and air-breathing lungs over the course of two years. Once fully developed, an adult Chagrian typically stood between 1.8 and 2.2 standard meters tall. Bipedal humanoids, Chagrians stood upright on two legs and had powerful bodies for maneuvering both on land and under water. Each of their arms were strong an hinged at the elbow, with four fingers and an opposable thumb tipped with protective nails. Chagrian heads were distinguished by two fleshy growths protruding from the sides of their heads; each sporting a long tapering lethorn. These lethorns thickened with age, were rigid, and a vestige of their aquatic past. Both male and female Chagrian typically draped their lethorns over the shoulders, but males could also maneuver them to sit atop their head between the two lethorns which sprouted from their skulls. These cranial lethorns were once used in underwater mating duels and were viewed as a sign of a males' strength and virility. While females lacked these superior cranial lethorns, they had a more pronounced and longer posterior headtail. While useless after their larval stage as tadpoles, adult Chagrians retained their tails forming hard, segmented plates which overlapped each other down the back of the head. On the front of their face, Chagrian had two lidded eyes with blue irises that were capable of acute low-light vision. Due to their frequent exposure to the oceans of Champala, the Chagrians completely lost all sense of taste by adulthood. As a result, they regarded eating as an unfortunate nuisance rather than something to be looked forward to and enjoyed, consuming nutritional substances to replace meals. They carried sensors designed to scan for maximum nutritional value when forced to eat actual food. Still possessing a mouth full of blue grinding teeth, the Chagrians had a long, black forked tongue which they used to augment their sense of smell. Oxygen-breathers in their adult life, a pointed nose with two nostrils was positioned above their mouth. Due to extreme radiation changes on Champala early in the species' history, Chagrian skin was smooth in texture and hairless. Original ranging from pink to dark gray in color, the increased radiation from the star Pala forced them to evolve a ultra-violent light-resistant blue hue. Ranging from a deep blue to indigo, Chagrians were highly resistant to radiation of any kind.

Society and culture[]

As a water-dwelling species, Chagrian culture and society developed around the water of the largely ocean-covered planet of Champala. As the primal Chagrian people moved away from the jungle river towns, cities began to develop on barrier islands and peninsulas located along the sea with shallow tidal pools and bays on mainland side. Architecture on Champala allowed for the tides to flow up through the buildings, allowing Chagrians to shift from walking to swimming from building to building, room to room. Because of this design style, Chagrian technology was galvanized against water damage and most rooms were sparsely furnished or decorated so that the furniture would not shift or float away during high tide.

Forming a socialist democracy, life on Champala was marked with protracted periods of wealth and prosperity among all citizens, reducing conflict, poverty, and lawlessness to near non-existence. A peaceful and law-abiding race, Chagrians were often viewed by outsiders as stoic and obstinate based on their strict adherence to authority and law. Many Chagrians were motivated only by basic desires such as sustenance, shelter, and health-care. Chagrian government ensured that every citizen was cared and provided for, so the standard of living for the poorest Chagrian was high compared to the members of other societies Education was valued in Chagrian society and many Chagrians would travel off-world for advanced university studies. Most Champala-based Chagrians did not speak Basic, however those who traveled off-world learned it quickly and returned to Champala to teach it to their peers.

While no strong Force-based religions took form on Champala, many Chagrians believed the god-king Aram Acheron would one day burst forth from Logue Rock and lead his faithful to victory over their enemies. Worship of Aram Acheron took place around small groves of ceremonial stones which served as altars to the deity.


