Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

Life on Alderaan was paradise! Art, beauty, luxury! I had it all! I was the Grand Duke! I had all I ever wanted: a happy life! But the damn Empire annihilated all of it! The Empire destroyed my happiness!
—Carlisle Antilles to Bresa Antilles after learning of the Destruction of Alderaan.

Carlisle Antilles was a male Human royal Alderaanian born in 16 BBY on Alderaan. He was the loyal nephew of Queen Breha Antilles Organa and was usually seen with her. He became an Alderaanian artist in 3 BBY. He was off-planet on Delaya for an art exhibition when Alderaan was annihilated. He retreated to Naboo for the rest of his short, grieving life. He was crowned Honorary Representative of Naboo and became intensely involved with the Rebellion, wishing to avenge Alderaan. After marrying Heather Naberrie, Princess of Theed in 0 BBY, he died in 3 ABY after an Imperial Inquisitor tracked him down during a battle and killed him and his wife.


Early life[]

Carlisle Antilles was born 16 BBY in Aldera Royal Palace to Bresa Antilles, the youngest sister of Queen Breha Antilles Organa. He lived with his mother, aunt, uncle (Bail Organa), and cousins (Leia Organa Solo and Winter Celchu née Retrac). At the age of three, he was crowned Duke of Alderaan. He spent his childhood being constantly aware of the Galactic Civil War.


At thirteen years old, he became an artist along with being Duke. He enrolled into the University of Alderaan. He painted a portrait of Breha Antilles Organa, the most famous ever. In 0 BBY, he, sixteen and his mother, thirty-four, left Alderaan for an art exhibition in which his art was featured.

Battle of Delaya[]

At the Core Worlds Art Exhibition, Imperial Inquisitors attacked the capital, Delalii. An Inquisitor attacked him, but because of his training, Carlisle came out the victor. When a Star Destroyer above the capital was disabled, it fell upon half the city. He escaped Delalii aboard the Pure Star. He retreated to Antilla, a paradise city on Delaya.

Life completely changed[]

Carlisle, in 0 BBY, was looking forward to going back to Alderaan, after having been on Delaya for months, when he heard life-changing news: the Death Star destroyed Alderaan. He was heartbroken. He grieved his aunt's death and his homeworld's death as well. He retreated to Naboo.

Life on Naboo[]

After I heard of Alderaan's destruction, I thought I couldn't carry on. I lived, but I was miserable, unhappy...until I met you. I experienced love at first sight. You are my paradise. Heather...will you marry me?
—Carlisle proposing to Heather Naberrie.

Carlisle and his mother retreated to Naboo after the Destruction of Alderaan. Queen Kylantha and Senator Pooja Naberrie arranged for them to have a comfortable life in Theed Palace to overshadow their annihilated paradise life.

Ambassadorship, rebellion and marriage[]

He was crowned Honorary Representative of Naboo and became intensely involved with the Rebellion, hoping to avenge Alderaan. He lived a luxury life similar to, but not, his life on Alderaan. He eventually married Heather Naberrie, the Princess of Theed, in 0 ABY.


In 3 ABY, many Rebels were being housed on Naboo, cared for by Carlisle and Heather Antilles and his court. One day, Imperial Inquisitors broke into Theed Palace and attacked the Rebels. Carlisle and Heather were running to the Pure Star, when an Inquisitor attacked them. Carlisle dueled him bravely, but the Inquisitor stabbed Carlisle and blasted Heather.


Carlisle and Heather Antilles were commemorated for their efforts to the Rebellion and the arts. The New Republic opened the Carlisle Antilles Galactic Art Academy. It has won more awards than any other art school in the galaxy.


  • Scar of the Empire (First appearance)
  • Toll of the Empire
  • Betrayal of the Empire (Last appearance)
  • The Great Chance (Mentioned only)


See also[]

  • Bresa Antilles
  • Heather Antilles
  • Carlisle Antilles Galactic Art Academy