Star Wars Fanon

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The fanon Jinn-Piett family, also recognized as the Jinn family for its most famous member, was a Force-Sensitive family.

The first two members of the family to be able to access the Force were Rathe Jinn and Marcus Piett.

Qui-Gon Jinn's family tree[]

Rathe Jinn† + Nicole (Sunryder) Jinn†        Jax Whiteshadow† + Nyra (Moonfell) Whiteshadow† 
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          Iskim Jinn†-----------+-----------Aldin (Whiteshadow) Jinn† 
                 Qui-Gon Jinn (LadyVader)†

Piett bloodline[]

  Cole Piett† + Treka (Morwin) Piett†  Jax Falli† + Rina (Moondance) Falli†
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  Marcus Piett†------+-------------Liana Falli† 
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     Akira Piett†  Ariona Piett  Apollo Jerec Piett†

Naren Arcturus† ----+----Akira Piett

Mirax Arcturus---+---------Daska Arcturus

           Marcus Piett-----+---Liana Falli
               Apollo Jerec Piett†---+-----------+-------------+---Ariona Krisken†
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                              Kaida Jinn  Ardin Piett   Irita Piett† 

Ardin Piett------+---------Imali Ransom

            Moira Piett

Gary Halliway-Piett------+--------Moira Piett


Marissa Piett------------+-----------Brynn Piett

Qui-Gon Jinn (LadyVader)†---+--Kaida Jinn†   Markel Beillane--+-Alcina Beillane
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            Firmus Piett (LadyVader)----------+----------Avaria Beillane Piett
                           Qui-Gon  Piett------+------Angel Mireya Piett


Behind the scenes[]

The idea for the fanon Jinn family came to the author, LadyVader, in a dream one night. She remembered that Firmus, always one of her two favorite Imperials, turned out to be Qui-Gon's son by blood in it and she thought it would make a good novel.

All items (11)
