Cessi Ertay was a female Twi'lek member of the Jedi Order. She is the cousin of Finn Ertay and the former padawan of Shaak Ti. Cessi was born on Ryloth but her family moved to Shili when she was young. She is the master of Mira Sundream until they were separated during the Battle of Felucia when their clone troopers received Order 66 and attacked them. She managed to escape the Purge, but didn't manage to escape Vader. While she was stealing a ship to get off of Felucia, she hadn't realized that Vader was on board, and so the two fought until she cut off his arm and escaped into an escape pod. She managed to get a new ID and new clothes on Shili. She then joined the Rebel Alliance until the New Jedi Order was created and joined it.