Civilization on Champala originated in long strips of coastline, where sea levels fluctuated wildly with the tides. Buildings in these ancient cities were entirely submerged at high tide, and Chagrians swam between them. Some multi-story buildings were not equipped with staircases or elevators at all; inhabitants simply waited until high tide, then swam to higher floors. Once the Chagrians made contact with other species, they constructed starports and trade cities on high plateaus accessible by aircar. Discovered by Republic scouts with the initial blazing of the Corsin Run, Chagrians welcomed alien contact and were eager to travel offworld and learn about other cultures. Joining the Republic and sending representatives to Coruscant, Champala began developing as a resort world for wealthy Core World residents who were eager to visit the pristine beaches and tropical jungles of the planet. After 3,670 BrS, the Hydian Way was blazed and the Inner Rim connected with the greater galaxy. Remaining loyal to the Republic throughout the world's history, the Chagrians often served as diplomats and soldiers alike, defending the Republic from the lawlessness of anarchy, or the cruelty of empires.

Chagrian Jedi[]

Despite not producing many Force-sensitives each generation, Chagrians have served the Jedi Order with several rising to prestigious positions within the upper ranks of the Order's leadership. Their strong sense of duty, their adherence to policy, and their cultural aversion to greed made the species ideal for accepting the Jedi teachings. Many Chagrian Jedi took to the school of thought of the Consular, studying the Jedi Code and living by it with bold adherence. Chagrian diplomats and archivists were also commonplace, as Chagrians could both be sociable, political beings and studious, contemplative stoics. Those who chose to pursue the role of Guardian were brash and opinionated, taking a stand for what they believed and refusing to back down based on what was right. Like all species which served in the Order, Chagrians were represented in the Grand Temple on Ossus. Within the main entrance of the Temple, known as the Hall of Meditating Masters, a larger-than-life bronzium statue was erected in dedication to all Chagrian who had and who would serve. The kneeling likeness of Battlemaster Malando Bey served as a reminder to all that while one might reach great heights in service, taking needless risks can fell even the greatest warrior and jeopardize the future of the entire Order. In the Sword of the Jedi tower, the lightsabers of all Jedi were placed in memory of fallen warriors and scholars alike. The Edifice of Heroes memorialized past Chagrians while standing ready to adorn its halls with paintings, monuments, or holodepictions of all future Chagrians.

Mas Amedda 41 BrS Year 40 Service Corps member Herald Masters Padawans
After being detained by the Jedi Order following the death of Darth Sidious, Galactic Republic Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda was tried by the Galactic Courts and charged with high treason for his role in the plot to destroy the Jedi Order. After serving two years of his life sentence, the Order appealed the case and asked if Amedda could serve out his days on Ossus rather then languish in solitary confinement. Agreeing to the terms, Amedda was released into Jedi custody and began his long exile on Ossus in 19 BrS. Living in the city of Knossa, Amedda found the Jedi to be generous hosts and was eventually motivated to join the DiploCorps where he was trained and tested before being accepted as an instructor. Serving as a guest lecturer at the Grand Academy and Acolyte Academy, Amedda earned the honorific of Jedi, as given to all non-Forceful members of the Service Corps. After some time Amedda was appointed as the Herald of the High Council, announcing guests to the Court of Disputes and observing ceremony during holidays and formal gatherings.
Kav Bayons 27 BrS Year 15 Guardian Peacekeeper Verde Solaris Padawans
Trained in the ways of the Jedi Guardian, Kav Bayons was selected for training by Master Verde Solaris at the age of thirteen standard years old from the Coruscant Jedi Academy. Training as a Peacekeeper, Bayons learned to wield his lightsaber proficiently, sparring daily with Solaris and expertly deflecting blaster bolts from training probes. Dispatched to the Inner Rim to serve the High Council, Bayons learned diplomacy and peace-making skills as a Jedi Knight and learned the value of compassion and sought to find common ground between allies and foes. When the Clone Wars erupted, Bayons reported to Coruscant for assignment. Tasked with leading clone troopers in the Grand Army, Bayons served loyally and respected his troops and was highly protective of them in battle. During the war, Bayons and fellow Jedi Akar-Deshu intercepted a ship commanded by Shadow Acolyte Quinlan Vos. Vos was deep undercover, having infiltrated the Shadow Collective on behalf of the Order and was forced to engage Bayons and Deshu who accused him of being a traitor. During the fighting, Jedi Deshu prepared to sacrifice himself and attacked Vos with his venomous stinger. As Deshu hurled himself at Vos, the Kiffar used the Force to turn the Mehran around in mid leap, causing him to sting Bayons. Sustaining a venom-filled gash across the face, Bayons collapsed as his blood began to boil with the venom and writhed on the floor. In an act of mercy Vos impaled Bayons through the heart, ending his life rather then let him die slowly.
