I never wanted the Force. I want to be free to live my life. The Force though? It doesn't let you be free.
—Cerys Lambert.
Cerys Lambert was a female Human Force adept, smuggler and cargo pilot who lived during the final years of the Third Galactic War. One of the eldest children of Aaellu and Benjamin Lambert, Cerys grew up on the Outer Rim world of Farrow, where her father served as governor. Surrounded by family from birth, Cerys' home life was always crowded and she often felt smothered, and with little interest in the vast wilds of her homeworld she longed to travel the stars. She was also unique in her apathy towards the Force and the powers it granted her and, unlike her siblings, Cerys never adopted a familiar, forgoing what had become a family tradition.
By the time she was 21, Cerys had saved up enough money to pool resources with her younger brother Gnost – who was equally eager to travel – and relocate to Coruscant in 50 ATC, though the siblings quickly realized that making a living in the heart of the Galactic Republic would not be as straightforward as they had hoped. Resorting to illegal avenues to get by as unregistered immigrants, the siblings boarded a refugee transport and moved to Nar Shaddaa in 51 ATC in search of better prospects. Once there, Cerys and Gnost were able to move more freely and were able to make a living as petty criminals, with Cerys becoming part of the dangerous swoop racing society. Towards the end of the year the siblings managed to luck their way into Yummobbu the Immovable's Elite Huttball Showcase, a variation of Huttball which featured a ball containing a Force-neutralizing ysalamiri. With the help of the Neti Oadzi, the siblings won the competition, and Cerys stole the ysalamiri used in the game to block out her own unwanted Force abilities.
At some point, Cerys raided a Sith genetics laboratory, liberating Specimen Nineteen and begrudgingly adopting him as her travel companion. Cerys and Gnost eventually saved up enough money to purchase a ship and spent several years ferrying illicit cargo for the Hutts. Thanks to the connections of their parents' lifelong friend Zhavi Waverunner, the siblings were provided with an offer of work from Mister Crimson, head of the Crimson Wave, a smuggling operation based on Scarif, and ultimately ended up transporting Lilac Sand on his behalf.
In time, the duo used their earnings to purchase the Eternal Sovereign, a pristine D5-Mantis Patrol Craft, from Mister Crimson's second-in-command, Samantha D'callo, allowing them to take riskier missions both for the Crimson Wave and whoever else could afford their services. In 60 ATC Cerys joined her on-off lover Oadzi, her sister Gretta and her partner Retem Vok, her estranged brother Kyris, Samantha D'callo, her husband Diyo Song and his recently revived ancient ancestor Bolynda in thwarting a plot orchestrated by Darth Despiro. Unfortunately, despite finding Despiro's deep space laboratory and preventing the creation of a lethal virus that could distinguish between Imperial and Republic born Humans, Despiro escaped capture thanks to the arrival of Darth Hamon and his allies, a rescue which ultimately led to the formation of the Sith Quadrumvirate.
Overwhelmed and left aboard a crumbling space station, it was only thanks to both Retem and Oadzi that the rest of the team survived long enough to escape, though their selfless acts of heroism came at the price of their own lives, a loss which Cerys took particularly hard. By 61 ATC, Cerys' crew had expanded to include Gerok Mohtima and Charlie Goodman, though by 66 ATC Cerys was working solo, with Gerok retiring and Gnost settling down with Charlie on Nar Shaddaa. That same year, Cerys teamed up with her brother Sethos Lambert to attack a hidden base on Lok belonging to the terrorist group known as the Unbowed Sisters. Using intelligence recovered on Lok, the duo called in the Advanced Strategic Operations Service to assist them in attacking the palace of the Hutt businessman Gaddim, a prominent member of the Congress of Bandomeer and the one funding the Unbowed Sisters. Although Gaddim was not present, Cerys helped free dozens of slaves, including Roe, Basim Mehkoss, Syo Makyrrian and Fizzit, all of whom opted to help Cerys in her fight.
Later, when Gaddim's suicide fighters attacked Shimka's Well, Cerys and her new crew were quick to arrive with medical supplies, though they were unable to prevent the destruction of Mesa Temple. In 68 ATC, Cerys once again teamed up with Sethos to pursue Darth Despiro to Elom, where the pair were able to overpower and – ultimately – kill the long-reigning Sith Lord, finally allowing Cerys to have her revenge.