You want want to talk to me about politics? Don't even get me started, it's just a bunch of senators sitting around making decisions about how to best send us to death.
—Casper Gunvor
Casper Gunvor was born on the planet of Alderaan, to the Belial family. The Belials had a reputation of being cut-throat nobles, with no sense of decency. However Casper did not find this out until later in his life, because his parents sheltered him from the outside world. They brought tutors around the galaxy to teach him, but he was never a bright boy and only succeed in things he liked, one of which was history. Being noble born he greatly valued honor, and blatant attacks to it would be dealt with swiftly. But once he found out of his family's true ways he took a new name and joined the Republic Military to amend his honor.
Most of his life was spent in the Republic Military, and most of his time in the military was spent doing small missions and patrols. He advanced at a normal speed and had been away from the battlefield for some time until he was called to help out a strike team. After that, Casper was then put in charge of a portion of the Coruscant Defense Fleet during a battle to end the blockade of the capital.
Early life[]
The Belial family huh, well if you really want to know the truth, they are a bunch of thieving-conniving nobles, who take advantage of everything no matter the circumstance. They would betray their own parents just to make a quick credit.
—A Bartender to Casper
Casper Gunvor (born Casper Belial) was born to a family of nobles on the planet of Alderaan. As a young boy he was a very cheerful lad, not caring about a thing, tottering around the palace with no idea of the world around him. Casper’s parents on the other hand were always worried about their status and about the amount of money in their pockets. To advance their status and their wealth they would do anything, backstab friends or even turn to pirates. And because of such acts they were known throughout all the social classes in Alderaan.
Growing up though Casper had no idea of his parent’s treacheries, for he lived a very sheltered life. He was home schooled by teachers picked by his parents and wherever he went outside the house he was accompanied by bodyguards. He was also was only allowed to play with boys and girls that were from the few families to the Belial family.
At the age of 22 the year he would have graduated from college, he was to take a tour around the galaxy as all young Alderaanian nobles did when they reached his age. He was to go on the trip with some of the friends he grew up with and would not have to be accompanied by bodyguards for the first time in his life.
The first stop on his journey was to be the galactic capital itself, Coruscant. Apon landing they were directed to one of the lower level platforms for they wanted to experience a real Coruscant nightlife. At nightfall they went to the club that one of the locals had told them was the one true bar in Coruscant, but in fact it was just cheap propaganda and the same as the rest. At the bar the deeds of his family had spread even this far, and instead of the night of his life he thought would happen he got a quite different version of it.
He saw the world with new eyes the next day he compared the quality of life between himself and these people and was appalled. Ending his trip short, he raced back home and demanded an explanation. Not able to give him one, he packed up and left. With so many thoughts racing through his head only one seemed clear to him… regain his honor. And the only way he could see that happening was to join the military and fight the Alsakan threat he had heard about only days earlier. Going down to the nearest sign-up office he enrolled in the army with a new name Casper Gunvor for his favorite ancient hero.
Rising Through the Ranks[]
Upon enlistment into the Republic Military, Casper was sent to the academy, instead of boot camp, as a last piece of unwelcome influence from his parents. At the academy Casper was at first treated to be above the rest by his teachers, but he quickly put a stop to this by making a public statement over the loudspeaker, when breaking into the headmaster's (general) office. He received normal disciplinary actions, but proved to his peers that he was just one of them.
After that incident he was able to become a normal student there receiving the necessary military and leadership training. He was accepted by his peers, and for the first time since his departure he felt a sense of belonging. Casper graduated after a year at the academy, at the middle of his class and was awarded with the rank of private, along with his first assignment.
The assignment was to be part of the bodyguard for the senator of Alderaan, not an experience he came away from with any feeling of satisfaction. The senator treated him poorly because of his family background, even though Casper insisted that he had started a new life. He begged HC for a transfer, but for five years was not able to get it. But upon the time he did receive a transfer he was promoted to the rank of corporal.
But unfortunately for Casper his transfer was to a remote planet on the outer rim to help deal with pirates. In his first year there he received a promotion, to help keep him there because he asked for a transfer off the rock once a month. But obliged to stay he helped lead patrols keeping a handful of systems out of the pirates' grasps. Whenever an encounter with pirates occurred, Casper had the occasional tendency to disobey orders. This was a reputation that carried with him for the rest of his career.
When he finally did receive his transfer he was assigned to a tour of duty on Corellia to help put down a small rebellion, but it turned out to be anything but small. The destruction of the enemy required the abandoning of two cities so that the rebellion could finally be exterminated. For his unwilling part in the campaign Casper was once again promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Not out of the fighting yet, he was put on duty to help quell some pirate raids and his streak of disobeying orders kept up and he was eventually court marshaled having a short jail time and then put back onto the field. Determined to redeem himself, Casper worked even harder than before and helped track down the pirate base and eventually destroy it. Do to his accomplishments during the fighting he was promoted to the rank of captain. Then after more service time, at the age of forty-one he was promoted to the rank of major, and was assigned to more patrol duties.
Saving Sergeant Katarr[]
Major if you care to remember it was HC who posted you to my squad, and we were told to look after you, we didn't ask for your help. You were tasked to ensure the chip was recovered. Personally, recovering the datachip is top priority. And recovery includes getting offworld with it in tact. If you want to explain to the Supremem Commander why you let someone else go after the datachip to save a few soldiers, be my guest.
—Lieutenant Brendon Hurley to Casper Gunvor
After being off the battlefield for some time Casper was assigned to a strike team, led by Lieutenant Hurley, set for a rescue mission on Tholatin. The situation at the planet was grim, and there were only scattered pockets of Republic soldiers left. Head Command had theories to what had happened there but the insurgents had disabled communication and that was the exact reason Casper was sent. The strike team's mission lay with the capturing off Sergeant Katarr, who had important information via datachip on how it had all happened. Casper was only to be an observer to the squad not being above or below anyone; he was just there to make sure the data was retrieved.