Malando Bey 4,038 BrS 3,953 BrS Guardian Battlemaster Kandori Tala Padawans
Born into wealth, Malando Bey was discovered after his thirteenth standard name day to be Forceful when he inadvertently used the Force to collapse his father's manse. Sent to Ossus for training to control his destructive power, Bey excelled at the tests of the Jedi and swiftly found himself under the tutelage of Master Kandori Tala, a fellow Chagrian and a powerful Force-user. Instructed by Tala in the art of lightsaber combat, Bey learned to not only wield a lightsaber, but mastered all seven forms of combat, grew adept in wielding two lightsabers, and augmenting his fighting by using the Force. After fifteen years of training, Bey was knighted by his master on his thirtieth name day and was recommended to the Council for special commendation in the art of lightsaber combat. Taking on several Padawans, Bey became well regarded by his peers and after three short years was recognized as a Master. Serving the Order in combat exercises and passing on his talents to the next generation, Bey was both soldier and teacher. Elected to the Jedi Council in 3,980 BrS, Bey served as the chief instructor in the field of lightsaber combat and oversaw appointment of all combat instructors. During this time Bey instructed hundreds of students each year, from the youngest learners to the most advanced fighters. When the Krath cultists became a more troublesome issue, Bey departed Ossus in favor of the Coruscant Temple, declaring himself Battlemaster of Coruscant and fortifying the Temple there. Consulting with members of the Council regarding the training of Exar Kun, Bey was dismayed at the Human's curiosity and warned against allowing him to pursue his bizarre studies. His fears were well-founded as Kun turned to the dark side and led the Krath in the destruction of Ossus. With the Jedi fortress world destroyed, Bey joined the surviving members of the Council on Yavin IV where they trapped the Sith Lord behind a wall of pure Force energy, imprisoning him eternally within his own temple amid the jungles. Returning to Coruscant as the Order regrouped, Bey remained on the Council for several years as the Order scrambled to recollect the knowledge lost on Ossus. Bey led an ill-advised scouting mission to Ossus in 3,953 BrS to reclaim lost lightsabers and was quickly irradiated and killed along with the five other Jedi aboard his shuttle. His untimely death cost the Order dearly as the loss of one of their finest surviving lightsaber virtuosos left the Jedi with few worthy replacements.
Lan Briqui 3,650 BrS 3,588 BrS Guardian Instructor Nikil Nobil Padawans
Born within the decade preceding the the Great Galactic War, Lan Briqui had a typical life at the Coruscant Temple before being selected for training as a Padawan during the first years of the conflict with the resurgent Sith Empire. Trained on the battlefield by Master Nikil Nobil, the renowned Jedi Council member, Briqui gained field experience as well as a unique perspective on wartime leadership. Knighted in 3,630 BrS, Briqui continued to serve the Republic on the front lines of battle as a General until the Treaty of Coruscant heralded in a time of unsteady peace. During the Cold War, Briqui saw assignment to different postings across the Republic, meeting with Jedi making their way to and from the Outer Rim. Acquiring the rank of Master during this time, Briqui was assigned to Carrick Station in the Deep Core where he was appointed as chief instructor for Jedi who studied within the Guardian school of Jedi training. Up to date on all new skills and techniques developed at the academy on Tython, Briqui would pass on what he knew to all Jedi that passed through the station on their way to their next mission.
