Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Skyriver Universe
Destiny Universe

Carnor Jax was a Human male who served in the Emperor's Royal Guard before becoming the Sith apprentice of Lumiya



Carnor Jax was the product of a cloning program undertaken by the Empire to produce new warriors. His "father"—or prime clone—had been Kenix Jir, a Thyrsian Sun Guard in the service of Darth Sidious. When Jir failed to retrieve the holocron of King Adas, Sidious executed him for his failure. However, the Dark Lord kept a hold on a DNA sample of the Sun Guard and used it to create clones that would serve him in his Galactic Empire,[1][2] resulting in the creation of Carnor Jax.

Imperial service[]

As soon as he was fully grown, Jax was enlisted into the Stormtrooper Corps, serving as one of Agent Blackhole's elite, black-armored stormtroopers.[3] Standing out as the best of his squad, Jax was recommended for service as a Royal Guard and was taken to Yinchorr for training. Competing in the Squall with other trainees, Jax was one of only two in his class to be elevated to the rank of Royal Guard, the other being his fellow clone Kir Kanos.[4]

Jax was not among the Royal Guards brought by the Emperor to the second Death Star, remaining on Coruscant when the space station was destroyed over Endor after Palpatine had been killed by his apprentice Darth Vader. Jax continued to serve under Grand Vizier and acting Emperor Sate Pestage and his successor Director Ysanne Isard, all while harboring his own desire to take the throne for himself.[3]

Sith apprentice[]

At some point during Isard's rule, Jax and his detachment of Royal Guards were transferred to the command of the Dark Lady Lumiya at her request. Sensing Jax's Force potential, she took him on as her Sith apprentice.[3]

Early on in his apprenticeship, Jax and his new master tracked down the Prophets of the Dark Side to their hiding place on Bosthirda and slaughtered them.[1] He also became associated with the Emperor's Hand Sarcev Quest, who conspired with Jax to one day usurp control of the Empire. Using his influence on the Ruling Council, Quest provided Jax with an Imperial task force under the command of General Redd Wessel.[3]

At some point, Jax met with the Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor and informed Lumiya of the encounter, setting up a potential alliance between the two factions.[1]

When the Dark Empire arose, ruled by a supposedly reborn Palpatine, Lumiya was suspicious of the clone[5] and planted Jax within the ranks of the Imperial Sovereign Protectors, a position secured by Quest's influence.[3] As it turned out, the reborn Palpatine was in fact being controlled by the ancient Sith Lord Darth Vorath in order to reshape the Empire for his own purposes.[6] Upon learning this, Jax bribed the clone Emperor's physician Sigit Ranth into sabotaging the other clone bodies.[4] Jax's actions caused the Dark Empire to collapse, although it had already fulfilled it's intended goal in Vorath's eyes.

A crimson Empire[]

Taking advantage of the vacancy left by the clone Emperor's final demise, Jax took control of the Imperial remnants and declared himself Emperor.[4] Quest secured his rule by taking control of the Ruling Council and replacing its members with Jax's supporters.[3]

Ruling from a villa on Ord Cantrell, Jax focused on crushing the New Republic, using his influence to sway several Outer Rim worlds to his side.[7] Upon hearing word that his former comrade Kir Kanos was still active, Jax focused his attention on eliminating him, knowing that Kanos was one of the few people who could defeat him.[4]

Eventually, Jax clashed with Kanos at their own training grounds on Yinchorr. Despite his Force-sensitivity, Kanos' determination gave him the upper hand and he stabbed Jax in the chest, killing him.[4]


Jax's body was left behind in the Squall on Yinchorr[4] until it was recovered by Lumiya. Already aware of Darth Vorath's growing Sith army, Lumiya decided to join forces with the ancient Dark Lord and brought him Jax's body so that it could be used to create further clones of the Jir line.[5]

The next iteration of Carnor Jax was indoctrinated with his skills and memories, although he did not remember his stint as Emperor; this was a deliberate move on Lumiya and Vorath's part, not wanting Jax to become as ambitious as he had been in his previous life. Training on Dromund Kaas, he served in the Royal Guard of Espaa Valorum, sometimes acting as his body double.[5]

After Darth Vorath was vanquished in 26 ABY, Jax rejoined Lumiya as she set out to continue her original plans prior to her alliance with Vorath.[5]

Jax traveled with his master across Sith Space and beyond, visiting tombs on worlds such as Korriban, Rhen Var, and Dxun. Eventually their travels brought them to Sarafur, home to the tomb of a Killik Sith Lord, where they were attacked by the Glorian agent Shadow. Jax attacked the assassin but his skills proved to be inferior to that of Shadow's and he was summarily executed.[8]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
  2. Galaxy at War
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 "The Emperor's Pawns" - Star Wars Gamer 5
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Crimson Empire
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Fanon addition
  6. The Emperor's Wrath
  7. The Essential Atlas
  8. Change of Tide