From the start of the mission, Casper could tell his presence was not wanted, and really he did not want to be there either. The debriefing he received before the mission proved to be significantly shorter than the one he received at HQ, which told him that these men were missing information. The thought ran through his head to inform them on some of the gray areas, but his gut instincts told him not to. As the ship neared the planet, it received transmissions from Lieutenant Mathias asking for assistance. Lieutenant Hurley denied this request saying it was more important that they follow orders and proceed as planned.
Apon reaching the surface, they were greeted by the sight of smoke coming from the command bunker. Once again Casper argued with Hurley to let him have some of the squad and save the command bunker. But Casper was reminded of his duty and grudgingly agreed to met the Lieutenant half-way and sent a transmission on what to do and two soldiers to help out.
They soon set out and were covered by two snipers on their journey to where Katarr's signal was coming from. Casper was ordered to stay at the back, but already seething with anger and keeping with his past track record, he deliberately ignored the man and kept to the front. The first group of resistance was met and dealt with swiftly, but as soon as Casper neared them for examination he discovered the fears of Head Command were valid and that the resistance was led by a majority of the Republic garrison.
They encountered little resistance from there after the only only other place along their path being a checkpoint, but these men were immediately dealt with by snipers. After reaching the top of the checkpoint the group realized that time was running out and they broke radio silence and stepped it up once they discovered Katarr was only a klick away. Storming into the junkyard where Katarr fell, they resumed their manner of secrecy and formed into an arrowhead with Casper being on point just to spite Hurley.
Seeing that they were getting nowhere, Casper broke formation and ran on top of a pile of junk to distract the insurgents. This provided an opportunity for the rest of the squad to flank the insurgents, and locate Katarr. With this move Casper expected himself to die within the minute, but came out virtually unscathed thanks to the reaction time of the rest of the squad. According to Casper, him and Hurley were then square and Casper was given command of half the squad for the next part of the mission. Coordinating their movements both parts of the squad converged on Katarr's position, thoroughly eliminating the rest of the enemy in the vicinity.
They recovered both the datachip and Katarr, who was surprisingly still alive, and hustled back to the ship finding no more resistance. And with thirty-seconds left to evacuation, Lieutenant Mathias showed up with an unbelievable story of his escape. The group then headed back to Coruscant for de-briefing.
Personality and traits[]
Casper was not used to taking orders as in his past life he only listened to himself. This carried on to his new career and now and then he had the tendency to disobey his superiors. Casper was also considered a very headstrong person and did whatever he feels when off duty.
Casper’s intelligence was average at best, but once again that was not from lack of trying, for he was a rather persistent fellow. When on the battlefield he was required to make quick choices and often did so with great efficiency. Though when making a battle plan it often took quite a long time for him to cook one up.
Even though noble born and bred, Casper was a horrible public speaker feeling nervous when having to speak to more than five people at once. This however did not take away from his leadership skills and that was one trait he prizes highly. Though one of the traits of being noble born that he carried was valuing honor highly and dealing with insults to his honor swiftly.
To his friends Casper was very loyal and was unlikely to leave any of his men behind or sacrifice them. He would go to extreme measures to protect or save on of his friends even if it might have meant death for him. Despite all this if someone made him angry, he would do whatever he could to spite them.
Since his self-imposed disowning from the Belial family, Casper has hated everything about them, and even at the mention of them he would be thrown into anger. He often had nightmares about them, since it was he who had finished their linage by changing his name, and after his father's death there was no one else left to carry on the Belial name.
Likes and dislikes[]
Casper felt at home in a bar with his friends, but lounging around was also fine with him. He was a man of simple needs, unsuited for the life that was set before him and all he really wants is something to drink and some friends to help him finish off the rest of the case.
Casper was born into the rich life, but it is that same life that he now despises. He often gags at the names of nobles who sit around and fight about politics or how to best send their boys to death. He was also starting to hate parts of the society that he had sworn to protect.
Strengths and weaknesses[]
Being a man of the military, Casper was at home with a blaster large or small and behind the controls of a star fighter. His skills with such things would lead him to be cocky at times and even disrespectful. Casper also was adept at making quick decisions on the battlefield and if anything went wrong while on his watch he will often kick himself for it later.
Casper was very headstrong and once an idea entered his head it would take a hammer to smash it out. He would also do anything for his friends, even going to the point of death to defend them. These traits would often leave him in trouble, but if he pulled through he normally thought it was worth it. Another weakness of Casper’s was that he was adamant in his hatred often letting it blind his normal reasoning.
Composition and appearance[]
Casper was a tall, lanky man, with almost no muscle to speak of. Though such things cannot be considered his fault for he went to the gym fairly often. His build made him out to be rather un-important, but his gait was equal to that of royalty, as he once was a noble.
His facial features also seemed to help him blend into the crowd. He had a crop of brown hair atop his head, which he tried to shape into one style or another. This effort often meet with success, but when it didn't he was normally seen wearing a hat. Below his hair he had two blue eyes placed squarely in his head and had a stubbled beard to top it all off.
When he was on duty Casper always wore the garb of Republic Major as that was the rank he held in the Republic military. When off duty Casper was seen wearing fairly simple clothes, such as a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Though whether he was on or off duty he always kept his blaster pistol in its holster on his right hip.
Behind the scenes[]
Casper Gunvor is a Major in the Republic Military who is currently being role-played by The Balance at TheStarWarsRP.Com for the Alsakan Crisis timeline. The character model for Casper Gunvor is John Sheppard played by Joe Flanigan from the TV show Stargate Atlantis.