Oora Gellandi Year 1 Year 79 Guardian Peacekeeper Kerrick Takan Padawans
A native of Cularin, Oora Gellandi was not identified as Force-sensitive as she was born at home and did not undergo proper testing at a Republic medical facility. Raised by wealthy retirees, Gellandi adorned herself with jewels and flaunted her wealth until joining a small community led by Naja Delan. Stripping away her entitlement, Gellandi and the other community members worshiped the Jedi and believed them to be the galaxy's greatest heroes. Gathering frequently to discuss conspiracy theories and heroic tales of the Jedi, the group uncovered a plot to assassinate noted diplomat Gavid Lermyn. Notifying the staff of the Almas Jedi Academy, Gellandi and her friends were regarded as heroes and received praise from the Jedi Council. Following the end of the Clone Wars, Gellandi approached the Academy once more to get tested for Force-sensitivity. Testing positive, Gellandi elected to travel to Ossus to receive formal training at the Acolyte Academy there. After several years of disciplined study, partnership with a master, and undertaking her Great Journey across Tython, Gellandi achieved the rank of Jedi Knight. Returning to Almas as a Ranger, Gellandi served the Cularin system ably and was held in high esteem by the citizens of Cularin.
Lanis Gregort 17 BrS Year 68 Guardian Battlemaster Micba Bear Padawans
Lanis Gregort was born on Coruscant and turned over to the Jedi as he developed from his larval tadpole stage and his Forcefulness became apparent. Training at the academy under the watchful eyes of his docent, Gregort was a member of the Bear Clan and embodied the bravery and skills associated with the clan's mantra. Excelling in his studies, Gregort was selected for training by senior Jedi Knight Micba Bear who saw potential in Gregort's fencing skill. While most Jedi focused on a single fighting form, Bear coached Gregort in all seven after receiving special permission from Battlemaster Anoon Bondara to train the Chagrian in Form VII. Knighted in 3 BrS, Gregort traveled the galaxy and studied obscure martial forms and began highly regarded by multiple blademasters from many different traditions. When the Clone Wars erupted, Gregort took up his lightsaber in defense of the Republic and led from the front; Gregort was a favorite among clone troopers as he was cut swathes through the Confederate army as the Republic advanced. When the war ended, Gregort traveled to Ossus and helped firm up the Order's reoccupation of the world. Attaining the rank of Master, Gregort continued to serve across the galaxy in addition to teaching lessons on combat at the Grand Academy and across the stars at the Order's satellite academies. Battlemaster Cin Drallig, noting Gregort's skill, began to groom the Chagrian for the post as the Order's premiere lightsaber instructor. Dispatching Gregort to each of the Order's academies to meet the Masters of Lightsaber assigned to each post, Gregort made the necessary connections and garnered the respect of his peers so that when Drallig died in Year 35, Gregort slipped seamlessly into the role at the Grand Academy.
Jom Lasena Year 33 Year 115 Consular Healer Masters Padawans
Jom Lasena was discovered by the Acquisitions Division of the Jedi Order to be an extremely powerful Force-sensitive child. Raised at the Grand Academy on Ossus, Lasena quickly became a protege among his fellow Jedi Knights after spending many years of deeply focused study on Tython during his Great Journey. Serving as a healer, Lasena consulted with the Order's Chief Healer on many issues and eventually was appointed as Master of Medicine for the Temple on Felucia. Lasena was unique among the Jedi of the era as he fathered a daughter for the sake of passing on his strong Force-sensitivity to the next generation. Allowing the young Vucora to be raised by the Order and not by him, Lasena was always pleased with reports he received from his fellow Masters about his daughter's successes. When Vucora attained the rank of Knight, Lasena attended the ceremony at Padawan Kesh and praised her for her devotion to the art of diplomacy. Retaining his position on Felucia for many more years, Lasena became one with the Force three years before the birth of his grandson, Wytho.
