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Rise of the Empire era

Camili Boont was a Jedi Master who was trained by the venerable T'un. She herself took on several apprentices over the years, the last being a Wroonian named Shuna Resh. She died days before the Clone Wars began.


Discovered to be strong in the Force as an infant by a Belcrese Jedi Knight named Mutunoo Ve-Sond, she was sent to the Kamparas Jedi Training Center. At the age of eleven she became the apprentice of T'un. In 202 BBY she passed her trials and was knighted, but she briefly fell to the dark side on Ash in 200 BBY. After being redeemed, she exiled herself to Pirgan Lydanz for fifty years. At first when she returned to Republic space, she did not attempt to rejoin the Jedi Order. But in 139 BBY a Human Jedi named Sothkaan Ainin persuaded her to return.

In 128 BBY Cerean insurrectionist named Mundili Jakroth declared himself king of the galaxy and murdered several prominent citizens of the Core Worlds. Eluding law enforcement, he escaped to the Kibilini sector. Camili followed him but along the way, she learned that another Tiallan, Jlium Fode, had been impersonating her. She briefly detoured from her mission to look for the impostor on Omman Minor and succeeded in rescuing Fode from a slaver trying to sell her to a Sepori noble. However, Fode escaped into the city and Boont decided it was not worth her time to find her so she returned to her hunt for Jakroth, ultimately apprehending him on Ekelonth West.

In 41 BBY, she took on her a final apprentice, Shuna Resh. After seeing her reach knighthood in 29 BBY, Boont decided to retire from the order and devote herself to study on the Dradan homeworld. In 22 BBY she was assassinated by the Exactor.
