The Central Galactic Republic was a government formed shortly after the fall of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances in 31 ABY, in the central regions of the galaxy. Being one of the many states that formed in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's collapse, it was one of the largest. However, it was also one of the most corrupt.
It's government was lead by a President and a Vice President, with the Central Parliament. The officials of the parliament were corrupt, along with those of the Central Galactic Military. They were nonetheless very powerful, especially compared to some of the other states formed after the fall of the Alliance. The majority of the Alliance military ended up joining the Central Galactic Military. The Republic's targets were usually the Democratic Republic of the Core and the Corellian Coalition. The Republic stretched from the Core Worlds into the Expansion Region, controlling a vast array of planets. The Central government had complete control, and there was heavy taxing.