Saarai Lasena Year 153 Year 294 Consular Sage Master Surrel-Li Padawans
The fourth in a line of prodigious Force-wielders, Saarai Lasena held promise from the moment she entered the Grand Academy. Unlike her sire, Saarai Lasena sought to master the Force in a way that did not take her down one specialized path but instead would allow her to utilize and enhance all of her natural abilities. Studying the healing arts and melding them with her physical strength and agility, Lasena fused other skills together and was fast-tracked through the academy. The obvious victor at the Academy Tournament, Masters from across the galaxy lined up to take on Lasena as their Padawan. Ultimately Surrel-Li, a relatively unknown Jedi Master was given the honor after long consultation with the Academy's Chief Seer. Under Surrel-Li, Lasena's skills seemed to magnify and attracted the close attention of the High Council. When Lasena was deemed ready to undergo her Great Journey, the Chagrian out-performed her peers at each Great Temple, overtaking many records for several trials and benchmarks. Skillfully passing her Trials, Lasena was named a Jedi Knight and only a few short years later was deemed eligible for the rank and benefits of the title of Master. While some protested the move, warning against fast-tracking a student's progress, the High Council deemed the decision warranted due to Lasena's obvious skill. Intrigued by those Tythans brought to the world by the Tho Yor, Lasena began to engage them and was praised for bringing several hundred into the Order with her delicate words and compassion. Lasena began teaching at Qigong Kesh not long after, helping Journeyers to develop their inherent abilities as well as develop new ones. By the age of thirty six standard years old, Lasena was named a Sage Master, the youngest of the past thirty generations of Jedi.
Vucora Lasena Year 69 Year 144 Consular Chief Diplomat Himalia Covell Padawans
The daughter of noted Jedi healer Jom Lasena, Vucora Lasena was raised in the Jedi arts per her father's wishes and was swiftly marked for greatness. Taking to her lessons with ease, Lasena was prompted to study a varied degree of subjects to discover her best fit. Unlike her father, Lasena did not turn towards the healing arts but instead had a knack for diplomacy. Under the guidance of her master, Himalia Covell, Lasena took advanced classes at the political academy on Coruscant and participated in a tour of duty with the Diplomatic Corps. Looking to preserve her father's legacy, Lasena pursued her goals with vigor and attained the rank of Knight after successfully venturing across Tython. Returning to Coruscant, Lasena took up work as a diplomat within the Office of the Chief Diplomat to the Enslaved Worlds. After years of working tirelessly with the former Hutt slave worlds, Lasena was appointed to the office which she had served for decades, with the new title of Chief Diplomat to the Liberated Worlds. Serving for a five year term, Lasena's efforts went a long way to ensure the former slave worlds continued to integrate with the rest of the galaxy. With her son Wytho continuing her father's lineage, Lasena furthered the bloodline of House Lasena with another powerful contribution.
Wytho Lasena Year 118 Year 203 Consular Lore Master Rale Midanyl Padawans
Wytho Lasena was the third generation of the famed House Lasena within the Jedi Order. Eager to make a name for himself and promote the tenants of peace and knowledge that the Order championed, Lasena found his calling within the vast archives of the Jedi. Studying fervently at the Grand Academy, Lasena was selected for further training by Librarians' Assembly member Rale Midanyl for further education. Studying at the academy on Obroa-skai, Lasena undertook his Great Journey on Tython and discovered the mysteries of Kaleth. After becoming a Knight, Lasena returned to Kaleth where he poured over ancient tomes of the Je'daii, the Jedi, and the recently arrived Tythans. Eager to learn all of the lore of the ancient Order, Lasena eventually attained the rank of Master and was recognized as one of the Order's foremost Lore Masters. In Year 175 Lasena was appointed as Temple Master of Kaleth, serving to protect the Temple, set the curriculum for Journeyers, and oversee the Temple's proper operation. For over thirty-five years Lasena presided over the Noetikon of Knowledge, imbuing within its memories his thoughts, reflections, and enormous wealth of knowledge. As a member of the Grand Council, Lasena's voice carried great weight and reflected in every Jedi to earn the rank of Knight.
