Star Wars Fanon
Post-Legacy era

Carzi (/ˈkɑr.ziː/) was a female Iscali soldier in the Royal Army of the Golden Empire and, at one point, a member of Grek Squad aboard the Valkyrie. She was Grek Squad's sharpshooter and the recipient of numerous marksmanship awards and qualifications; her colleague Temzin nicknamed her "Carzi Can't-Miss".

Carzi took part in Grek Squad's capture of a water treatment plant during the Battle of Chimet in 155 ABY. She killed several enemy soldiers during the battle before being shot in her left shoulder. Despite the injury, she continued to fight, shooting her backup blaster pistol one-handed, until the plant's exterior yard had been secured. She was medevaced out along with Temzin, treated in a field hospital on Chimet, and made a full recovery. Carzi was awarded the Sacrifice Medal after the Battle of Chimet.

Carzi also participated in the Battle of Renthiv with Grek Squad. She left Grek Squad some time later. Upon achieving the rank of lance corporal, she applied to be and was selected as a regimental sniper. She attended the Army's Basic Sniper Course, completing it as her class's honor graduate. After her initial term of service was up, she elected to continue serving, but stayed in contact with her Grek Squad colleagues even as some returned to civilian life. Like the others, she kept an eye on Jinyx Windrunner's career, having been impressed by the Drakonus on Chimet. Carzi also began training to be an Assault Commando. She was promoted to corporal no later than 160 ABY.

In 160, Carzi attended the Jetpack Assault Course on Raptasson. There she reconnected with Jinyx, now a Royal Emissary and attending the school as an observer on behalf of Queen Rin Sakaros.