Lena Missa Year 2 Year 79 Guardian Blademaster Masters Padawans
Raised on Coruscant, Missa was among the first students to undertake the Great Journey of the Jedi across Tython after the end of the Clone Wars. Excelling in martial skills and lightsaber combat, Missa honed her body into a living weapon after spending years in the wilds combating the darkest beasts Tython had to offer. As a Knight, Missa continued her training at many different academies, learning from the Order's finest duelists, combat specialists, and Masters of Lightsabers. Upon achieving the rank of Master, Missa was selected to serve the High Council as Blademaster. As Blademaster, Missa was charged with keeping the members of the High Council in peak fighting condition. Sparring daily with the Councilors, Missa was able to provide a challenge for the Masters and force them to maintain vigilance, agility, and stamina with their blades.
Her Phrayan 3,667 BrS 3,607 BrS Guardian Peacekeeper Masters Padawans
An unremarkable student, Her Phrayan longed for glory and greatness and found that neither his peers nor his mentors found reason to praise him. Serving in the violent battles of the Great Galactic War, Phrayan was wary of battle and hoped to maintain prestige without bloodying himself overly much. Wearing heavy armor on and off the battlefield, Phrayan's lack of charisma in the war effort earned him a posting on the planet Voss during the Cold War. Living in the capital city of Voss-Ka as part of the Jedi presence on the planet, Phrayan was always eager to pass on his alleged fighting skills to Padawans and Knights. While claiming to be a combat instructor of rare skill, Phrayan lacked the experience or dedication to actually be considered an instructor at a formal training academy. When violence erupted on the world, Republic soldiers turned to Phrayan to lead them out of a collapsed medcenter. When Phrayan's leadership skills faltered, a mercenary working for the Republic ended the Chagrian's life, ridding the Order of a boastful and overconfident braggart.
Seminol Sen Year 4 Year 83 Consular Alchemist Jyl Somtay Viado Gorgiou
Born a decade before the Clone Wars, Seminol Sen resided at the Coruscant Temple until the final year of war when he was chosen for training by Jedi Master Jyl Somtay. Serving alongside Somtay on the front lines for three months, the war came to an abrupt halt when Sith Lord Darth Sidious was slain and the Republic and Confederacy signed a peace agreement. Traveling to Ossus to continue his training and join in the rebuilding of the Order, Sen's calling was in the sciences and Somtay was quick to encourage her student's talents and natural interests. While not a scientist herself, Somtay introduced the Chagrian to her colleagues within the scientific arm of the Order and tempered Sen's scientific learning with lightsaber training and combat drills. When deemed ready to embark on his Great Journey, Journeyer Sen sought out Anil Kesh for its lessons in alchemy and traveled far across Tython to learn from the secrets hidden within the Citadel, Qarth, and Asshai. After becoming a Knight, Sen returned to Anil Kesh to strengthen his own skills in alchemy. After four more years of study, Sen took on the Padawan Viado Gorgiou and the pair traveled together aboard the Luminosity where they practiced transfiguring different natural material into Force-imbued talismans and artifacts. In Year 62 Sen was invited to join the High Council on Ossus in hopes that the Master's skill might have a positive effect in the Golem Wars. After the war ended, Sen departed Ossus and the High Council and returned his focus to Tython where more and more discoveries were being had as to the nature of the Force. With the influx of students at the Great Temples, Sen took up a teaching role at Anil Kesh until his death in Year 83.
Micah Shohn-Lowt 3,647 BrS 3,600 BrS Sentinel Shadow Arlo Grennen Padawans
Trained by the famed Cathar Jedi Arlo Grennen, Micah Shohn-Lowt was a Shadow in service to the Order during the Cold War with the Sith Empire. Studying to be cunning, sly, and secretive, Shohn-Lowt assisted Republic Intelligence as an infiltrator for many years during the Great Galactic War before the Treaty of Coruscant was enacted. When his master disappeared and was feared lost, Shohn-Lot persevered and continued his service, all the while keeping his senses attuned to the Force, hoping for a sign of Master Grennen. While the Republic waged war on Belsavis, Shohn'Lot was assigned to the planet to infiltrate the massive prison known as the Tomb and locate the escaped Sith Lord known simply as the Tyrant. Injured during the pursuit, Shohn'Lowt asked for assistance from a soldier in the Republic Army, who was successful in hunting down and killing the Sith Lord. When the Eternal Empire came to power, both the Republic and the Sith Empire were shattered. Shohn-Lowt was far from Tython when the warships swept across the galaxy and was taken prisoner by the Empire, only to be ruthlessly slaughtered.
Teela Sathel Birth Death Consular Healer Masters Padawans
Kandori Tala 4,067 BrS 3,989 BrS Guardian Warrior Vin Cenvax Malando Bey
The daughter of Champala's president, Kandori Tala joined the Jedi Order voluntarily at the age of twenty-five standard years old. Trained by her father's guardsmen to wield a durasteel sword, Tala's new-found Force abilities enhanced her already significant skill in combat one hundred-fold. Constructing a lightsaber with the assistance of Master Vin Cenvax on Ossus, Tala became something of a local dueling champion as she would challenge her fellow Jedi to a duel in the streets of Knossa. Training the future lightsaber virtuoso Malando Bey to knighthood, Tala cemented her place in the Order's history with her contributions to the Great Holocron where she detailed her extensive studies and meditations on the fifth form of lightsaber combat.
Name Birth Death Class Specialization Masters Padawans

Chagrian Sith[]

While far more likely to fall in with the principles of the Jedi Order, an occasional Chagrian Sith would emerge in the galaxy. Their strong stoicism and adherence to policy made the strict nature of Empires appealing, and Chagrian Sith tended to be enforcers, policy makers, or sycophants. Chagrian's also had a fatal social flaw in that they could be particularly vain. While the Jedi stamped out this cultural norm, the Sith encouraged it; often times Chagrian Sith were highly ornamented and festooned their lethorns with baubles made from precious metals and gems. Rarely, a Chagrian beserker would step up in the Sith ranks, a butcher among Sith and defy on Chagrian social norms as a violent, ruthless Lord.

N/A Morrun Dokaas 3,648 BrS 3,605 BrS Order of Revan Beast Lord Master Apprentices
Born a slave on Dromund Kaas, Morrun Dokaas' Force-sensitivity was identified by Tari Darkspanner while he was still a larva and he was sent to Korriban for training at the Sith Academy there. Rising through the ranks thanks to his cruelty and brutality, Dokaas earned high praise for continuously feeding his rivals to k'lor'slugs. Eventually attaining the status of Beast Lord, Dokaas was stationed on Dromund Kaas during the Cold War where he was tasked with tending to the Empire's war beasts. During this time, Dokaas served faithfully the Order of Revan to whom he believed he owed a great debt. Extolling the precepts of the Order and believing Revan to be the one true Emperor, Dokaas talked with initiates and tested their resolve before allowing them access to the Revanite compound. When Revan returned and rallied his followers to Yavin IV, Dokaas took up arms against both the Republic and the Sith, only to be killed in the fighting there.
Lord Goh Elmantas Goh Birth 3,605 BrS Order of Revan Special titles Master Apprentices
Elmantas Goh was trained on Korriban to be ruthless and cruel. Taking a vow of silence upon achieving lordship, Goh aligned himself with the Order of Revan and came to view the former Jedi, former Sith as the true Emperor of the Sith. Serving in secret, Goh was attached to fellow Revanite Darth Arkous' fleet as they plotted an attack on Tython. Laying siege to the Jedi Temple in 3,605 BrS, Goh raided the Archives and recovered several Rakatan artifacts for Darth Arkous. After securing the Temple, a Republic strike force arrived to liberate Tython. Facing off with the team in the Temple Archives, Goh was cut down before he could see his true master, Darth Revan, return to power.
N/A Zhar-Khan Long 6,997 BrS 6,851 BrS Exiled Jedi Pilot Master Apprentices
Serving the Jedi on Ossus, Zhar-Khan Long was a peaceful being who was a renowned pilot and masterful scientist. Focusing on plant biology, Long was respected by his colleagues for many years until he aligned himself with the young upstart Ajunta Pall. Pall and his fellow Jedi alchemists fell out of favor with the Jedi High Council as they attempted to ban the study and practice of alchemy on Ossus. Arguing that the art of using the Force to manipulate life had been an essential part of Jedi practice since the Order's founding, Long departed Ossus based on a philosophical divergence and refused to abide by the High Council's decisions. Not long after their departure, the Jedi began hunting down the Exiles, deeming them a threat to peace and order not just to the galaxy but to the Force itself. Taking up arms to defend their beliefs, the Exiles protected themselves with lightsabers and with their armies of alchemically altered soldiers. Fighting fiercely, Long and the other Exiles used alchemy to preserve their own bodies, slowing the aging process and dragging the conflict out across a century. When the Hundred Year Darkness came to its conclusion, Long was briefly detained on Corbos after the fighting there ended and was banished along with the other Exiles to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Landing on Korriban in 6,862 BrS, the Exiled Jedi quickly came to rule the Sith species there and declared themselves Dark Lords of the Sith. Following the leadership of Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa, Long eventually grew weary of the wastes of Korriban and believed that the Jedi Order and the Republic needed to answer for their crimes against them. Assisting in the theft of one of the only working ships, Long piloted the colony ship with Dreypa and their two companions off Korriban. Not long into their flight, the Exiled Jedi were attacked by Jedi veterans searching to purge the galaxy of the alchemists once and for all. Harrying their colony ship, the Exiles crash landed on the planet Kesh and waged a brutal war once more. Realizing the destruction that they wrought across Kesh was not the will of the Force or in their best interest, the Exiles and the Jedi orchestrated a peace and traveled to the continent of Eshkrene where Lord Dreypa was sealed away in an oubliette and the Jedi learned to live in peace with the Exiles once more. Long, for his part, produced three children using his own genetic material and his profound alchemical skills to carry on their heritage for the next several generations.
Lord Stoma Miran Stoma 3,957 BrS 3,922 BrS Mandalorian Knight/Revan's Empire Acolyte Zam Corsh N/A
Raised in the wake of the Order's loss of Ossus, Miran Stoma began her training at the age of three standard years at the Coruscant Academy. Trained in the Jedi arts by Master Zam Corsh, Stoma quickly found her life without a general sense of purpose after achieving the rank of Knight. As Mandalorian warriors lay siege to worlds in and around the Republic, Stoma believed the High Council was ineffectual and mismanaging their Knights. Sent on routine assignments to apprehend criminals or negotiate with corrupt politicians, Stoma became intrigued by Master Dorjander Kace and his interest in intervening on behalf of the Mandalorians. Questioning her own loyalties, Stoma pledged her sword to Kace, donning Mandalorian Neo-Crusader armor and wielding her lightsaber on behalf of Mandalore the Ultimate. Sabotaging the Republic where they could, the height of the Mandalorian Knights' traitorous acts was their seizure of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Hoping to abduct the students, Stoma and the other Knights were arrested alongside Master Kace and returned to Coruscant. Placed within secure detention facilities within the Coruscant Temple, Stoma was freed at the start of the Jedi Civil War when a Jedi loyal to Darth Revan emptied the Temple's cells and absconded with their prisoners to rejoin Revan's fleet. Leading Sith mercenaries against the Republic, Stoma was eventually gunned down by Republic troops before the war's end.
Sith title Name Birth Death Allegiance Special titles Master Apprentices